New Girl In Town - Bookstore Owner!Chris x Reader (Headcanon)

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-It had been two months since you moved into the small town of Sudbury

-You knew nothing about the area, or anyone else who lived here but it was a small price to pay for your dream job working at a small independent publishing company

-You had slowly began to make friends at your job but your days off were spent in solitude, exploring the small town you now called home

-One of your co-workers had suggested you check out this small cafe on one of the smaller side streets 

-Her directions weren't the best though so despite your best efforts you couldn't find it, not even google maps could help

-As you were about to make your way back onto the Main Street, you spotted a small bookstore that instantly captured your attention with its old school look

-A small bell chimed as you pushed the door open, and the feeling of warmth instantly hit you, the smell of books filling your nostrils 

-You had barely stepped inside and you felt more at home than you did in your apartment The wooden floorboards creaked as you slowly began exploring the quiet shop, your fingers gently brushing over the spines of the books

-You were pretty deep into the store when you found a dog who kinda looked like the Artful Dodger from Oliver and Company curled up on a dog bed

-The pup lifted its head, tail gently wagging as you bent down to stroke the top of its head

-"Hi is there anything I could help you find?" A deep voice says behind you.

-You quickly stand back up, turning around to face the man, smoothing out your clothes when you saw just how handsome this stranger was, wearing a cable knit sweater, a pile of books in his hands

-"Oh uh no I was just looking, is this your dog?" You ask.

-"Yeah his name's Dodger, found him on the doorstep a few years back and we've been hanging together ever since" the man smiles "I'm Chris by the way" he adds holding out his free hand.

-"Y/N" you smile shaking his hand.

-Chris repeats your name with a gentle smile "are you new around here? I've just never seen you before and I know I'd remember seeing you around if you weren't"

-You tried to stop the blush the crept up onto your cheeks, ducking your head to hide it instead "yeah moved in a couple months ago, i've just been exploring the town" 

-"Oh nice, have you checked out Mugs and Magic, best coffeehouse in town" Chris asks"No I was actually trying to find it when I found this place" you tell him.

-"It's a pretty easy place to miss, doesn't look like a coffeehouse at all" Chris chuckles "I can draw you a map" he offers nodding his head back towards the front desk

-"That would be amazing thank you" you smile following him over to the front desk

-He quickly grabbed a scrap piece of paper and drew you a simple map that showed the way from the bookstore to the coffeehouse "there you go, is there anything else I can help you with?" 

-"actually you don't happen to have a copy of The Mysterious Affair Of Styles do you? Don't worry if you don't I know its pretty rare, and I know I could just get it on my Kindle but..." you ask

"but its not as nice as reading a physical copy" Chris says with a smile at the same time as you

-"exactly, you don't get the book smell" you say with a bashful smile

-"well we don't have it but I'll keep my eyes out for it" Chris offers

-"That'll be amazing, i'll see you around, I'm sure you'll be seeing me in here a lot" you smile taking a step back, glancing around the shop

-"i look forward to it" Chris smiles are you walk back towards the door

-"see you around Chris" you smile as you step outside the chime of the bell signalling your exit

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