Sleepy Legs - Steve Rogers x Reader (Headcanon)

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Warnings: none

-You hated saying you were tired in front of Steve

-He saved the world and put his life on the line on a regular basis, you're 9-5 office job did not compare

-so no matter how tired you felt you would never admit it

-today had been a tough day though

-you had back to back meeting that had you wanting to pull your hair out

-but still when you got home and Steve asked how you were you said you were good

-Steve could tell you were pretty tired so slyly suggested that you got into comfy clothes ready to relax

-by the time you sat down next to him on the couch you were almost half asleep

-all it took was for Steve to wrap his arm around you, pull you into his side and for you to rest your head on his shoulder for you to fall fast asleep.

-you had no clue how long you had been asleep but the sun had completely set by the time you began to wake back up

-"Wha- sorry... didn't mean to fall asleep" you mumble as you run your hand over your face

-"Hey its okay you're clearly very tired, was it a tough day at work?" Steve asks running his fingers up and down your arm.

-"Yeah it was..." you start before shaking your head "it was nothing"

-"Hey now, im sure its nothing, c'mon talk to me" Steve presses gently

-"No Steve its fine, you don't want to hear about my job problems not when you deal with world ended emergencies" you sigh

-Steve frowns "just because you work a civilian job doesn't mean you're problems are any less important, is this why you always lie and say you aren't tired when you clearly are?"

-You give him a sheepish sigh "sorry"

-"Hey no apologising, just promise me from now on you'll talk to me" he tells you.

-"I will I promise, thank you Stevie" you smile softly, leaning up to kiss him.

-"Good, now let's get you to bed" Steve says standing up from the couch.

-"Sounds amazing... but I don't think i've got enough energy to get up from the couch" you say with a weak chuckle.

-Steve smiles warmly down at you "don't worry I'll carry you" he smiles before easily scooping you into his arms and carrying you to bed

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