Speak Now - Chris Evans x Reader

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Warnings: Bit of angst, fluff and a Bridezilla

I felt sick to the stomach. Legs feeling like they were about to give out at any moment. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, burning a hole straight through me. I wanted to curl up into a ball and die right there, I begged for the ground to swallow me up and send me straight down to hell where I belonged. For whatever reason, hell didn't agree with me. Probably laughing at my miserable predicament. So I did what any logical person would do. I ran.

24 hrs earlier.

"(Y/N)! Hurry up we're going to be late!" my friend yells.

I steady my breathing gripping onto the bathroom counter like my life depended on it. I look up at myself in the mirror and put on my best customer service smile before heading out.

"sorry was just fixing my hair" I lie grabbing my bag, my friend furrows her brows at me suspiciously.

"it looks fine now come on, bridezilla wants us there on the dot" she sighs shouldering her own bag and grabbing the key.

"god please don't remind me" I grumble trying not to pout like a 5 year old.

"hey at least you get to be a part of the wedding, she just wants me there to do free makeup" my friend scoffs rolling her eyes as we get in the car.

"only because I'm friends with Chris, trust me if she had her way I wouldn't even be invited" I explained looking out the window.

Me and Chris had known each other our entire lives, our mothers were best friends and naturally we became best friends. I'd been there for him before anyone knew who he was, I went to every stage show, even the one where he had just a 5 second cameo. He'd been there for me when my dad passed away when I was 10, supported me through the gruelling hard work of college, even offered to pay off my student debt when he landed his big first pay check.

He excelled in things I didn't, and vice versa. He was excellent with words and I was excellent at reading people. When he first introduced me to his bride to be, I could tell there was something not right about her, and I could tell she didn't like me. As their relationship blossomed, my friendship with Chris took a backseat. I saw him less and less, and he'd only call when he was on set, and she wasn't around. I was certain she was spilling stuff to the media, just so she'd get her picture taken with him. I never had proof though.

When Chris asked me what I thought about her, I smiled as if it was my job and said

"as long as you're happy, I'm happy".

Maybe I should have taken up acting too, I deserved an Oscar for putting up with her, and an Emmy for hiding my feelings towards Chris.

"earth to (Y/N)" my friend calls "stop acting like you're in a 00s music video" she smirks.

I couldn't help but smile slightly "god I hope the next couple days go quick" I sigh.


I was exhausted, Bridezilla had been on at me all day. I had barely even seen Chris all day. Maybe that was for the better though, it might make tomorrow easier.

I was just flopping onto the bed when I heard someone knocking at the door. Dear god it better not be her having another go at me for being taller than her. I open the door and I'm met with Chris smiling holding a box of pizza.

"I know there was barely any time for food today and how hangry you get" he smirks.

"you are the most amazing person on this planet" I say grabbing the box and letting him in.

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