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Hoseok was done today, his Seoul arsenal was robbed. And he can do nothing but, wait until Yoongi gathers some more info. He was swirling a sparkling glass of vodka trying to get his mind off of the recent mess.

Jung Hoseok had the kind of face that stopped people in their tracks. He must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. Of course, the blush that accompanied it was a dead give-away. It didn't help that he was so modest with it, it made the girls fall for him all the more. Not like he was complaining, it just increased his pride. He sighed, as he kept his glass on the table. Standing up he held his jacket in his arms.

He walked down the stairs of the VIP section, aiming for the exit, as he tried to not attract some bitches again because of his looks. But fate was not on his side. A girl shamelessly dropped herself on his chest. He was tall for her, even with her full height she could barely reach Hoseok's chin. She was breathing heavily, before he could intake any information about her clothes or face he hears a group of voices.

"Hey! Come on, stop running already? It's not like we are asking for free? We'll pay you nice and big." A voice said with a grey hoodie in his hands, the girl shrunk, hearing the voice, she quickly gets behind Hoseok hoping for some help. He just rolled his eyes. "step out of the way man, don't step in our business, you don't know who we are, another voice said." Hoseok scoffed, well they definitely didn't know who he was. He just steps out of their way, the poor girl shivers. Hoseok rolled his eyes and walked away. The last thing he wanted to do that time was to look for some trouble. Oh, but the almighty really be playing with his patience today.

"Come on honey, your savior turns out to be a chicken... Now stop making it hard for us will you?" The guy's friends laughed at his remark, unaware of the fact what was coming for them now. A flock of rude ass uncultured boys was no absolute match for a fully trained fighter. One of the Two guys stepped forward to grip the girl's wrist but was stopped by Hoseok entering the scene again. Standing in front of the girl. "Wanna repeat that? Pretty boy?" Hoseok asks as he loosens his tie. The guy smirks, shaking his head.

"Look here, get out of our way, and we spare you. How does that sound?" The guys smirk as they eye Hoseok. "Well, you asked for it." Hoseok remarks. Landing a hard punch on his face, the boy swoons. On the ground. Literally. But it only makes sense I mean, he does not party in the gym for 2 hours each day. "You wanna try that?" Hoseok smirks jerking his fist, after a stressful day, it felt nice to kick an ass. "I suggest you stay awake, someone needs to get him to the hospital, right?" Hoseok continues fixing his tie. He then turns around to look at the shivering figure, He could not make out the face clearly, for the flickering lights. He hears several mumbles. He rolls his eyes, but then curious of what the girl had to say, he drags her out with her wrists.

To his surprise, She was in sports innerwear. Yeah, just that and grey sweatpants. He looks at her weirdly, as she tries to cover most of her body from her palms, her cheeks flare pink and she looks here and there in embarrassment. On, the other hand Hoseok was... bewildered. He could not help but droll over her beautifully shaped collar bones and cute belly. She was a real meal, in his language. Suddenly she sneezes softly. Hoseok, shoots his head to her face and... again, is shocked. Her deep pearl blue Bambi eyes stare into his soul, they were widened in confusion, looking like deep oceans of innocence. His eyes eventually trail off to her cheeks, which flared red with all the male attention she was getting, her nose scrunched as if it has been her habit for years. He stared at her lips, they were...

She shakes her hands in front of him. He shakes himself out of his trance in then says. "W-What?" He stutters. Well, that's unique. "Wait. Are you a hybrid?" He asks as he stares at the black ears on her head, which twitched when they heard Hoseok mention them. She backs away, as she chews on her bottom lip in nervousness. Hoseok takes a step forward as he senses her fear.

"Hey, don't be scared, I won't hurt you." She just looked here and there to find some help as she felt like she was in danger. "H-Here." Hoseok passes his overcoat, "It has a cap extension, you can hide... Umm, those..." He said awkwardly, as he gestured her to wear it. This was... unusual, VERY unusual. The last time Hoseok checked he was never this kind, he would never give two shits about anyone. But today... this hybrid was... well-

He watched the shy and scared hybrid extends her hand to pick up the overcoat. She takes it and tries to wear it, after a few struggles. she finally was able to pull her hands through the sleeves. She then gently tucked her cat-like ears in the jacket. He checks her out from head to toe as he sees the coat to be only a few inches from the ground, she was so tiny. Suddenly Hoseok's phone rung, making the hybrid flinch. He quickly takes out the phone and sighs as he reads the collar ID. "You wait here okay? Stay here, right here. I'll be back." He said walking away. He picks up the call. "Hey, Hyung?" He asks 'Where the heck are you?!' He hears the ear-piercing voice, as he removes the phone from his ear, for the high-pitched voice hurt his earlobe. "The bar Hyung... I was at the bar." He says on the phone. 'Come back right now.' Jin says. "But-" Before he could complete he heard the other person hang up. He grunted in annoyance, then turned around to find the hybrid. But she was gone. He sighed. As he walked towards his car and drives to his mansion. 

IDK What am I typing, Vote for more I guess...?

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