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"Kidding, Kidding.." Kelly laughed shamelessly as the boys looked at her with their red mortified faces. 

"I'll help you out a little so that you are not exactly clueless..." She grinned before coughing and continuing.

"So... Heats come in waves, for the next week or so she won't be so... err sexual... 24/7, but it will be little intervals from time to time, and you never know when that hits or how high and aggressively it hits, keep an eye on her, always."

She then glanced at Yoongi. "So it seems she chose you as her... potential mate... this time?" All their eyes bored into Yoongi's skull as he shifted uncomfortably in his place and his ears burned red. 

They were jealous. 

And they thought it was rational to be, what was so special about him that none of them had. "How do you know that?" It was Jungkook who asked that. 

"Well for one..." Kelly started "You are seven dudes and to be honest, there are many other men in the mansion, but she went for him... Plus Namjoon told me she was nesting..." 

Namjoon looked at the floor, his eyes staring at nothingness with a blank face.

"What's that?" Jin raised an eyebrow. 

"Exactly what you think it is... She is creating a suitable environment for her offspring with her mate. Hybrids usually collect things that have scents similar to their potential mate during this period. In this case, Yoongi."   

"But," Namjoon interjected. "There were our clothes too..." He frowned. Kelly raised an eyebrow at him. "You know, mine, his, Jungkook, Tae, Jin..." 

"Oh?" Kelly trailed... "Well isn't that unusual?"

"But I guess it's not impossible, but this does make things a little more complicated, you all need to be aware. For the time being she's not the innocent lovely Soma you all might have thought she was. To be very honest her animal instincts have overpowered her human self and she doesn't know what she is doing."

"In Exotics, the Predator only surfaces when the body temperature rises too much. She will have a fever, restlessness, sweating, and to be honest, it will hurt like a bitch, and in her case, it should, because you know, it's her first heat. The best you can do for her is keep her body temperature cool."


 She scoffed and placed two books on the center table and quickly wrote something on the cover of the book before throwing the pen back in her bag. She then stood up. 

"Though you should have read these things before, better late than never. This has all you need and I have written the names of two suppressants if you change your mind... Use them."

A groan escaped her lips as she rose from the bed. Jimin quickly dropped the book rushing to her side. His hand automatically supports her back. Soma's face trailed over his face. He smelled intoxicating... The scent of fresh honey mixed with Cedar made her nose flare and her ears flap in delight.

"It's alright." He says placing pillows behind her back as he found her shifting her position to sit.

she hissed as her back slowly touched the pillows. Why did he smell so good all of a sudden? It's true he smelled the same before, but something was new, the scent was too strong.

"How are you feeling?" Soma softly looked at him and nodded as her lips pressed into a thin line trying to hold in the truth. "You suck at lying, baby" Jimin sighed. Soma's cheek flushed red as she looked away. 

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now