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"You cannot run from me..." Seokjin mumbled as he pulled her towards him. Soma struggled to get out of his grip as her tears run down her cheeks like a waterfall. "Please Honey... Come back... For Jungkook? Jimin?" His eyes watered. "Namjoon..." Soma tries to block his voice as she twists her wrist to get out of his hold.

"I love you, Soma!" Jin yelled, Soma, froze at his sudden confession. "I do... Please, Soma... Come home for me...." Jin mumbled. Upon noticing how sad his aura had turned, Soma looked at him. His eyes fell on the ground.

"I-I can't force you, I-It's your choice..." His hands fall loose on hers as a lone warm tear drops down of his brown orbs... The feline burst into tears as she jumps on him. All the lone, wait, love, she had saved for him was overflowing after seeing him in so long. 

Jin gasps when Soma Jumps on his taller frame. Her legs wrapped on his torso he smiled through his tears as he tightly hugged her back. Soma pulls away from his neck. She catches sight of his eyes and she smiled. 

Her eyes sparkled as she admired his face. It had been so long...

She showered his face with kisses. Everywhere. Not knowing another way of telling him how much she missed him and how greatly; She loved him...

Jin chokes a laugh through his tears as he felt a warm bubbly feeling arise in his chest and his stomach flipping. "I missed you too..." He smiled. "Will you come home with me... Please?" He mumbled, biting onto his lip out of nervousness.

Soma smiled, not getting enough of him. She connected her forehead with his as they stare deep into each other's eyes. She nuzzled her nose with his. "I-Is that a yes?" Jin mumbled... His face was red from all the affection he was receiving-

"Of course, it's a goddamn yes!" Yoongi yelled. A huge gummy smile played on his lips as he crossed his arms. Soma grinned loudly as she quickly rushes towards the black-haired male and hugged his torso. Her head resting on his chest...

She was truthfully obsessed with the comfort she felt with this guy. Her cheek affectionately rubbed on his chest as she smiled. She had been a fool! She had realized, that her happiness was with these seven men... 

And she was not going to deny it anymore...

'Why is it... so quiet...?' Soma signed making Yoongi sigh. "You tell me-" 

"S-Soma!" Jimin exiled. Soma looks over a very sloppy Jimin. He was dressed in dull clothes. His eyes were red and puffy. "Hyung~ I miss her so much, I am hallucinating her here!" Jimin whined. A sad pout graced his thick lips.

Jin laughed along with Soma. "Now I can hear her~!" He wined. Soma quickly rushed to his side pulling him into a hug. "Now I can feel her- Wait! Sh-She's here!" Jimin exclaimed, his hands slightly brushing Soma's back.

His eyes watered as he gripped tighter on her frame. "Please don't tell me this is a dream..." Jimin mumbled. "It is not." Jin smiled walking past the two kids. with a smile. 

"Tae! Look!" Jimin yelled, as he still hugged her frame... His hazel eyes watering. "What is- Soma!" Taehyung yelled as he ran down the stairs. Tripping over the carpet a few times only to collide in the two as they fall atop the poor feline. 

She meowed in discomfort as the two bulky men squeezed the Juice out of her. "Fucking asses," Yoongi mumbled pulling them up from the poor girls frame. 

"Okay everyone. Now that she's here. I don't think we need to be mad on food anymore. Soma honey, please get a shower, and bring Jungkook down. These idiots haven't eaten anything." Soma smiled and rushed upstairs. Feeling great to be in her comfortable room again.

The maknaes were pretty- well, they were... Cry babies and rather stubborn. But of different types. Jimin was someone who didn't care about anything, and would just break into tears and sobs. Taehyung tended to control his urge of crying, he would usually start to shiver and shake under heavy emotions. 

Jungkook on the other hand had a very bad and harmful habit. He would lock himself up and then cry, never showing his weak side to anyone. This would often lead to him going practically mad for a few days. All the stress that he would bottle up would usually came out when he trained like a maniac.

Soma smiled pulling out Jungkook's hoodie that she had seized on her first day in his closet. She quickly knocked on Jungkook's door with an eager smile. She had missed him. A lot.

She sighed at nothing and knocked again. After a few failed tries she decided to twist the knob, if she would be lucky it would open and if not, she'll just have to call Jin... 

With a soft creak the door opened. The strong smell of steel hit her nose. She remembered this scent oh so well. But, it was too strong. Great grieve mixed with a soft smell of rain. The room felt awfully empty... her eyes then fall over the bundle of blankets on the bed. After removing some of them, she caught a glimpse of Junkook's soft and calm features. Evident but light snores erupt from his chest.

She smiled cheekily and entered the blanket beside him, hugging his face to her chest. Jungkook was a deep sleeper somewhat like Yoongi. The movements were successful in making him stir in his sleep, yet not enough to wake him up. Soma softly nuzzled her nose into his deep brown hair smelling the shampoo that he must be using...

He smelt heavenly and calm. Soma was broken out of her trance when Jungkook hugged her waist. his head burying deep into her chest. Soma giggled softly before her legs wrap around his torso. She too gently held him to her chest as she played with his locks.

"Come on Jungle book-Oh..." Jin says loudly as he barged into the room. But smiled looking at the two. He had a doubt that the poor girl would ever be able to wake the doe-eyed monster. But looking at how soft the duo looked he just sighed. "5 more minutes." 

He sternly pointed towards the Hybrid who was staring at him with surprise. She gulped and nodded. 

Jungkook was having the best dream of his life Soma tugged near him holding him with love, her soft fingers playing with his hair. It felt perfect. He had often had such dreams; in the end, it was always just him and his pillow. This dream was very unusually realistic...

When he felt soft lips pressing on his puffy eyes his stomach dropped and a gulp ran down his throat. This... Was definitely not a dream... Did he have a... hook-up? In the house? No... Not possible. Jin Hyung never likes the shit... Then what-

"Hmm..." A soft hum made his eyes open as he finds a pair of bright blue orbs staring at him with fondness. His doe eyes grew bigger as tears roll down the side of his face. Soma's eyes sparkled as she softly wiped his tears. Her nose found his to nuzzle it.

Jungkook smiled. His lips landed on her chin as he mumbled between his tears. "I missed you so much...." The feline smiled. Burying his face in her neck she smiled, her fingers softly scratching his scalp softly...

She placed a soft peck on his head and smiled.

'I did too Jungkook'

Not good at fluff bitches. Bare my ass. Thank you. 

My exam went- SmOoTh LiKe BoTtAhHH~

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