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'He did!' Soma's body started trembling. They were going to make her leave! they were going to throw her out! 

She started struggling in Yoongi's grip as she wanted to catch up to Taehyung who had just stumbled his way out of the room. She had grown too much love for these men, she had come too far to let go. She screamed, struggling in Jungkook and Yoongi's hold. Jungkook shouted.

"S-Soma! What's wrong!" "What the hell?!" Yoongi yelled gripping harder on her shoulders. She had to stop Taehyung from telling this to anyone! Was she being selfish? Yes. Should Taehung really tell the others what he had probably seen? Yes. Were they going to be disgusted by her when they hear it? Yes.

Did she deserve to live here?


Warm fresh tears seeped down Soma's eyes as her body falls numb. She lets her head fall on Jungkook's chest as she wept. Forget Jungkook, even Yoongi couldn't figure what was going on. But what mattered was, Soma. They needed to make this crying stop.

Soma had agreed to her fate. If it was written in her stars to not live with them, then she would happily leave. This was the least she could do for them. She wrapped her arms around Jungkooks waist as she practically clung to him making him fall back on the bed. 

He had no idea what kind of an Olympic sport he was playing. But he sure was concerned about the hybrid. She sighed and sat straight with a smile. Her eyes still filled with tears. The boys were utterly confused. 

One moment the girl was having a nightmare, the next minute she was crying. Then she stopped, but then again she started screaming and crying. And then she suddenly starts smiling. It was all really fast and weird. But still, Yoongi smiled back at the hybrid.

At least she wasn't crying...

"You need to talk to her!" Taehyung yelled as he burst open the door of the library. Namjoon emerged from behind one of the shelves as he looked at the boy with his stern dragon eyes. "Are you dumb? Or did you just forget the rules?" 

"No. one enters the library until I-"

"You need to talk to her Namjoon. She knows a lot. And I think you should listen to her before sending your sniff dogs for some random shit!" He exclaimed. "You don't order me, boy-" "I am suggesting! not ordering you anything! I think you would like to listen to her." He said before turning around. 

"And... Hyung." He said stopping in his track. "I am asking you to just talk to her. I would really appreciate her walking out of your interrogation without any scratches." He continued before walking out, slamming the door behind him.

Namjoon's eyes turned red with anger. The audacity! That animal was ruining his pack! Taehyung had the nerve to shout at him! How dare he. She was changing the way things worked,

And he hated it. Namjoon harshly slammed his book on the shelf is heat and anger built inside him.

"What the fuck. Did you tell him?" Namjoon harshly spat as he watched the feline flinch from his voice as she hurriedly closed the stove. She turned towards him. "The more I try to get used to you. You start shitting with my pack!" He spoke through his gritted teeth.

"I won't ask you again. What the fuck did you tell Taehyung! What lies did you sew into his goddamn nerves!" He asks as he started taking steps towards her. For a second he forgot she couldn't speak. He had to show this varmint its place.

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now