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Walking down the expensive shops the hybrid was getting scared, she was not used to seeing the crowd, that too, this much. She had been clinging to Jungkook since the start. Holding onto his hoodie she looked here and there. Two guards were walking behind them from a distance, just in case. Jungkook had done all the shopping for her, and he kinda enjoyed it. But now was a challenging part, the undergarments...There was no way in hell Jungkook was going inside with all those ladies crowding the racks. He was not actually innocent too... but he just couldn't build the nerve to go inside and get what the hybrid needed. 

"Ah... You have to go inside yourself, bub... I can't-" The girl looked at him in anguish and stomped her feet, her tail was swaying in annoyance. and her ears standing straight on her head. Jungkook sighed. "I -I cannot go inside bubs, it's a l-ladies shop, why can't you just go and get your stuff, I'll be here, I promise..." He tried to convince. They had been quarreling for a few minutes now and people have been staring at the stomping hybrid as they walked by... Jungkook sighed when he saw tears shine in her eyes. "I-I guess you could use my boxers for some time, just don't tell Jin Hyung." The hybrid smiled as she jumped on him making him laugh and blush at the same time. The journey back home was quite easy. 

When they reached home Namjoon was standing outside he eyed as the hybrid walked with Jungkook. As soon as Soma noticed him she quickly hid behind Jungkook, gripping his hoodie from the back. "Oh, Namjoon Hyung-" 

"Someone is wasting all of our fortunes over someone who isn't even staying for a week," Namjoon enunciated. The hybrid's eyes widen as she tugs at Jungkook's hoodie making him turn around. He frowns as she signs something to him. Jungkook frowns. He turns to an unamused Namjoon. "She's asking if you are sending her back..." Jungkook looks over the hybrid softly as he cups her cheeks, before he could speak Namjoon said. "Yeah, you are going back." Namjoon scoffed as he walks in. Jungkook sighs. As Soma looks over to Jungkook questioningly. Her eyes brimmed with tears. "He was- I mean,- Not yet, look-" He stammered. She breathed heavily and jerked his hands away, running inside. 

Soon she found herself bumping into a wall just after a few seconds. Things become different when the wall hisses. She looks up to meet jet-black onyx eyes. Yoongi looked at her with his mouth slightly apart. As he sees her tears, a sudden wave of panic rushes through his bones. He still maintains his calm as he asks. "What happened? Jungle book did something didn't he? I should have taken you, forget it. What did he do-" Before he could compensate she burst into tears. His panic strikes a hundred times higher as she sobs uncontrollably, and runs away. "What the fuck-?!" 

"Oh, gosh! who is-" Jin shouts, he was just about to take off his blazer when he meets a crying Soma on the door, "Honey?! What happened?!" He shouts as he quickly throws away his blazer. She crashes herself to him as he scoops her up. She clung to his neck like a koala. "Oh dear god... What happened love? Did Jungkook do something?" The hybrid just sobbed louder as her tears wet Jin's shirt. "Jeon freaking Jungkook!" After a few minutes of consoling, the girl was finally asleep on Jin's bed as he brushed her hair with his hand. After making sure she was in a deep slumber Jin stands up fixes the sheets over her and flicks the lights off walking out of the room pulling his sleeves up. He reaches the living room to see Yoongi and Jungkook arguing. "What happened?" He asks, dead serious. "She was crying because of him-"

"Excuse me! I told you 'It was Namjoon Hyung!' NOT ME!" Jungkook shouts. "No one shouts in my house, Kid," Jin warns sternly. "Namjoon!" Jin screams. Jungkook scoffs. "I thought we couldn't shout?" He mumbled. "You didn't hear right kid. WE can't shout, HE can." Yoongi mumbled back. 

"What is the problem." Namjoon rolls his eyes entering the room with a novel, as usual. "What did you do to the poor girl?" "He told her we were going to give her away!" Jungkook shouts as he received a glare from Jin. "Thank You. JUNGKOOK." He then turns to Namjoon with a disappointed face. "Why would you say such a thing Joon?" Jin speaks "I don't lie Hyung." 

Namjoon rolls his eyes, as he walks away. Jin sighed. "So, did shopping go well?" He asked Jungkook who stood there nervously, nodded. "Uh, yeah. W-We bought a lot of stuff." He gestures to the bags kept on the couch. Jin hummed, soon the bags were delivered to the room next to Jin's which was earlier occupied by Jimin, Jin made the arrangements because the poor girl felt comfortable around him. 

"Honey~" Jin cooed as he slightly brushed the hybrid's hair from its face. The girl stirred while humming in annoyance. Jin chuckled when she covered herself from the duvet, he softly removed the blanket as he whispers, "Okay, I see how it is, I thought I would have given you some pets if you woke up..." The hybrid's ears rose as her nose twitched. "Well, I guess you are still asleep-" Before Jin could stand up from the bed, the girl sat up straight her eyes still puffy but her lips stretched to a beautiful grin. This is something Jin had learned from her in the past interactions. Soma loved pets, she was sensitive and had a habit of copying impressions. And maybe, she couldn't control her 'hybrid' self. The way she changed without any hints. He gave her a warm smile and ruffled her hair. She scooted closer and laid her head on his chest while rubbing her eyes. Jin softly slapped her hands away. "Don't do that~!" He scolded. 

She grinned again and this time scooted even closer. Soon her lightly chapped lips landed on his cheek. Jin's cheek flared while her eyes widen. She looked at him scared. She was not supposed to do this, everything was going nice, before putting her to sleep Jin even promised to never kick her out. She just had to ruin it. Jin looked at her surprised. The poor hybrid mixed Jin's positive expressions with anger. She whimpered, but those did not last so long. When Jin leaned closer, forwarding his cheek. 

"One more?" He smiled. The hybrid frowned, but slowly connected her lips with his cheek again, before pulling away. Jin smiled wider. "Again." This time he commanded. The hybrid again cluelessly pecked his cheek. But when she saw the heartwarming smile on Jin's face, she knew. He liked it. The beautiful smile returned to her lips as she jumped on his lap giving him a long kiss on his cheek making a 'Muah' sound before moving back. Jin smiled. She nuzzled her nose in his neck, subconsciously scenting him. Jin chuckled. "Okay, okay, my fluff ball let's get that little tummy of yours filled..." He said picking her up as she wraps her hands on his neck while her legs wrapped on his torso. While he supported her thigh. She smiled and buried her head into his neck. 

Jin felt happy.

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