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[Happy Valentine's day love. Anyways enjoy the chapter]

Soma looked up to see Namjoon sniffing. His nose and eyes tinted red. She hissed at his cuteness focussing back on the wound. "I-I am s-"

Soma glared at him making him gulp his words while looking away. She smirked internally. He's a goddamn puppy! She focused back on the burn and softly wrapped it. Taping it up. 'I have done all I could, It's still bad. You should see a doctor.'

Soma turned away closing the first aid box "Do you... forgive me..." A small voice whispered filled with hope. Soma turned around to face him. No doubt, she had already forgiven him. But when she saw that unintentional pout on Kim Namjoon's face. Was she ready to end this little cute drama? No.

She just shrugged and scurried out of the room. He was so cute...

Namjoon groaned. His eyes fell on his arms covered in a white bandage. He smiled. She was worried for me...

He looked like a truly lovesick puppy...

A tired Hoseok entered the living room. He sighed taking off his shoes. Bringing his hand up he loosened his tie. Dark eye bags under his eyes. He plopped on the couch as his fingers traced his temple.

Suddenly a bunch of warm fingers slide between his locks as Hoseok frowns. His hands trailed towards his hair, wanting to catch hold of the sneaky fingers. Just as he feels the soft palm intertwined with his. He snaps his head around to meet with a very beautiful female. His eyes gloss as he whispers. 

"S-Soma..." His hands gripping even tighter on hers. He quickly brings her fingers closer to his mouth pecking them. "I missed you so much, honey!" He exclaimed pulling her on top of him. Soma laughs as he buries his head in her neck. She chuckles. Just 24 hours and this is what effect her presence had on these fully grown humans? Incredible.

Soma laughs as Hoseok slowly pecks her ear. She giggled. Yeah, they started with small pecks and ended up with Hoseok spooning the poor girl on the floor. Jin was more than angry. 

"What the-! Wake up you trickass!" He said kicking Hoseok on the butt. "Ow!" Hoseok groans rubbing his buttcheek as he looks up to see a furious jin, spatula in one hand and the other resting on his hip. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung laughed in silence behind him. A done Yoongi staring at the drama with tired eyes.

"What in the hell Hyung!" He groaned. The hybrid stirs in her sleep as her lips curl into a pout. Jin's eyes soften as he throws another glare at Hoseok before softly speaking. "Hun, you should have slept in the bed... Your neck must hurt..." He says as Soma rubs her eyes.

"Aw, come on love, do you want to sleep more? Let's get you to bed..." Jin smiles as he throws his spatula at Jungkook, which he catches skillfully.

Jin slips his hands under Soma's knee and the other behind her back. Pulling her up from the carpet. "Gosh, Honey! Look at you, you have lost so much weight!" He exclaimed walking her up. Hoseok sighs. About to stand up-

"I dare you to move your ass an inch from that place, Jung!" Jin yelled from the stairs. Hoseok sighed plopping back down. As he rubbed his eyes. 

"What do you think is about to happen, kook?" Jimin smirked glancing at the older. "You goddamn dwarf-"

"No yelling in my fucking house!"

"Honey, you shouldn't have slept on the floor..." Jin sighed as he looked at the tired hybrid rubbing her neck. Soma pouted. "Sleep for some more time, when the breakfast will be ready I'll call you okay?" Jin smiled. The hybrid nodded as she pulled the covers up to her chest. Jin smiled before pecking her forehead.

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