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"Darling, You need to eat! Is this what you have been doing all along, while I was gone! I should have known!" Jin blabbered as he looked at the feline who was done in a few minutes. He was barely full, how could she be done already!

"Yeah Hyung! Teach her a lesson." Jimin smirked as he placed the meat in his mouth while Soma looked at him with surprise and anger.

'Where's Namjoon?' She signed. Yoongi scoffed. "Seriously? Why?" He huffed. Soma sighed as she hopped off the kitchen island, and closer to the bulky male. It was evening already, she had seen neither Hoseok nor Namjoon...

Her hands snake around his biceps as she softly placed her head on the base of his shoulders. That was the highest she could reach. Yoongi drank coffee from the mug in his other hands. Soma could feel his emotions lighten. Looking at Suga no one would say he was so comfortable with skinship. but he had gotten used to it, and even had grown a liking to be near the feline.

"Nobody will tell you bub, but that slap mark is still evident over there. And it makes us all loathe him more and more-" Soma sighed pulling away 'Oppa, you hit him too. Even tho you shouldn't have. But you did. And as for the slap mark, it's not a big deal. You know about me right. It was nothing compared to-'

"Can you not. If it has already happened earlier, does not mean I'll let anything happen on my watch." He spats, gulping the coffee. 'He is your brother... I don't like it when you hit him.' She signed while looking down. "He deserved it." He mumbled in anger. Soma sighed. 'Even if he did, he is your brother, what was so wrong with what he did? I too deserved it. I ruined his work-'

"Don't tell me you liked it when he called you a-" He sighed. "He deserved it, Soma. That's final."She frowned in frustration 'Why? I am a mere hybrid. He is your brother. You will find many like me out there but Namjoon... He is your brother. He has done nothing wrong. If you had ruined my work, I would have also...'

"Slapped me?" He said. 'No... But I too would be angry.' Yoongi scoffed "He slapped a girl." He said. Placing the empty cup on the kitchen island "Moreover. He slapped you. And you; are mine."

He said before walking away.

Soma sighed. They were all angry, no one was going to tell her about him. She sighed picking up the mug deciding on washing it "Oh, Oh, Oh. Miss, please let me do it." A maid spoke, as she rushed into the kitchen placing a tray on the island, as she took away the cup from her. Soma who was about to wash it looks at her questionably. The maid gently smiled.

"I am sorry miss, but Mrs. Anne told us to not let you work in the kitchen anymore..." She spoke politely. Soma frowned deeper. "It's because Mr. Kim does not like it when you work, we might get in trouble... Please?" She said. Soma sighed and nodded. Her eyes then fall on the tray the maid kept on the island. It was a black cup, a golden dragon spirit painted on it. That cup was Namjoon's. And... it had untouched coffee in it?

"I don't know what is wrong with young Mr. Kim, he loved coffee, but now he won't even touch it, and would even be mad at it. I think it's the new coffee powder. I don't think he likes it." She softly giggled. Washing the cup. Soma frowned. Her eyes sparkled in realization... It was not the coffee powder!

"Miss, please...!" The maid hushed as she looked here and there so no one watching Soma as she brewed the coffee. The poor maid was scared, if they get caught she might lose her job.

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