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[Valentine Special]

"Soma! Are you done yet?!" Jin yelled loudly as he fixed his watch. Hoseok scoffed. "Never have I ever been so annoyed about working on a Sunday." He spats fixing his coat. Suddenly his phone rang. Hoseok sighed picking it up as a high-pitched voice squeaked. "S-Sir, Mr. Eun is here!" He whisper yelled. "I know Soobin. I am on my way-"

Just as Hoseok was about to say something the room rang with the noise of new sneakers squeaking, his eyes catch hold of a figure on the stairs his eyes tear open and his jaw hits the ground. He never knew Jin had such a goddamn great taste... 

A beautiful beige floral knee-length dress hugged Soma's waist like a dream. The balloon sleeves covering her milky white arms as a slightly boat-shaped neck proudly showed off her collarbone. Her hair was tied in a loose braid that ended below her hip. A few stray strands fell on her face as she shyly smiled at Jin, who had his face curled not too differently from Hoseok's-

"Sir? Sir?!" "Can you stop?" Hoseok mumbled his mouth falling dry. "I-I am sorry sir-" "Shut the fuck up." Hoseok gritted his teeth as his grip tightens on the phone when the feline jumps on Jin like a koala. A beautiful smile graced Jin's lips as he welcomes her with a sweet smile and open arms. 'Asshole.' Jin glances at Hoseok with a slight smirk as Soma shoves her nose in his neck. He felt proud, he was way closer to her...

"Come, honey, we'll leave." Jin smiled. Soma quickly pulls away. She looks behind her to see Hoseok standing there. His lips slightly curve into a smile as his anger fades away. Soma grins walking closer to him as she signs. 'Work?' He sighed and nodded. "Yeah, 'bout to leave..." He spoke gently.

'Where's my kiss?' She signed walking closer to him. Hoseoks' eyes sparkle in realization as she stands in front of him with a fat pout. "I-I forgot." Jin mindlessly looks over at the duo as his hands made their way in his pockets with a scowl forming on his forehead.

His fists ball as Hoseok stamps his lips on her forehead. His eyes catch Jin's as they sparkle with victory. Jin's jaw clenches as he glares. 'Bastard.'

"Bye sweetheart." Hoseok smiled before settling into the limo as she guards check the surroundings before it drove off. Jin scoffed at the smiling face of the feline.

"Come on," Jin mumbled. He wore a black shirt and checked grey pants. He always wore suits, he was rarely spotted in his casuals. His dark hair was perfectly gelled. His crooked fingers wrap around her wrist as he speed-walked towards the garage. Soma's eyes tore open as she looked over the collection of cars this man had!

From, SUVs to Limos; Lamborghinis to Range rovers; Bughatis to Mercedes'. He had everything. A few guards bow at him as he nods. "Whatever you like." Jin smiled looking at her amazement. Her eyes sparkled as her thin fingers softly move forwards to touch the bonnet of the shiny black Bugatti. She stops them midway and curves her fingers back scared she might ruin the expensive car. 

Before Soma could fist her hands in nervousness. Jin slides his fingers in hers as she looks up to meet his mature and calm glance. His thumb runs over her knuckles as he softly whispers. "Do you want me to choose?" Soma sighed and nodded with her red cheeks. Jin smiled as he pulled her head closer and places a soft kiss on her hair. 

"James! Bring out the black Lambo." A buffed gourd bows before Jin grabs her other hand pulling her closer. "There's nothing to get nervous about in here honey. I own them all. And you do too for, You belong with me, love. You are mine..."

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