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Soma was currently in front of a huge door. When she visited Jin, he seemed busy, as much she wanted to be with him, she couldn't. Jin said, that she should have a look at the library, probably, she might like it. When Soma opened the door, a very familiar scent hit her nose. Paper and wine... That was definitely Namjoon, her muscles tensed. For once she thought about retreating, but then she finally closed the door behind her and walked towards the shelves. The room was huge. When Jin said. 'A small reading room' She did not, think of a whole goddamn library! 

The room stank with Namjoon's scent. He just spent a lot of time in here. A huge breath escaped her lips at the sight of huge shelves. She jumped in happiness. She had spent half of her life reading the same Romeo and Juliet. They would never allow her to get new books. Nor did any of her masters let her read. She walked towards a shelf while skipping. Her eyes trailed on the backs of every book. That is when she felt a light breeze brush her face. She frowned. 'Where was this wind coming inside a closed room?' She thought as she walked towards the source... 

She reached a huge glass door, open wide. The view through the doors was breathtaking, the pond. It looked beautiful. The deep forest was attracting her to the limit she couldn't smell the strong wine aroma, engulfing her bit by bit."Why are you here?" A deep voice spoke. Soma's fists clenched, in surprise. She slowly turns around, to see Namjoon, He wore a sweater and jumper. Soma gulped. 'Jin Oppa told me to visit the library.' She signed. Namjoon scoffs. That 'Jin oppa' pissed him off. 

"Well, this is not Jin's library. This room belongs to me." He harshly spoke. Soma gulps, as she looked down. "You read?" He asks. Soma softly nodded. "Every piece of paper in this library is in my possession. If I see any book misplaced or lying anywhere in the mansion, you... are done for." He hissed at her, Soma softly nodded. 'So, that means I can read, your books?' Namjoon rolls his eyes. "I don't like noise, this room is to be silent." He turned around. A small squeal reached his ears. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the hybrid jumping in excitement. He himself fought back a smile. Soma smiled cheekily, her tail swaying excitedly as she leaned on the railing, smelling the forest, it was beautiful.

'In a search of lost time...' Soma traced the name of the book as she looked over the writer's name. 'Marsal prast?' 'M-Marsele proost' She huffed at the name. It was so difficult. She glanced over to Namjoon who sat on a long sofa. His legs spread comfortably on the cushions. She had to say, the interior of the room was beautiful. Each article in the room pulled off the spirit of the room perfectly. She bit on her lip softly. Looking at the book she tried again. Nope. This writer was... 

Why the hell do they have to have such weird names. She stomped her feet out of habit. Namjoon looked over his glasses catching a glimpse of Soma's flustered face, his lips tugging upward, unnoticeable to anyone, But he was smiling. She finally huffed and softly walked towards Namjoon, who was focused on his novel, looked over to the hybrid with an annoyed face. "What?" He harshly spats. 'I don't get a word...' She signed. "And?" Namjoon spoke, trying to act like he was so not interested in her. 'Please...' The hybrid signs shyly a little scared. "What do you want? I don't have time!" Namjoon spoke, raising his voice out of habit. 'Nothing...' Soma signed, quickly turning on her heel, he swore he saw tears brimming in her eyes. 

"Ah- In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust!" Namjoon blurted out. The hybrid stops in her path and looks at the novel in her hands. He had caught a glimpse of the cover of the novel. She smiled, reading the names in her mind. 'Marcel Proust, yeah that's it...' She turns around with a smile, to see Namjoon sitting straight up. He coughs, and his face turns cold again. "It is a good book. Y-You should read it. But don't misplace it. It is one of my favorites." Namjoon said looking away. He then storms out of the library, before placing his novel on the tea table beside the couch he laid on. The hybrid squeals loudly as she clutches the book to her chest. That was the best thing he had ever said to her. She looked over the couch, she shyly sits on the spot where he had been laying for the last 30 minutes. The spot was unbelievably comfortable, and the fact that it was covered in Namjoon's scent just made it a thousand times better. She rubbed her nose on one of the cushions as it instantly calms her nerves.

"We don't deal with beings Sehun." Hoseok sternly spoke with the hologram in front of him. "Come on Jung, it is just as your weapons business-" 

"That deals with lives?" Yoongi scoffed. Sehun bitterly smiled. "Lives of animals." Sehun corrected. "Yoongi, you know I need your help. That hybrid is exotic, it's a panther! A normal animal panther is already so rare. Think of it? It was a special order from an important client. It was created in my lab." Yoongi huffed, he leaned on Hoseok's desk. "Don't you have hackers too? What is up with Mark? I heard he is great?" Yoongi spoke, crossing his arms. He looked at the hologram dead in the eye. "He is great indeed, but you are the best. And you know it." Sehun sighed. "He has been trying. For the last 6 months." Yoongi looked at him with a frown. "Six months?" Sehun hummed. "Sehun, once again. We do not deal with lives." Hoseok spoke.

"of animals-"

"HALF animals. They are still half-humans. And even if they are animals, they still breathe, now don't they?" Hoseok stated. "This once Hoseok, please..." Hoseok sighed.

"I heard about one of your arsenals... J-Hope" Hoseoks fist clenched. 'This asshole!' Hoeseok poked his cheek with his tongue in anger and glared at him. "And?" Sehun gave a sinster smile. " I heard you had some pretty important arms in there..." Hoseok's anger increased. "What about it, Sehun?" Hoseok clenched his jaw. "

"I can help you restore them, I just want a small piece of information from your hacker..." The offer was tempting. The Seoul Arsenal really was a big deal for the gang. And it would definitely help the boys out-

"Okay," Yoongi spoke cutting Hoseok

"Great. Yoongi, please. Can you please do it a little fast, the delivery is this month." Yoongi nodded with a sigh. "Thank you guys, I knew I could count on you." He smiled. And the hologram disappeared. 

This is my 500 special chapter ladies. Of course, Kim Namjoon is always special. So, What do you think? (IK Nobody is going to answer this, but yeah.)

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