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"Mr. Kim..." Felix bowed, Jin ripped his stare off his screen and turned towards the blonde. "Sehun... Is planning an attack." Jin tilts his head as a sigh escapes his lips. His fingers come up to rub his temple. "When...?"

"Midnight. Most probably." Jin's eyes shot open as his eyes tear open in horror. "What?!" He spats as he jerked himself up. His hands run through his hazel hair as sweat builds upon his forehead. 

Not like Sehun scared him, but the thought of him getting his hands over Soma was nerve-wracking. He couldn't let anything happen to her.-

"Hyung, The Willingstons have landed. We'll meet them at dinner." Hoseok who was unaware of everything walks into the room casually, his eyes squinting as he watched the tense expressions of Jin. "Sehun is after her," Jin explains.

"Soma?" Jin hummed in annoyance as he rubbed his forehead. "The mansion would be most probably under attack tonight." He said with a scoff. Rage clouding his eyes. "Hyung, you cannot leave... The deal requires us all-"

"Send Yoongi and Jungkook back. Now." He spoke suddenly. "Yes sir." Felix bowed before turning around. "The mansion and the girl, both are mine, Felix." He said. "Make sure, it stays like that."

"WHY WERE YOU NOT PICKING UP THE PHONE GODDAMNIT!" An overly raged Hoseok screamed on the line as Taheyung flinched while rubbing his hair with the towel. "I was... In the forest, Hyung..." 

He spoke gently. "Where is Soma!?" He yelled through the line, Taehyung huffed. "What the fuck is even happening Hyung?! The guards just said Kook and Yoongi hyung are coming back-" 

"Sehun is coming, for Soma..." Taehyung looks at his phone that lay on his bed with a frown, his grip tightening on his towel. "When?" He asked, his voice stern. "Tonight. The bastard has chosen a perfect time, Jin Hyung, Namjoon, and I can't move from this place. Motherfucker."

"Young Mr. Kim; Mr. Min and Mr. Jeon are here." A buff voice spoke after knocking. "Will text you Hyung." Taehyung spoke sliding t-shirt on. "Kay..." Hoseok spoke before declining the call...

Taehyung walked down the stairs. The mansion was chaos. Guards here and there had huge weapons in their hands as they defended the mansion with their life. Taehyung felt relief when he finds Jungkook and Yoongi talking to Felix near the couch. 

His eyes catch Jungkooks, his usual bunny smile was wiped off. The usual sparkling eyes were stone, the warmth long gone. The situation was way worse than he had thought...

"Jungkook, you will stay with Soma. I don't want her to see any bloodshed." Yoongi spoke. his eyes still trailing on the blueprint of the mansion as he tried to find a foolproof strategy. "Soma's room comes in the back half of the mansion. on the first floor..." He mumbled as the red marker traced a circle around the room Soma slept in...

"Our main goal should be to do the dirty work on the front half." He said circling the front of the mansion. "According to all that I know, Sehun thinks we have all left for the meeting."

"Half knowledge can be more dangerous than none at all... Concentrate 75% of the security in the front." He said marking the face of the mansion. "Set up motion sensors on every window and door." Felix looked at Yoongi with a nod. "Yes sir, I'll set everything up." He said before walking off. "I don't want even one of those bastards to make it out. alive."

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at their hyung with fascination. Yoongi was someone who NEVER did the dirty work, he wasn't much of a fan of bloodshed. Which was probably the reason he passed on being an assassin, everyone knew, his axes moved like lightning, and he could take out anyone in the blink of an eye. Not to mention his aim, the guy could be the definition of destruction with a gun...

Jugnkook sighed looking at the curled-up hybrid. Soma snuggled her nose into the pillow, unaware of everything and anything. He sighed, his hand from time to time reaching out for his back in search of his firearm, hoping he could access It immediately in a case of emergency. This female half-human laying in front of him was his first priority at any cost.

The mansion was packed. Guards everywhere, motion sensors set up on every step. Yoongi's sharp eyes snaked at every camera in the mansion as they rolled over the huge screens. The coffee he had ordered 15 minutes ago was probably turning cold, but he cared less. He didn't want to be the reason for Soma's abduction at any cost. 

Taehyung paced back and forth in the living room, his body packed with weapons- guns, pocket knives, you name it. A black bandana on his head as he cracked his neck time to time. Ready to take out anyone who dared to penetrate the walls of his mansion.

Jin's fingers run through his hair as the cool water from the showerhead helped his burning train of thoughts calm down. He has never been this skittish over anything! 99.9% He was sure. Those assholes won't be able to pluck a strand of her hair with his brothers guarding her. But that 0.1% still made him shudder.

The unofficial salutations with the European clients didn't go so bad, in fact, the Willingstons were more than happy to tighten their bond with the most powerful Asian mob. Then why exactly could Hoseok not sleep? A sparkling glass of expensive vodka shined under the moonlight as he stared at it blankly, thousands of thoughts running on his head without a break. 

Saying Namjoon was restless, was an understatement. The way he puffed the expensive black cigar with the displeasing frown on his forehead clearly showed how ready he was to throw hands on someone. he stared outside of the huge glass wall trying to take his mind off the beautiful creature. But he couldn't. Finally, he clicked his tongue at how helpless he seemed.

The dirty blond threw away the pocket knives in frustration as they hit the wall. His body lathered in sweat as the white cotton nightwear clung to his sinched waist drenched in sweat. His pale fingers run through his hair as he grits his teeth. The only thing that came to his vision, was the Chinese vase. His anger got the best of him as he slammed the beautiful creation on the wall, shattering it into pieces. Why exactly was he not allowed to go to the mansion?!-

"Pretty sneaky, aren't we?" Felix mumbled as his palm harshly grabbed the dark-haired man's mouth. His knees pinned the man to the floor. With one good jerk from his hands, the male's neck snaps and he lies lifelessly with one last groan. Felix dusted his hand as he stands up.

"They are here..." Yoongi's eyes snap at the small walkie-talkie as Felix's voice rung through it. The hair on the back of Jungkooks neck raises in alert as he walks towards the glass window, securely locking it before using the yellow curtains to disable any access to vision.

"Make it less noisy boys..." Yoongi gave a warning before his eyes snap at the small movements in the garden, near the pool. "On your left Tae. They are coming from the pool." Taehyungs eyes snap at his left. A smirk graces his lips as his head tilts to its side in amusement when he sees hesitant dark figures emerge from the bushes.

"It's been long..."


Did my angels miss me? (No shit, 20 days of exams turned me into a cringe bitch.)

Uh, sorry if u didn't like the chapter!

I'll try to be more regular now



We have crossed more than 5K likes and are about to crash 90K views, Y'all don't know how happy I am when I read all the comments. I am proud to say that there ain't a single comment I haven't read. So yeah. You all are loved and appreciated.

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