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"No, for the next 10 days, Joy..." He groaned dropping the noodles into the pot of boiling water. A voice rang into his ears through the AirPods. "Oh, Okay Boss." 

"So everything is set?" He asked again tucking a finger into his tie loosening it. Even tho Jin loved formal, even he couldn't deny how irritating formal ties could be. 

"Yes sir, you have 7 meetings in the coming days, 2 of them being taken care of by Young Mr. Kim, and the rest you'll refer from the mansion." Jin hummed. "Oh, the one with the South Asian weapons."

"Yes Sir it's 3 days from now, I kept that one for you." Jin grinned, "You know me well. I don't want any interference in that deal, I want those weapons." 

"And did you talk to... Hoseok's assistant?" 

"I did sir but there was nothing that needs attention." Jin frowned leaning on the counter and picking up his cup of coffee.

"He had a lot of work due... How coul- Oh don't tell me." He groaned realizing his stubborn brother must've been working from home all these days. "These guys won't fucking listen to me once." Jin scoffed. 

Joy snickered softly at the vulgar choice of words at her boss's side. 

"Anyways, thank you, Joy, I'll call you tomorrow, sorry to keep you for so lo-" His words fall back to the pit of his stomach as he feels a pair of slender hands traveling around his waist. When the two sneaky limbs clasp in front of his abdomen he recognizes the small palms and slender frame.

A beautiful smile graced his face as he gently unlocked the arms turning around before placing the cup of coffee on the counter, yearning to taste the beauty of her face through his tired eyes. 

"It's nothing sir, do you need anything else for tomorrow?" Joy answered respectfully.

Soma grinned at him before her hands travel up to his neck, she raised her toes to reach his broad shoulders and clung to him. Jin grins as his hands automatically wrap around her waist. 

"No, that's it." He speaks as he pulled her closer to him. "Okay Sir, I'll be going off now."

"Bye," Jin finally ends the call.

'Busy?' Jin smiled nodding. "Yes, with you." he winks as Soma's face flushes pink and she looks away, Jin cringes at his own words before grinning like an idiot at her embarrassed face. "Why are you up this late?" 

Soma shrugs. 'Went to check on Hobi and heard you on my way back.' Jin frowns. 

"Where's Jungkook? He was supposed to be with you tonight..." Soma laughs at the mention of the man.

'Fast asleep.' 

Jin groaned. Slamming her body to his chest, he places his chin on her left shoulder as one of his hands softly brushes against her hair. Her scent engulfs him as he sighs. 

Soma pulls away mouthing, 'Tired?' Jin nodded. "Can't wait to spend the next few days at home though, not gonna lie."

Soma smiled, he worked very hard, and he deserved his fair share of breaks here and there...

"Stay with me like this for a while?" Soma nodded falling back into his embrace.

For a while.

Well, the while turned into a small cuddle session on the couch and then a small movie night with Ramyeon and popcorn.

Goblin was an evergreen Drama, it never got old. Jin enjoyed it just as much as he enjoyed it while watching it for the first time. 

He didn't know if it was an Asian thing. But he sat on the floor; he always preferred it, his back leaning on the couch between Soma's legs as he leaned on her right thigh. Her fingers gently scratched his scalp from time to time. 

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now