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"Honey, take a nap." Jin eyes Soma as she yawned sitting with the maknaes watching god knows what on the television. "Even Tae is out like light." He sighed watching the man snore at the top of his lungs, eyes half open.

Soma smiled gently looking at the man asleep with his head on her lap, she softly brushed his electric blue locks, god knows how he made that color look good. She could never.

'He was probably up all night looking after me. Let him be...' She signed. Jin nodded, "You should sleep a little too." Jimin nodded, "He's right, I'll take you upstairs, come." Soma rolled her eyes playfully, 'I can climb the stairs by myself you know?' Jimin shrugged standing up. "I'll be beside you. In case you fall..."

He softly raised Taehyung's head and gestured for Soma to scoot away from him. "I'll always be there." Soma's eyes raised to meet his as he smiled, his eyes vanishing, taking the shape of crescent moons in the night sky. Soma gently scoots away as Jimin slips a cushion under Taehyung's head. 

Soma smiled watching Taehyung sleep peacefully, she leaned down pecking his hair once before standing up. She grinned at Jungkook one last time as he barely smiled back at her. Jin sighed walking away to his office. "Sleep well kids..."

Watching Soma walk upstairs Jungkook softly fluttered his eyes remembering the day she walked down the same stair all excited for their little date. Their date. Their kiss... 

Soma had forgotten it all, but no matter what, the image of the breathless, sweaty, messy, and trembling she, couldn't fade away from Jungkook's eyes. How pretty she looked... 

Oh, the things he would give away just to have that moment back and kiss her a little longer than he had previously, just so she didn't see what she did, and she remembered what she couldn't.

Watching Soma's small hands move at the speed of light to convey words was Jimin's favorite thing to do. It was ironic really. To anyone who didn't know Soma, she never spoke a word, but ask his eyes, she never stops talking, and he enjoyed every moment. Learning sign language paid off big time. 

"Be careful." Jimin grinned holding her arm with a small smile as she almost tripped. "I told you, I'll be there." 

"As long as I am breathing, you'll never fall, you have my word." He spoke ever so softly before picking her up. His left arm was under her knee and the right one was on her back she gasped before clutching onto his shoulders. 

From there the distance to her room felt smaller than it had ever been, maybe it was because she had been staring at JImin's angelic features. "There we are." He announced, carefully settling her on the fluffy bed. 

He then moves towards the light switches flicking them on. Soma falls back on the mattress with a loud groan making Jimin chuckle. "Own bed's comfort cannot be challenged huh?" Soma laughed before nodding.

He barely stood near the wall watching Soma roll and toss on her bed with a huge smile on her bed. She was so precious... 

25 years of his life felt meaningless, all the breathing, sleeping, and living, all felt worthless if he didn't have her around. Where was she then? He wasted so much time, so many flings, one night stands. He was whipped, and it wasn't surprising enough that Park Jimin was falling in love. But with a woman like Soma.

She was calm, innocent, soft. While he was the polar opposite, wild and rough. There were countless things he wanted to do with her and to her. He had felt attracted to women before, of course, but this once it wasn't only a night filled with lust. He didn't want those nights, instead, he wanted her mornings, her afternoons, and her evenings. He wanted to take care of her, spoil her, and maybe at some point have a family with her. But it all seemed too unreal-

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