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"Look. You can sleep here, there is still Jimin's stuff in here, but he'll take them out tomorrow, but the bed is comfortable. You'll love it." Jin smiled openening JImins door. The room was mustard, and brown, the scent was resembling honey and cedar. She loved it, it made her comfortable. She smiled at Jin and nodded. He ruffled his hair. "I'll be next door- Oh, and... About this, don't you think I deserve a present for my work?" Jin smiled mischievously. The hybrid blushed, she tiptoed near him pecking his cheeks. With that she quickly pushed him out, she could hear him laugh.

"It feels good doesn't it?" A voice spoke startling the older. "Oh, my-?! Jesus Christ, Yoongi! When will you stop spawning out of nowhere?!" Jin spoke holding his chest lightly. "She kissed you on the cheek right?" Yoongi asked, leaning on the wall near the doorframe. Jin blushed while softly humming. "It feels intangible doesn't it?" Yoongi mumbled, staring at the ceiling. Jin frowned. "What?" He sighed when he received no response. Jin went to his room before saying. "Night, Yoongi..." Yoongi hummed, still spaced out.

Jimin was up first, he rubbed his sleep from his eyes. He had a pair of loose silk pants on, and a silk robe hanging from his shoulders. He sighed as he opened the door to his room, rubbing his neck, it felt sore. He was not used to the new pillows. He breathed out heavily and walked down the stairs.

Soma's nose twitched the familiar odor, she was practically covered in the same scent. Honey and cedar. She looked behind with a smile. She knew who it was, but did not know the person would almost be naked, Jimin ruffled his dirty Blonde locks as his hazel eyes softly settled in Soma's blue ones. Her cheeks burned as she turned around with a screech. Jimin frowns as he looks down to find his torso completely visible, with his chest. He huffed and quickly knotted the robe in front as he walks to the kitchen near the Hybrid. She wore a pair of black silk shorts, which were excessively short. If that make sense? She wore a black crop top with straps, it appeared to be a set, as he matched the lace that was similar on both the garments. She also wore a netted robe, which practically was just for the show. It did not really cover any skin. Her hair was pulled in a bun, a few stray strands fell on her face, looking at the size of the bun, he could tell, she had pretty long hair, that too, devilishly black. 

Jimin would be lying if he said his eyes did not drip at her honey skin. He eyed her up and down, his 'seducer' side automatically kicked in after watching such a beauty in front of him. He smirked as he sat on the bar stools placed near the counter. He leaned on the counter and spoke. "Well hello there, darling." Jimin smiled. The hybrid blushed as she mouthed a 'good morning'. And luckily Jimin understood that. He smirked and Hummed. "By the way. Do you want me to do that? You look tired..." Jimin speaks as he gestured to the pan she was placed on the stove. The hybrid shook her head shyly. "Are you sure, I know you are really exhausted, You have been running on my mind all night!" Jimin exclaimed. The hybrid looks over to the guy with burning Cheeks, even her ears were frozen. Her blush increased reaching her nose, and then her nose bridge. Jimin smirked. Now that was easy. He grinned mischievously as he stands up from his seat moving to the girl.

The first level was to check if she was comfortable around him. It was his signature technique. If he did not have the effect on her, Soma would simply not give a reaction to his flirt. But she did. And god, she did it so well. Hence, he knew, what he was about to do now, would not cross any limits.

He smiled innocently at her curious sight on him. "What? I am simply trying to be useful." Jimin shrugged as he looked over the batter of the pancake spread on the pan. The hybrid hisses, as if she realized something. She slapped her forehead. and walked to a cabinet nearby. As she reached up for something in the cabinet, her top lifted, Jimin got a slight view of her small waist. He groaned while looking away. "Ah, Jimin. Wait for the right time." He whispers. His eyes land on the batter on the pan again sparking his brain with a wonderful idea. He huffed. 'I don't fuck with waiting'

He gasped. "Oh shit! It's burning!" He exclaimed, the hybrid shot its head in the direction of the pan, she quickly ran near the stove, she was so drowned, she did not notice the perverted blonde waiting for her to fall in his trap. Before she could turn the stove down, Jimin's arms wrap around her waist. She gasped; her soft palms lay on his. He nuzzled his nose on the side of her neck. The hybrid whimpered. "You should really not wear this, you know?" Jimin says. He fixed his hands on her stomach, the soft silk separating his hands from her bare waist. "This mansion is full of dangerous men." The hybrid pressed his arms, trying to make him loosen his grip. "Uh-Uh," Jimin whispered. "Don't do that Darling..." The hybrid shuddered under his voice. "Doing this is going to get you nothing but punishment..." He says. His warm lips came in contact with her naked neck. Soma's ears were standing upright in alert, her body was melting, and to make it worse Jimin started rubbing his palms on her stomach, softly and sensually.

Her body felt amazingly sensitive under his touch. Her top started lifting over his arms, before he could touch her naked waist, he was pulled off her like a sack of potatoes. The breath Soma had once held in, was finally released. She held her chest tightly as a deep red blush crept up to her face. "Ugh! Hyung!" Jimin whined. The hybrid shyly smiled at Jimin who was harshly thrown on the ground by the older. Jimin looked at Soma with a smirk, she shrunk, even more, her cheeks reddening with every passing second. 

Hoseok stood between them like a wall. A grey Tee and black joggers graced his well-maintained body. His eyes looked furious. The poor hybrid hid behind her saviors' broad back. "What the fuck?!" Hoseok growled. Jimin sighed standing up. "What? Why are you so hyped." Jimin spoke stuffing his hands in his pocket. Soma could smell Hoseok's fury, and it scared her. His usual sandalwood scent was turning stronger and stronger. Soma softly placed her palm on his bicep, she felt his muscles loosen and his scent sweetens a bit, knowing it worked, she softly rubbed his biceps. Hoseok sighed. "What were you doing?" He spoke through gritted teeth. "Nothing, whatever it was, she was enjoying it as much as me," Jimin smirked. The hybrid looked down.

Hoseok sighed, "get lost." Jimin grinned and went to the living room, Hoseok turned to look at Soma. He pulled her in a tight hug. Her increased heartbeat was going to make her heart jump out of her ribcage. She softly raised her hand to pat his back. It has been months since she had lived on the streets, and after all those days, she finally felt safe. Hoseok suddenly spoke.

"I think something is burning." He says. The hybrid Jumps, as she rushes towards the stove, turning it down. Hoseok chuckles beside her.

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now