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The feline gently poked Namjoon's triceps as he jerks his head in the direction of the Hybrid. Soma freezes. For her, handling Namjoon's stare was one of the most difficult things in the entire world. He looked so tempting...

Even at that very moment, he bought all the top-notch models to shame he sat on the barstool near the kitchen Island. His left leg comfortably sat over his right one. His left palm stuffed into his trousers as he softly flipped the pages of a book from his right one, When he looked over to Soma she felt something get stuck in her throat.

Namjoon was not very different either. The dissimilarity just being, that he knew how to hide his nervousness with a mask of a nonchalant facial expression, the moment his dragon eyes locked with Soma's glass blue ones, he felt the vibration of music in his ears silencing. He knew she was gesturing something, but he hardly tried to understand what she wanted to say, all he cared for in that nanosecond was her nervous expressions, he wanted to smile so bad. He had noticed she would often chew on her lower lip whenever he would look at her. And that moment was no exception. He could feel her nervousness radiating off of her. He noticed her eyelashes batting momentarily as she slowly got tired of holding the man's stare.

His beautiful little session was harshly thwarted when the hybrid tapped his knee. His eyes finally reached her palms that did language gestures, the only thing he could make out tho, was. 'Please, can I?' He sighed. Did he know what she had said? No shit. He did not. But was he going to decline that life-taking pout? Nope. Not in this life. He shrugged and nodded. "Sure." With one swift moment, he stood up towering the poor creature as he walked somewhere in the puzzle of the hallways.

"That was unexpected." Jungkook raised his eyebrows. "Yeah. He would probably be the last person anyone would ask things like that..." Jimin joined. Taehyung smirked as he hopped on the kitchen table "Why Jimin? Just because he rejected you when you wanted to wear a thong, does not mean-"

"Yah!" Jimin growled at the younger. Taehyung and the other men burst into laughter. This was very usual, Jimin was the most interesting human to pick on, and he was totally sick of his brother's annoying jokes, like, they weren't even funny! Jimin was about to yell at them when the Feline stepped between him and the other men. Her eyes were stern and arms folded on her chest. She snarled at the men as her eyes shined darker.

Taehyung gulped, looking away. 'Behave.' She gestured. Jimin grinned with sass as he cocked an eyebrow at the men from behind the hybrid's head. When Soma turned around the man's devilish grin made its way to a big fat pout making Soma pout back. The other men in the room scoffed at Jimin's duality, he was really good at it. 

Soma ruffled his dirty blonde locks as she placed a soft peck on his cheek. Jimin's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when the hybrid pulls away. Throwing one last angry glance at the group of boys Soma dragged the surprised but happy boy up the stairs.

"Did she just order me to 'BeHaVe' RIGHT NOW?!" Yoongi spat. "WHO THE FUCK CARES?!" Jungkook yelled. "That little asshole just received goddamn a kiss?! A frikin' Kiss!"Hoseok shouted. Yoongi smirked as he rolled his shoulders. "I have had two..." He spoke walking away with sass. "What in the-" Hoseok mumbled. "So much for picking favorites!" Taehyung grumbled through gritted teeth.

"How are you, bun." Jin smiled as he scribbled something on, what seemed like an iPad with an apple pencil. Soma smiled as she showed up an 'Okay' sign to the older making him sigh. She frowned noticing dark eye bags under his eyes as he closed the electronic device. Jin looked at her over his glasses sternly. "Why did you not call me yesterday Soma... I was worried." He stated.

Worried, would be a great understatement for how Jin had reacted when Soma did not pick up his call the last night. He had rung Tae's phone a million times. But the boy had himself knocked out on his bed hours ago. After he received no absolute response from them. He had rung Namjoon and Yoongi's phone like a madman. Yoongi had his heart stuck in his throat when Jin screamed on the phone. He finally had his nerves calmed down when The black-haired male had shared a pic of the cuddled feline on her bed.

Soma scratched her head awkwardly asking for forgiveness. Jin laughed softly. "Don't worry too much, It's okay..." He had something to say, and the hybrid could sense it. She raised an eyebrow. Jin sighed. He pinched his temple. Looking at Jin's worn-out self the hybrid almost whimpered. "I won't be able to call you tomorrow alright, I-I am traveling..." Soma's nose scrunched as she tried to focus on what the elder had to say. "The trip is a little... just a bit more extended." Soma huffed as she folded her arms while sulking " A few more days, love... I would be home in 2 weeks or so..." Jin spoke softly trying to sound as reasonable as possible. 

Soma was seriously angry. First; she did not even get to say a proper bye to him now he had to take longer. Sometimes she wished she could bring him back home with some witchcraft. She had a deep frown sitting between her brows as she fretted. "One more branch needs my attention... Darling... I promise I will be back in no time-"

Soma had slammed the laptop shut. Jin looked away from the blank screen of his desktop as he sighed. He knew she was angry, and according to him she had every right, even tho she was nothing to him, was she his sister? No. His friend? Maybe. His girlfriend? She wasn't. Then she must be his wife if he was getting so restless because she wouldn't talk to him. No; She wasn't. Nothing but a mere pet, as she was supposed to be. 

He had never been so attached to anyone. He just did not know why but he had seen his mother a few times in Soma...He was the oldest brother among the biological sons of Mr. Kim. He was probably the only one who perfectly remembered how his mother looked like... Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon were mere toddlers... Taehyung was not even a year old when She was-

"Mr. Kim? Mr. Kwon is here... We are waiting for your appearance..." His secretary politely reminded. Jin nods. With a sigh, the brown-haired male stood up as he walked towards the door. His coat resting in his arm, he slid on his coat and was soon out the cabin...

[First: Don't run at me for a short and boring chapter. I feel like shit rn. My exam went cool but my teacher be going bananas over extra activities and shit. I legit need to make a 7 subject portfolio so... Yeah the updates might be late.]

[Second: On top of that my SWEET SWEET cousins were home yesterday and... haha. I am so fucking happy to say this. They screwed up my laptop and I LOST 4 FUCKING CHAPTERS that I wrote last night!! Now my mental health is not very stable. I feel like killing whoever touches my laptop. So yeah. If I get time from 'mind-murdering' my cousins. I will type my ass off. *AGAIN* Yeah. I love you. And I know this must be annoying but please try to forgive me. Again, for those who read till here. I am grateful AF.]

[Edit: Yeah. I DID post a new book. It is just a small emotional rollercoaster. If you have time, read the first chapter, you'll find it on my profile. It will be there for a while, if someone likes it, I'll be more than glad to upload more chapters(I have prewritten)... ]

The KIM SEOKJIN is a father.

The KIM SEOKJIN is a father

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