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'They- They...' Soma's eyes watered as her emotions dragged her. 'They touched me here and here and here-' she cried loudly. Jimin rushed to her side softly cupping her face. Soma immediately hugged his waist Snuggling her face in his stomach in search of comfort. He softly brushed her hair. After a few minutes, Jimin turned over to glance at his brothers

Yoongi's face was red with fury, his knuckles going paler and paler due to the constant clutching. Jungkook stormed out of the room outraged. Taehyung closed his eyes in anger, as he sucked in a deep breath trying to control his rage. 

He walked near her settling beside her as he sighed. "I-I am sorry Soma..." He softly spoke in an apologetic tone. Soma took out her face from Jimin's t-shirt as she looked at his face. Her eyes once again pooled with tears she hugged his neck and cried.

Taehyung patted her back Jimin sighed...

'Are you sending me away...' Soma signed to Yoongi. They sat in his room. The strong smell of coffee engulfed the environment. Yoongi looked at her and sighed. He placed himself on the bed and patted his lap, Soma climbed on the bed near him. Placing her head on his lap.

 Yoongi ran his fingers through her hair as she purred. A gummy smile broke through his lips making Soma gasp. 'You are beautiful' She signed. Yoongi looked away blushing, his neck and cheeks turning bright red. 

"Shut up." He mumbled. "And no, why would we send you away...?" He softly patted her head. She gulped. 'You know-'

"Look, bub, whatever you told us today, wouldn't affect whatever we have for you. Alright? And don't worry, I won't let anyone kick you out." He said sternly. The hybrid smiled at him, as she sat straight. Moments later she placed her head on his shoulder, and soon they both dozed off just like that. Safe and Sound.

"Who's up for some pizz-! Oh..." Hoseok trailed off with a raised eyebrow when he saw the long faces of the maknaes as they watched a romcom on the TV. "I didn't know 'Why Him' was a serious movie..." He mumbled as he walked past the unbothered grumpy kids. 

"Okay, what's wrong?" He asked plopping on the couch after he placed the 4 pizza boxes on the kitchen counter. The three men grunt. 

'Can you please not tell the others... I just... sorry...' She trailed. Don't worry. "We won't." Jimin sighed.

"Nothing's wrong." Jungkook snorted. "Yeah... Great." Hoseok whispered with raised eyebrows. He looked over to a confused Namjoon. The silver-haired male was observing the three men carefully as he took off his coat, with a sigh. "What's wrong," Yoongi mumbled as he rubbed his sleep from his eyes. An almost asleep feline was being dragged behind him.

"First you tell me what is that," Hoseok spoke sharply as his eyes get stuck on the intertwined hands of the duo. Soma quickly jerks herself away from Yoongi when she feels Namjoon looking at her.

Yoongi glanced at the maknaes with an 'Act up' Face. Jungkook huffs. "So, you said something 'bout pizzas," Jimin said. "In the kitchen!" Hoseok exclaims. Soon everyone was down on the couch as they had pizza. Soma was uncomfortably shifting on the carpet, Namjoon would give her deadly glances once in a while. 

"Soma... You have been nibbling on the same slice for 20 minutes now..." Jungkook said from the other side of the table. He too, was comfortably seated on the floor. "Are you uncomfortable? I told you you could sit on the couch!" Jimin said joining in. "You never listen." Taehyung sighed. Their voices filled with concern. Yoongi mentally facepalmed himself for the obviousness of the kids.

Namjoon's annoyance only increased as he looked over the attention-seeking feline, with hatred. She shuddered and sheepishly smiled at Jungkook. 'I am full.' She mouthed. Jungkook releases a sigh but nods anyway. 

"By the way Soma, how old are you... I mean. I am curious." Hoseok said, opening his 3rd can of sprite. "Hoseok. That was mine." Yoongi pinches his temple. Hoseok shrugs. "Get another one from the fridge."

Soma holds up a 2 and 0 on her fingers as she grins. Hoseok nodded. 'Do you still need a drink, I can bring one?' Soma signs to Yoongi. "Yeah, that would be great." He said chewing onto a slice. She stood up and went towards the kitchen

"Hey, Soma! I need-"

"Shut up. I'll bring it."

Soma picks out a bright green can from the fridge and reads its label. Just then the door to the fridge slams shut. And a low voice growls "You wouldn't listen to me would you?!" He spats. Wine... Namjoon was here. Again. Panic strikes Soma as she looks over the taller male. 

"What are you trying to imply?!" He spats. Soma's body shakes as she stared at his dragon eyes. "You are planning something arent you! Let me tell you. You might have hypnotized my brothers with your dirty tricks. But it won't affect me." He grits his teeth. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the handle to the fridge with huge force. "I am warning you, creature. If something happens to any of them." 

"I swear the result won't be good for you." He hisses at her. He snatches the sprite can from her as he storms out of the kitchen. 

Soma sighed. Opening the fridge, she takes out another can and closes the fridge. Walking out. She passes over the sprite to Yoongi. He smiled and nudged his head in gratitude. Soma gulped as she received Namjoon's dark glances.

"I'm full" Namjoon harshly spoke. Standing up, picking his coat and tie from the couch. "Why Hyung... You are always working or in the library. We thought about watching a movie tonight. Just us, what say?" Jimin said, cheerfully. Namjoon scoffed eyeing the Tensed hybrid. 

"Just us? Good luck with that. I am tired. Do whatever you want." He spoke, before rushing upstairs. 'I Will leave too. Good night.' She signed to Yoongi. He softly nodded.

 Soma rushed inside her room softly closing the door behind her. Does she really bother him so much? Why is he even doing this? She was tearing a happy family apart...

Tears fell down her eyes as she leaned on the closed door. She would never receive back from Namjoon. He absolutely despised her. Her legs gave out as she slowly slid down the door, her feet feeling wobbly.

After a few minutes of crying, she realized. She needed to make Namjoon believe in her. She needed to show him, she loved the others just as much as him...

She smiled bravely and wiped her tears. Just you wait. Kim Namjoon. Just you wait.

Exactly 900 Votes Germs! And 17K+ Views.

So, I just wanted to tell you I NEVER in a thousand years thought this will gain so much attention. But it did.

 Now. VOTE. 

Yeah, You guessed it. That was no request. That was a goddamn Threat!

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