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As Soma opened the door, she was greeted by Tae. His satin shirt was partly undone, with a few buttons struggling to conceal his honey skin peeking through the expensive fabric. Soma's cheeks burned as she looked away, losing the chance to watch the poor boy's expressions switch abruptly from weary to horror. "S-Soma- I am so sorry for this," he mumbled in a breath, hiding behind the door and sticking his head out hurriedly to do his buttons while talking

'It's fine,' she signed, not wanting to look at him until he was comfortable. 'Do you have a moment?' Taehyung's eyes sparkled brightly. Moment? Hell, he could sign up his entire existence to this woman. "Of course," he quickly opened the door completely. Soma glanced at him once before walking in. The way his scent engulfed her gave her goosebumps. Taehyung closed the door behind him.

Soma frowned at the laptop that shone brightly in the middle of a messy desk. Taehyung quickly butted in. "Uh- I- I couldn't sleep."

As Soma walked into Taehyung's room, he wondered why she was there. Had she decided to leave them? Was she there just to say goodbye? Taehyung watched her as she looked around his messy room with amazement. She couldn't believe how messy he was despite owning so many stylish clothes. When Soma finally faced Taehyung, she tried to suppress her laughter. Taehyung's bright blue hair was a mess, and his roots were turning brown again. It was more of a dirty blonde situation, but instead of blonde, his hair was the brightest shade of blue one could imagine.

What made her laugh, though, was his shirt. He had buttoned it up like an infant, putting the buttons in the wrong buttonholes and crumpling the expensive silk in the most awkward ways. Even in the dim lighting, Soma could see his face turn red as he stood in front of the door. "Wh-what-" It was cute how his stutter persisted, even though more than a full minute had passed since she entered his room. Shaking her head, Soma walked towards him, and Taehyung felt his body stiffen as she stood in front of him, raising her hands to undo the first button."

She softly looks up into his chocolate eyes. 'Can I?' Taehyung nods, this time without resistance, she undoes the first button and then the second. Fixing the right buttons into their right places. Taehyung hoped she couldn't feel his body stiffen with every single, unintentional brush of her finger to his chest

"Soma, what happened?" He mumbled softly as she brushed the fabric one last time, keeping the proximity between them. 

She looked up into his eyes. The light from the little screen in the corner lit the room enough for both of them to look at each other's reflections in their eyes, picking up their heartbeats with every passing second.

'Is it true? That you love me?' She signed. Taehyung's nervousness fades, he may not know whether he had her in his future or not, but this he was sure of.

"It is." He looked into her eyes with sincerity. "I love you." Soma smiled, cupping the side of his face. 'Then can you listen? even if I refuse to speak?' She looked deep into his eyes. Taehyung's heart accelerated.

 His hands clench in the pockets of his pants as he raises his eyebrows. "Do... You love me back?" Soma smiled softly as she saw his eyes water slightly. 'I believed you could tell?' 

Taehyung read carefully into her eyes as his frame trembled, was this real?

"Soma," the man grinned loudly as he quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her closer with a certain urgency that wasn't in the room before. "If you don't love me, I beg you. Tell me now." The girl barely smiled, nodding her head. 'I love you.' 

"Do I stink?" Taehyung whispers out of nowhere, Soma frowns with a confused smile. 'You mean?' Taehyung laughed softly because pulling away and grabbing her face instead. "Because I am gonna kiss you now."

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now