Listen up, Nerds.

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Thank you to all the beautiful peasants I just reached More than 400 hundred frikin' Views. And I would like to ask if you got a second...?

Oh, you have some time? 


Read the rest after coming back...

I HoPe you have AlReAdY Voted? Yeah. GrEaT.

Okay, I thought never in 10,000,000 Years. I will post a 'NOTE'. But yeah. People change. 

"Yeah, you got a problem with that Karen! I will post a Note! Do what your ass can I wo-"


So I need a small break. The new chapter is written but not edited. If you want a non-edited chapter, just tell me, I'll throw the uncooked batter of cake to your face. 

BTW. The next chapter is what I have been waiting for long. Can you guess what it is? I mean Which member? 

And about the break, I don't need a break for holidays in Hawaii or some. I just need some freaking time to adjust to this Hell!

 Dam this shitty autocorrect. I meant School. Yeah so. I hope you get it. Just a few days. I promise you.

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now