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'Won't Jungkook and Jimin have lunch with us?' Soma signs at Namjoon who washed his hands in the sink. "They will, outside." Soma nods as Namjoon closes the tap, she extends a fluffy white towel to him, he looks at the towel before rolling his eyes at her. "Don't act smart." He says tearing some paper towel from the kitchen counter and throwing it into the dustbin on his way out. Soma sighed.

"I don't think they would be home any sooner Soma..." Yoongi said looking at the restless hybrid. She had been worrying her ass off over the two knuckleheads. She hummed at the older. Yoongi softly smiled at her as they washed the dishes together. "Don't worry, they will be back soon."

The evening sky had started melting to a pitch-black night. The boys had just had dinner. They were heading to bed. Soma sat on the couch with her legs folded, a frown settled on her forehead. Hoseok who had been talking over god knows what with the boys looked over to the girl, excused himself, and plopped beside her. Soma shifts in her place, as she smiled at the older.

"What's wrong?" He asks with a smile, Soma sighed. She shook her head with a smile. She moved closer to him and looked at his eyes as if asking for permission. Hoseok nodded softly as she laid her head on his chest, his right hand holding her gently and left one holding his phone as Soma dozed off. She felt Hoseoks beautiful sandalwood fragrance engulfing her, she broke into one last smile before everything turned black and her eyes felt heavy.

When she woke up she was in her room, she smiled at the beautiful cedar scent engulfing her, she looked over the watch, oh shoot, she was supposed to be in the kitchen 30 minutes earlier, Jimin would be up in a few minutes. She smacked her head running into the bathroom, a few minutes later she exited the bathroom in hurry, her hair tied in a wet towel and her hands holding another white one on her chest. She hurriedly wore a pair of boxers and a Sweatshirt. She slipped into her flip-flops as she hurried out of her room, she saw Jimin stumbling down the stairs, she ran past him.

"Good Mornin- Soma?! What is th-" She heard him shout but she hardly cared; she needed to cook! everyone was about to wake up in a few minutes. She took a five-minute look at the fridge, figuring what to cook, and she ended up on salad and omelets. That is when She heard Jimin. He was furious. She could smell. She gulped while softly closing the fridge.

"Soma." He mumbled through gritted teeth. "What. are you wearing?!" He spat, she looked down at her outfit and frowned, what was wrong with it. "Don't tell me that's Jungkooks..." He poked his cheek with his tongue.

Her eyes widen, did she forget to wear sweatpants, over...

Oh shit. She looked down, her cheeks flared, this is so embarrassing. She saw Jungkook stumbling down the stairs probably still half asleep. She quickly dashed past Jimin and Jungkook. "Soma? What are you doing?" She heard Jungkook grumble in his morning raspy voice.

She quickly ran away from the Kitchen, into her room, and slid some grey sweats on her legs. She sat on the bed taking the towel off of her head trying to spend as much time as she could inside the room.  But soon she understood; She couldn't stay in here for her entire life. After a few minutes, when she finally calmed herself down she walked down the stairs. Everyone was in the kitchen, sternly looking over to the black-haired female who shyly stepped down, she just wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it. This was so embarrassing...

Jungkook stood in the corner, his face red and embarrassed too. He glared at Soma as she gulped. Mouthing a sorry...

"So, care to explain what happened, cause I doubt I am the only one who is thinking the room's tense." Taehyung hums as he speaks looking at Jimin and Jungkook. Soma looks down.

"Why were you wearing Jungkook's boxers," Jimin speaks, Hoseok's finger's loosened on the glass he was holding making it drop. Yoongi shoots his head in soma's direction who shifted uncomfortably. "Wearing what?!" Taehyung blurts. Namjoon who had his earphones in was calmly sipping on his coffee. Not giving two shits to anything.

"Th-They were not mine! I-I mean I did not use them." Jungkook blurted. The attention now was thrown at the face of the bunny boy. "Why the fuck would you make her wear your... Stuff." Hoseok spats. Jungkook pinched his temple...

There was no way in hell Jungkook was going inside with all those ladies crowding the racks. He was not actually innocent too... but he just couldn't build the nerve to go inside and get what the hybrid needed. "Ah... You have to go inside yourself, bub... I can't-" The girl looked at him in anguish and stomped her feet, her tail was swaying in annoyance. and her ears standing straight on her head. Jungkook sighed. "I -I cannot go inside bubs, it's a l-ladies shop, why can't you just go and get your stuff, I'll be here, I promise..." He tried to convince.

They had been quarreling for a few minutes now and people have been staring at the stomping hybrid as they walked by... Jungkook sighed when he saw tears shine in her eyes. "I-I guess you could use my boxers for some time, just don't tell Jin Hyung."

"So. I-I just decided to-" Before he could complete his words, the boys burst into laughter, Yoongi shook his head while smiling. "S-Seriously?! Y-You were- Shy!?" Taehyung spoke between the laughs gasping for air. "Yah! Stop it! I-I was just-"

"Forget it. I have no grudges now." Jimin chortled holding his stomach. Taehyung nodded. "After all. We have something to laugh about now." He joined. Jungkook rolled his eyes. "But, we do need to order some... stuff for Soma," Hoseok said while awkwardly smiling.

The room fell into an awkward silence, that's when Soma hummed aggressively catching everyone's attention. 'But I am fine with this. Can I not just where these?' She signed. Yoongi who had become great in language gestures sighed. "No Soma. You cannot wear that, it's for... boys."

'But I really want to wear this only...' She looked at Taehyung with hope. He gulped softly. "Well, she can, if Jin Hyung agrees, because other than him, I don't think anyone else has a problem with that..." He shrugs, but receiving some 'not so approving' reactions he shrugged. "What? I don't think the world will stop spinning if she wears boxers." He did have a point. Soma bit on her lips nervously looking at the boys. She really felt comfortable in these...

"I don't think it would hurt." Jimin shrugged, look at him! such a bipolar! The other minute he was going bananas over the Boxers!? Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Well... It is kind of weird tho.... but yeah if she feels like it..." He said agreeing. "I mean... if she wants then... why not?" Hoseok sighed. Soma grinned at him while Hoseok smiled back. Everyone now looked at Jungkook he raised his arms. "Hey, I said it from the start."

"Okay then, let's ask Jin-" Soma vigorously shook her head as if scared. Yoongi frowned. "Why? He is the only one..."

'He will never agree... is there no one else... whom Jin would not question back...?' She shyly signs. To which, Yoongi looked over to Namjoon who was sipping onto his coffee.

Yoongi sighed. 


This is for all the beautiful people who surprised me today with all the votes and views, I really love you all and am grateful AF.

Now. If you use a touchscreen device, then throw something on that disgusting grey star and turn it as bright as an orange.

Okay, that was shitty AF. But yeah. VOTE! (You guessed it. This is strictly not a request.)

It's a goddamn threat :)

I don't usually do double updates and shits. But yeah.

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now