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"Why you little-" Suga shouts as he sits up in anger. He looked angry, he had his sweatpants on and his torso was on the show, his packs shone from the red light emitted from the corner of his room where an expensive gaming setup sat. He ruffled his hair in anger as his onyx eyes threw daggers towards the two boys who dared to wake him up. "H-Hyung, we need help..." 

"Yeah? then piss off, I'll help you in the morning!" Yoongi growled as he laid back on his bed, not wanting to leave the comfortable dent he had made on the mattress. "Hyung, we need it presently, like right now." Jungkook whispers. "I already had to face a lot of trouble because of your dumb asses today! And you still have the nerve to disturb me while I sleep?!" He spats, as he sits up again. "I AM NOT TO BE WOKEN UP UNTIL SOMEONE IS DYING FOR SHIT'S SAKE!"

"Someone IS dying! Goddammit!" Jimin exclaims as Yoongi finally rubs off his sleep from his eyes as he stares at the boys with a frown. "What?" He asks. Jungkook sighed. "Jimin accidentally ran over a hybrid so... wethoughtweshouldbringherhere." Jungkook rambled while Yoongi frowned deeper as he says. "Jimin ran a Hybrid over so...?" Jungkook gulps as he looks at Jimin who had a 'Face it bitch' kind of expression on his face. "weboughtherhere..." 

"DON'T PLAY WITH ME, YOU DUMB IDIOT! Going faster does not help-!" "She is here, she was injured so we thought the least we could do was to heal her!" Jungkook shouts in a go.

"It's 3 frikin' AM! The things I do for these idiots..." Yoongi mumbled walking down the stairs to Jin's room. "And why do you think it was a good idea putting her in 'JIN's' room." He asks, knowing that this would not be receiving a positive reaction from the older. "I mean, she was dirty and all-" Jimin starts, "Alright, alright. I know you both." He stops the two boys and asks them to go for a shower while he sees what he can do with the hybrid. Of course, he was not the best, Jin would have been way better with medical stuff, but Yoongi was all she had in her luck tonight. 

Suga opens up the door and softly steps in, cautious of his every movement. As he reaches the bed he sees a small frame messily placed on the huge bed, he walks closer as he looks at the body up and down, and that's when he reaches her face, She was beautiful, her eyelids were calmly still as her lashes were hovering over her cheekbones, her face was all thin and pale, almost matching that of his, even though she looked frail the blush of her cheeks and nose was still evident. He raised his hand to bring it near her ears, they were like that of a kitten but something just didn't sit right. As he lightly rubbed on the tips of her black ears she shudders, the hair on her body rose. He carefully wiped off her face and patched up her head. As his hand touched her hair, he could tell, she was very dirty, no wonder the poor thing has been on the streets for quite some time. As his eyes wandered down he looked at her clothes, an overcoat, and a sports bra, and leggings. He sighed and slipped off the overcoat. That was no normal overcoat, It was a freakin' Luis Vuitton coat?! She must have had a very rich owner... He shook off the thought as he puts away the torn and dirty overcoat as he wipes her body, trying not to... Loose control? Yeah. That.

"Hello, Ladies! Look who's back." Jin beamed as he enters the kitchen with two more figures behind him, a grinning Hoseok, and a Namjoon who was reading a novel with a set of ear pods in his ears. "Piss off," Yoongi muttered as he gulped down the juice directly from the carton. "Hey! Do I waste money on cluttery, so that you can drink directly from the carton with that filthy ass mouth of yours!?" Jin screamed. Yoongi clicked his tongue. "You guys were supposed to be here yesterday evening?" Yoongi says as Hoseok takes a seat on one of the chairs. "Yeah, the Jackass Sehun insisted to stay the night." J-Hope states as Jin walks to his room as if he is walking down the stage of an expensive fashion show. Yoongi nodded taking in Hope's talking. 

That's when they hear a scream. The, now two guys in the room look at each other weirdly while Min Yoongi just sits calmly waiting for the scolding. "Min Yoongi you JACKASS!" Jin screams as he stomps into the kitchen from his room. "Oh, yeah. I forgot guys, The boys bought in a hybrid last night..."

"And you thought it would be best for it to stay in my room?!" Jin shouted. "Taehyung's room is empty for Jesus's sake!" "It is also locked for Jesus's sake!" Yoongi shouted back.

"Now, you got some nerve there buddy!"

"Oh yeah, OlD mAn?"

"Hey! Who are you calling old man?! I Legit look below 20!"

"Look who's talking?!"

"Shut up you grumpy couch frikin' potato!"

"Guys!" Hoseok shouts, "I- I think I hear crying..." He says as he points to the door leading to Jin's Bedroom. Everyone slowly walks towards the room, to hear soft whimpers. "I guess, that's her," Yoongi says

"Who her?"

"The Hybrid for god's sake?!"

"Wow, I didn't know she was a 'her'."

Jin softly opens the door. As they watch the awfully calm room filled with tension, the soft whimper again releases from a corner, that's when they notice a figure huddled up in the corner, Yoongi's white shirt, that he helped her in last night was ripped and thrown away. As soon as the hybrid inhales a few scents, some unfamiliar, and the others indeed familiar. She raises her head, slowly... cautiously...

The room was dark, the boys looked in the direction as a pair of eyes shone in the corner. They could see nothing much clear but the eyes. But for the young hybrid... She could see them clearly, perks of being half an animal. Hoseok had his gun cautiously aimed at the shining eyes. Yoongi just sighed, a few hours of experience with the unconscious girl, he could say she was totally harmless. "I am telling you, she couldn't hurt a fly." Yoongi whispers. Jin who was finding the pair of eyes familiar just whispers. "I am switching the lights on..." He softly switches the plug as the room illuminates. A heavy sob is exhaled the sudden flash makes the boys squint their eyes for once but when they receive their vision back. 

The two 'Seoks' gasp.


(The author is a Jackass, insensitive and dumb bastard. If you have a soft heart you can stop reading... Thank you... <3)

[If you don't know what I mean by seok's... Then baby. You can search for an auspicious day to jump off a bridge.

And Ik no one is gonna answer anyway but still, let's do it for my sake and pretend I did not write this whole bolded para...]

So... What do you think I mean by two 'Seoks'? Haha. I love you all... :)

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