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"Wow... Did you make it honey?" Jin sequels as he looks at the pancakes. The hybrid shyly nodded. Yoongi scoffed at the nickname. "That's so sweet, love..." Jin smiled. "Can I eat?" Namjoon rumbled as he stuffed his face with pancakes. Not to lie, they were really good. "Say, did you learn this from somewhere?" The hybrid nodded and then did some gestures. Everyone frowned and awkwardly, looked at Namjoon who had his focus on a book beside his plate. "She was trained to cook," Yoongi muttered. The hybrid smiled at him and nodded. Jin looks at Yoongi weirdly. "You knew sign language?" He hummed. Jimin who sat beside him smirked. "I don't think you knew it a few days earlier tho...". Yoongi glared at him. After breakfast, everyone went separate ways. Jin had his work delivered home, he was in the office working on them, Yoongi had decided to go to the gym with Jimin and Jungkook. Hoseok was leaving for some work. Soma did not know where he was going, but it was some Weapon deal or something.

The guards were preparing the SUV. Hoseok rushed down the stairs while Soma was drinking water in the kitchen. When he passed by, he waved at her with a smile, while he was busy talking on the phone. The hybrid stepped out of the kitchen watching him leave. He quickly went out the door. That is when she noticed a coat of his laying on the couch, 'He forgot his overcoat...' The hybrid quickly picks the coat and runs outside, just when the guards open the door for him, he noticed the poor girl stumbling down the stairs. He smiled and hung up his call. He gestured the guards to wait for a second.

He grinned and went up the stairs near her. She shyly forwarded his coat. He grinned and turned around. "Help me wear it?" He spoke. Soma shyly nodded and slid the sleeves of the coat up to his arms, after settling it on his shoulder, she turned him around, fixing the collar of the checked fabric. Hoseok laughed at her ed face. He pecked her forehead and rushed down, this time entering the limo, without turning around.

He wouldn't want to leave if he sees her face again...

Soma softly traces her temple where he had placed his lips. She smiled. She had received kisses, a lot of them. But none of them were on her cheeks or forehead. And all those felt so uncomfortable, the creepy faces of different men scared her. But every time she gave a kiss to the guys or maybe received a small peck, it felt so comforting and beautiful...

A few minutes later, she was lying on the couch, bored. She thinks about making something. After a glass of water, she thinks, it wouldn't hurt to take some water to the boys, right? They must have been tired from all the exercise...

It took her time to make the maids understand where she wanted to go. She finally ended in front of a black door, which was supposedly the Gym. She softly knocked.

"Who is it?!" A voice shouted, it was Jungkook. She softly opened the door to peek inside. It was a mistake, a huge goddamn mistake. Jungkook was standing near the dumbles. His chest and torso were completely covered in sweat. Jimin was down on the floor rhythmically doing push-ups. And Yoongi sat on a bench kind of thing, a towel hanging from his neck his naked back was flashing in front of her eyes. The point that all of them were chest naked, couldn't fade away from the poor girl's eyes. Her face turned as red as an apple. She quickly closed the door and stood behind it frozen. That is when she heard Jungkook "Kitten, is that you?" He laughed. "Fuck, was that her?" Yoongi grumbled. Jimin laughed. His breaths were short and heavy as he spoke "Yeah, I think." Soma's cheek turned even redder as she stood outside the door in utter surprise and embarrassment. She took a mental note. 'NO BARGING IN THE GYM! NEVER!'

"You can come in doll, we are dressed." Jimin's voice spoke from inside followed by a scoff(belonging to Yoongi) and a laugh(from Jungkook). She did not want to enter anymore. But she had to. With a trembling hand, she opens the door. Her right hand skillfully balanced the tray. She enters to see Yoongi and Jimin dressed in a wet T-shirt and Tank top. She blushed while looking down. Her black ears flattened on her head. Her tail swayed softly.

"Did you come here to blush? Or is there some valid reason?" Yoongi speaks nonchalantly. Some look up to see in sitting on the same spot. His arms were perfectly toned. The sweat beads were making him look... Well-

"Are you going to give that now, dear?" Jimin smirked, pointing to the glass. Soma vigorously nodded. She places the tray near Yoongi on the bench. She nervously sits on her knees. She then pours the water into the glass and raises it for Yoongi. His lips slightly curve up into a smile. An unnoticeable smile.

He takes the glass and starts gulping. Soma humms sternly at him, he looks at her surprised. 'Slowly. Don't gulp it all in one go!' She signs at him, his cheeks turning slightly pink, as he nods. Jimin playfully frowns. "What? did she flirt or something? What got you blushing like that?" Jimin asks. Yoongi glares at him.

Soma hums at Jimin, now standing near him forwarding a glass to him, he genuinely smiles and takes it.

"What about me-" Jungkook speaks between the grunts, from behind her. "Want me to die of thirst." When soma turns around, she finds him in Joggers. Yeah. Just that.

She gasps and turns around. She looks at Jimin with a hint of annoyance. What happened to "You can come in doll, we are dressed." ?!

Jimin smirks. "I never said we were all dressed, my love..." She huffed. "Why? What's wrong, can't she handle a few sweaty muscles?" Jungkook smiles. As he places the weights down. And walks towards her. Her back facing him. "Hyung. A towel please." He speaks. Yoongi throws a white towel behind Soma. She gulps. The three smells were very strong. And all of them varied a lot. Yoongi smelled like strong coffee, while Jimin was more like a Cedar and Jungkook, his smell was more captivating for her. He smelled like petrichor. She was 60 percent animal, maybe that is why she loved the scent. But yeah. They were driving her crazy. 'Can you pour him some water I need to leave?' She signs to Yoongi. He nods. And with that Soma rushes outside, not sparing a glance at Jungkook.

"Come here you muscle head, throw some water down your throat." Yoongi hisses. "I genuinely need to learn sign language." Jimin groans, as he walks towards the treadmill. Jungkook nods taking the glass. "By the way, did she not look like a wife material?" Jungkook mumbles. Jimin frowns. "What do you mean?" Jungkook rubs his nape, "You know... Bringing water and food while the husband is working-" "Alright, husband, get training." Yoongi speaks. 

Did we just... 300 views?! Bro-!

I was deing earlier today. Then I died. And now I am dead.


(Haha. Don't ming the writer, you know he is kinda... Just, please vote, and thank you. I love you people)

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