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"The agreement." Namjoon nervously placed the file on the perfectly made desk as Jin had his back faced towards the younger as he fixed his watch. A brown checked suit perfectly framed his broad back.

Jin hummed as his head slightly turned to glance at the file. "Check it again. I don't like mistakes." He spoke with his icy voice as Namjoon sighed. "I have checked it, Hyung-"

"Don't call me that. I have a name. Seokjin." Namjoon looked away. "I-I'll take my leave." He mumbled before walking out. As he closed the door, his heart clenched. "You fucked up real big time, Joon." He said with a click of his tongue. 

"Seriously Hyung?! We need to make it less noticeable, for god's sake! And also, we don't have to look like soldiers straight up! We are going to check-in, in the hotel, first!" Jungkook hissed at Jimin fixing his gears. "Just carry them in a bag, and wear them outside the mansion or in the room or some." He said as Jimin awkwardly scratched his head.

"You boys ready- Oh wow." Just as Hoseok entered he scoffed looking at Jimin. "You look like you are going to fight a whole damn army on your own. Please take that shit off, we are in big trouble if Soma notices this!" He spats with his face scrunched up, before closing the door.

"Okay, Taehyung, no hypnotism please," Jin said looking at him with an annoyed expression. "And Soma dear, please don't stay up late with him, sleep on time, hm?" He hummed as his right hand cupped Soma's cheek. 

Taehyung scoffed from the couch as he sulked.

"You." Jin sternly pointed at Taehyung. "Need to stop." He continued. Taehyung rolled his eyes mimicking the brown-haired male. "You~ YoU NeEd To StOp~" "You brat-" Soma laughed as she placed her palm on Jin's chest to stop him from saying anything.

'Where are they going anyway?' Soma raised her eyebrows as Taehyung stared back in her blue glass eyes as she watches the men dressed in all black checking the securities. Black shining guns in their hands as they walked out of the mansion.

What surprised her, was the guys were only in the black limo in the middle, other than that vehicle, 6 SUVs were each in the front and the back of the limousine. What was all this security for- 

"Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung have entered. Close the Limos. We are ready to leave." The blond-haired male mumbled sternly on his earpiece, shaking Soma from her thoughts as he looked beside her to find a young guy with pale skin and blond hair tied up in a bun. A pair of black sunglasses covered his eyes. Soma looked over to Taehyung as she cocked a brow. 

"That's Felix, Jin Hyung trusts him a lot, he's one of the youngest guards in here, but is still chosen to be the security in charge, there must be something in this guy that Jin Hyung selected him." He shrugged.  'What's with the guns... And so much security, it feels like they are escorting a president or some...'

Taehyung laughed. "Work..." Was all he could mumble out. 'What work...?' Taehyung sighed wrapping his arm around her. "He's a businessman, so yeah, he needs security." Taehyung shrugged. Soma frowned. 'But this much-?'

"Let's just go in." Taehyung hushed pushing her in. She heard the engines starting as the long queue of cars finally took off...

'Please~' Taehyung shook his head as he changed the movies on the screen chewing onto a gum. Soma pulled a big fat pout on her lips as she grips on the sleeve of his shirt. Taehyung sighed. "Soma..." She dramatically sniffed as she shook his hand trying to force him to agree.

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