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"Oh fuck me." Yoongi groaned dramatically as he opened the door and found Soma smiling and giggling with the kids. His eyes were slightly dilated as he scoffed quickly turning around to face the wall. "Great Min, you are crying now." He whispered to himself 

"Hyung?" Jimin hummed at Yoongi who closed his eyes gathering himself, he knew he would cry if he looked at her. "Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry." He whispered to himself. His hand clutched the plastic bag in his hand as he slowly turned around. 

His nonchalant onyx eyes stared directly into Soma's as she smiled softly, raising her hand for him to hold. He feels his muscles tense as he gulped. Fuck. "Move." He mumbled unbothered as he tossed the bag at Jungkook who watched it with a small grunt. "share it, panda express."

Taehyung sighed standing up from the chair as Yoongi took her hand and held it gently before sitting down. "Namjoon's calling y'all." He spoke without breaking eye contact with Soma. "Nah, Hyung we just came from there I don't-" Taehyungs remark was cut off by Yoongi glaring at him. 

"Yea, be right back, let's go boys." Taehyung raised his eyebrows walking out followed by two sulking males.

Yoongi looked at the door they went through intently, his heart beating fast as Soma's cold fingers tickled his. A wave of guilt flashes in his eyes. Soma softly nudged his hand as he sighed before facing her, his eyes shamefully stuck on their hands as he sniffed. 

Soma fixed her posture before leaning and cupping his cheek. Looking his way Soma was shocked. The king of nonchalance Min Yoongi himself was shedding tears. "Yea fuck." He cursed under his breath as he harshly pinched his nose bridge.

"I am sorry- For this- Soma I just- I am not usually like this I don't know why." Soma slightly leaned out, hugging his frame trying her best not to hurt herself. Yoongi's body shivered as guilt swallowed him whole. Soma's arms tightened against his neck.

It was a few minutes Yoongi kept shedding a few pearls of guilt and Soma affectionately rubbed his back, finally pulling away she used her cold thumb to glide it over his cheekbones, she pecked his nose and smiled. 'you look really bad when you cry.' She giggled, Yoongi scoffed.

Soma smiled adjusting her body as she tried leaning back again- "But still Soma, I am really really sorry for" Her cold finger landed on his pink lips as she softly shook her head. 'Don't' her eyes glared. A soft flush ran across his face as the tip of his ears burned red.

Soma choked a small laugh as she watches him turn into a literal tomato, Yoongi helped her lean back on her bed as he stands up. "Jin hyung isn't here yet? Wait I'll call-"

'It was not your fault' She grabbed his palm and smiled at him. He scoffed while looking away gripping her hand tightly. "Sometimes you being so sweet gets annoying ya'know?" He huffed. "You don't always have to be an angel with the white wings and transparent soul, if not entirely, some of it was my fault-"

Soma squeezed his hand softly as he looked at her. 'It wasn't you, it wasn't anyone. It's just something that happened, an unfortunate happening, okay?' Yoongi nodded with a sigh, leaning in and pecking her head. 

Some raised her fingers to pinch his nose as she giggled. 'Look at you with the red nose.' Yoongi clicked his tongue choking out a laugh as he mumbled. "You are dumb." 'I love you' Soma randomly signed to which Yoongi's face turned red his ears burning, he looked away. He quickly walked towards the window as he took out his phone. Trying to forget everything. 

Soma smiled at his childish behaviour as she shook her head, laying back she looked at the ceiling, a sigh of content released from her lips. She felt free, didn't know why or how, but she felt like she had absolutely nothing holding her back from doing anything, she smiled softly and her eyes softly closed-

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now