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"Soma." The guard spoke sternly as the girls sitting inside the room shivered. The scene was terrible the room looked like it had suffered a million years of war. Scraped paint. Dark stains on the torn-off cement made the room look no less than a horror movie set. When there was no response from the group of hurdled women, the guard gritted his teeth.

"Soma!" This time the man harshly hit the rod he held in his plan to the wooden door making a loud noise. When the rod hits the wood and the loud voice escapes. A dark-haired female, dressed in shabby clothes stood up straight. Others girls cried for help shaken up from their first times in this hell hole. Soma was an exception. 

She was exotic. This time was far from her first one, probably her 13th or 14th time, she did not care now, at least she hoped she didn't. The guards smirked as they saw the feline slowly walking towards the door, her head hung low as her long hair covered her face. Scared hybrids sat on the floor. Soma tried to be careful with her every step there was barely any space to move. She tried her best not to step on any other hybrid tail or feet.

She stumbled her last step; just before she was about to fall, rough hands held her waist. The creepy arms of disgusting men rolled over her body. She felt horrendous. She had tried to act unmoved from the torture she was going through. But every last minute she couldn't help and break down. She struggled to get out of the guard's hands. 

It felt as if her own cry was indistinct. She could hear nothing but the menacing laugh of the men... Her cries were all falling to deaf ears. And she knew it. She knew it so well!

In no time. The girl was harshly sat in a bathtub. Women dressed in black and white severely washed her, the scent of the perfume that was poured in the bathtub was too strong for her. The rose fragrance blocked her nostrils. 

She had stopped fighting. It was no use. She sat in front of the mirror a couple of women making her hair, dressing her. Not dressing actually, it was no dress. Just a couple of black leather strips tightly attached to her body. She wore a black silk robe above it. Even tho she was tired her tears just won't stop. Just like a waterfall. Salty tears seeped out of her blue eyes as she emotionlessly stared at her reflection. 

Her next stop was a dark bedroom. Again, the scent of roses felt toxic to her now. Like a poison that was killing her from inside. The wine on the table stand just made her cry. This was happening again...

The door room creaked open and a creepy-looking middle-aged man stepped in. This was bad. Very bad. And she could do nothing-

"No Hyung. She is fine. Yeah. I just saw her sleeping." Yoongi mumbled as he looked at the sleeping hybrid, he softly closed the door of the bedroom. What he did not notice was the fresh tears staining her face as her chest heaved. "Yeah. I think-" His attention was diverted to a different noise. Something like choking and wheezing-

"Yoongi? What is it? Are you fine?" Jin's concerned voice rung in the black-haired male's left ears as he hummed. "Yeah Hyung. I'll call you later. Take care." He spoke. "Yeah, okay you too." Yoongi hummed one last time before hanging the call and placing it in his back pocket. He again hears the wheezing. 

His curiosity got the best of him as he attached his right ear to the door. Soma was crying? He softly opened the door a loud scream welcomed him. He shouted.

"Soma!" His feet automatically rushed to the girls' side. As he watches her pale hands gripping the sheets as her life depended on it. She sobbed louder and screamed. Her head shook in denial for something horrible.

"Soma! Are you listening?!" Yoongi yelled in alarm. His eyes went steamy as he shook the panicking girl. "S-Soma?!" He shouted cutting off her scream.

"S-Soma..." He whispered when the wet blue eyes of the feline shot open. When her eyes met Yoongi's panicked onyx ones. Deep sobs erupted in her chest. She held her face with her hands. "Soma..."Yoongi gently whispered pulling her up. She pulled her arms around his neck as she cried. Her face was buried in his neck.

"Hush... You are safe..." Yoongi shushed the scared girl as his hand supported her head gently, his other hand gently rubbing her back. "It was just a nightmare... Look, you are here. It was just... a nightmare." He carefully whispered as the girl nodded in his neck. Yoongi's calming scent soon engulfed her. As her harsh sobs changed into deep breaths. 

When Yoongi felt she was calmed enough he pulled away. staring at her flushed face. Salty tears stain her warm cheeks. He gently cupped her face with his left palm as he softly whispered between her soft hiccups.

"Soma... What's wrong...?" He softly shushed the poor. Just as the dreadful memories returned to her vision. She again broke into sobs. Not soon after. Heavy steps erupt from the hallway as soon Taehyung and Jungkook leaned on the doorframe with a frown. Their breaths were deep and heavy as they try to calm their racing heart.

"H-Hyung what happened- Woah! Why are you crying..." Jungkook hushed pushing himself inside as he rushes on the bed near the girl as she cried, burying her face in her hands. "Hey, bun... What's wrong?"

Jungkook softly whispered as he held her shoulder. Taehyung stood frowning at the door as he tried to catch hold of her eyes which were buried deep in her hands. Soma's shoulders rose and fell in distress.

As she cried. The scary scene running inside her mind like a horror movie. "Stop rubbing your eyes, you'll hurt them." Yoongi sighed pushing her hands off her face. Just as she opened her eyes she was met with deep brown eyes as they bored deep into her soul. She felt her body stiffening. 

An old-looking man tore away the black silk robe from the poor girl's body as she screamed. The force made her fall. With all her might the dark-haired girl tried to cover her dignity. The man scoffed. "I paid for this. Now get up!" He spats. The blue-eyed female ran behind the bed as she cried. Rubbing her hands together as she begged for mercy. 

The man gritted his teeth as he harshly gripped the black hair of the girl severely jerking her on the bed. Throwing off his suit. He smirked, "You really are worth the cost arent you-"

Taehyung forced his eyes closed as he ripped his stare away from the deep blue eyes. Soma's eyes widen as she sees Taehyung stumble on the doorframe...

'Did... Did he just... He didn't right...?'

Another chapter. I just feel bad for not uploading so I just did it

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