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Everyone was screaming at the sight, a few were frozen. Jin was the only one sane, probably the first one to see the hybrid's tears. "Gosh, Hoseok! Get a shirt or something!" He said rushing towards the poor girl, his eyes set on her face as he tried not to make her uncomfortable.

"Everyone, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He screamed. The hybrid broke into sobs as she bawled her eyes out. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry, don't be scared..."He whispered, the hybrid looked over to him with her wide teary feline eyes, she quickly hugged him and placed herself on his lap as she cried.

"H-Hyung the sh-shirt," Hoseok said looking away, every man in the room was blushing like hell. Hoseok avoided looking at the girl's body who had herself wrapped in Jin's arms. Jin himself would have been a blushing mess if he hadn't noticed the scars on her body. Jin took Hoseok's shirt, which was apparently too large for the girl. He sighed buttoning her up. "Honey, please stop crying..." Jin spoke softly, the girl rubbed her fists on her eye's sniffing. She looked up from his chest with her puffy eyes and pouted face as she did some weird gestures with her palms. 

The boys looked at her in utter confusion. "You... didn't tell me she was a mute?" Namjoon asked staring at the girl... "She is?!" Jimin and Jungkook exclaimed as they looked at her with wide eyes, her black ears twitched as she uncomfortably shifted in Jin's lap. "Now that I think of it..." Jin says... "She never really spoke..." The hybrid unconsciously rubbed her nose in Jin's neck making him blush as he smiles. "So... What was she saying exactly...?" Hoseok said. "She's scared," Namjoon spoke nonchalantly, as the hybrid glances at him scared. "She's scared of us. Apparently, the Old man is someone who has earned her trust." Namjoon scoffed as JIn smirked rubbed her back. "That's the first time I liked the nickname you used."

"So much for picking favorites." Jungkook rolled his eyes. Jimin catches the feline's eyes and smiles. To which she returns with an effortlessly cute grin. "D-Did you see that?!" Jimin exclaims. "She just smiled." The hybrid grins wider as Jimin's eyes smile looked appealing to her. "When was Tae returning again?"

Namjoon asks annoyed. "2 days probably..."

The house was finally calm, the boys had a decent breakfast with the hybrid taking small glances at Namjoon from behind Hoseok's back. Namjoon unintentionally liked the attention.

"So, where is she staying?" Yoongi asked as he lay on the couch like a corpse. "I don't know, maybe in my room?"

"In your dreams~!" Jimin and Jungkook sang while Hoseok scoffed. On the other side of the couch, the black-haired feline sat, her black ears twitched as she saw some K-pop songs on the screen, her eyes wide and curious, her mouth fell ajar. When one of the members of the boy band blew a kiss to the screen, her face flared as a small shy smile graced her lips. No matter how innocent her face looked, her body was just as sinful. Her legs were folded as she wore Hoseok's black shirt which slid up to her upper thigh. Her long pale legs shone in the bright sunlight. The boys didn't know they were staring when Yoongi groaned. "Forget where she'll stay, get her some clothes for hell's sake."

He quickly went to his room after that. "I'll go!" Jungkook jumped. Jin sighed, he had to go to his office today to make the preparations as he decided to take a few leaves as the hybrid was very comfortable with him than any other member. Jimin and Hoseok also were disappointed as they had to do the interrogation work when Taehyung wasn't present. And they all knew it wouldn't be a very great idea to send her with Namjoon. Hence the only person left was Jungkook, who was ready to ditch his 12 hours of gaming for the hybrid. Jin nodded "Okay, I suggest you have a talk with her before leaving, she isn't very used to you either." With that Jin stood up and went to his room. "I-I really wanted to go..." Jimin mumbled. Hoseok laughed. "Come on kid, we got work." With that, he was dragged away too.

"Hey..." Jungkook smiled at the hybrid whose carefree face turned to a little scared. "I-I'm sorry for touching your ears earlier, I... didn't know they were that sensitive..." Jungkook spoke when there was no change in her expressions he sighed. "I hope you can forgive me..." He painfully smiled. To which the girl smiled back. It was safe to say she had this habit to smile whenever someone else did. "Uh... We need to get you some clothes... Do you want to change in something... more- Uh... Covering maybe?" The hybrid shyly nodded. She was getting familiar with his scent, after all, she would have died if not for him. Jungkook smiled, at least she trusted him enough. "Come, I'll give you some clothes." He spoke. He took out his hand for her to take which she hesitantly took. When her soft hands slid in his bigger and rougher ones, a smile made its way to Jungkook's lips as he gripped tighter.

"Uh... Choose whatever you like..." Jungkook spoke. The hybrid softly takes her hand out of Jungkook's as she looks inside the huge closet with sparkling eyes. She smiled as she touched the fabrics of the hoodies neatly hung on the racks, but something was off, they stank... The clothes stank. Each one she liked... It smelled like medicine. Who might tell her it was just the fabric softener. She then turned to Jungkook with a dull face, he sighed, "you don't like them?" He walked closer to her and said. "No problem, let's get Jin Hyungs' if that'll make you comfortable..." He smiled. That is when he felt her soft breath on his neck, her nose momentarily brushing against his skin, his breath hitched. Her nose twitched at the comforting scent. Bef ore Jungkook could comprehend he felt her move away. He looked puzzled as he forced himself out of the trance. Jungkook's face burned in realization. The hybrid hummed as she tugged onto his hoodie. Jungkook looked at her. "W-What?" He breathed out. She hummed again as she tugged on his hoodie. "Y-You want to wear th-this?" The hybrid shyly smiles and nods. "Uh... O-Okay. I'll j-just change." Jungkook's ears burned as he told her to wait while he changed. The hoodie was oversized for Jungkook, the girl would get the feeling of wearing a tent when she wore it. Well... It was her choice tho. Jungkook quickly wears another hood as he takes the grey one and enters his closet again to see the feline playing with its own tail. He smiled.

"Uh... I got the hoodie. Here, you can change now." Jungkook said placing it in her arms. She rubs her nose to the hoodie with a huge grin. Jungkook laughs and ruffles her hair. "Go on change it, we need to get you clothes after this." To his surprise, the kitten quickly starts unbuttoning the shirt she wore. Jungkook panicked. "Y-Yah!" The hybrid flinches as she looks at him innocently. "F-Forget it! I-I'll be outside, wear this a-and come out." Jungkook quickly dashes out of the closet and jumps on his bed. 

Gosh, this girl was going to make him go insane...


Okay, sorry for my harsh ass, but please. Smash that little star. 

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