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Wattpad really be f'ing with my goddamn sanity. I cannot pin this shit on top!

It was evening already. Time flew so fast, Soma just remembered it was just a few minutes when she took off from the mansion. She had found a strong scent of petrol, she followed it and was led to a broken car, on a roadway. So she decided to follow the route. Her arms hugged herself as she shivered. It was not too cold, the winter was almost leaving. But that didn't mean a baggy t-shirt and boxers were the ideal clothes someone would wear. 

"Here!" Jungkook yells, throwing a black fluffy blanket on soma's revealed legs. "At least use that! You never wear something warm, even when I tell you to! Do you know how cold it is?!" He said scolding her. Soma's eyes enlarge as a cute pout grace her lips. she softly pats the place beside her.

Jungkook rolls his eyes but finally flops near her. Soma smiled as she scooted closer to him and laid her head on his chest. Her hand circled his torso. He smiled placing a kiss on her hair...

A lone tear trailed down her freezing cheeks as she quickly wipes it. She was definitely going to miss them, but it was for the best. She had committed enough sin already. A happy family of seven brothers was breaking apart in front of her. She couldn't live there anymore...

"Jimin? Why are you crying?! Wait..." Jin sighed plopping on the couch as he took off his blazer. "You both fought, didn't you? And that too again? Guys, you are not toddlers anymore!" He hissed at his younger brothers. 

"Jin Hyung?! You are home?" Jungkook grinned as he walked down the stairs, he had been in his gaming room with for the last few hours. Which probably was the reason he heard absolutely nothing. "Yeah, Surprising enough, ain't it? Mr. Jeon." He smiled.

"Okay, whatever. Hyung, where is Soma, she said she'd let me teach her fortnight today." Jungkook grinned as he excitedly searched the room for the girl. "Where is she?" Jungkook frowned. "In the kitchen maybe?" He mumbled.

"She's probably not there, she would have run up to me if she was there. Must be in her room." Jin said. Loosening his tie. Jungkook smiled and rushed upstairs. "What is with the long faces. And Jimin, are you a kid. Stop crying! If you can't handle a few punches from Namjoon, how do you call yourself a professional assassin."

"She is not in the bedroom-"

"She is not here... anymore," Yoongi said making Jungkook look at him in disbelief as he stepped down the stairs. "Come on, stop it. I know it's a prank you guys." Jungkook laughed. Jin's eyes settled on Yoongi's expression, There was no way in hell he would lie with that face.

"Where is she Tae? Where is Soma?" Jin asked, hoping Yoongi was actually lying. Taehyung broke into sobs as he looked away. "Someone tell me what the fuck is happening?!" Jungkook yelled. Adrenaline hitting him hard. 

"Answer him!" Jin shouted. 

"S-Sir!" A man dressed in all black ran through the doors and held his knees to catch a breath. "Th-That hybrid, she penetrated the security. She escaped-"

"Leave," Jin said. "S-Sir?" Felix asked, unsure of his boss' unusual reaction. "I SAID LEAVE!" He yelled. Looking at the man with his dark rage-filled eyes. "GET OUT!" He shouted. Felix scurried out of the room. 

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now