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Uh, yeah. I won't be uploading today. I know I am getting cursed by y'all today but yeah. My parents and teachers are whooping my ass to study for my math exam and you know how much I love maths... Because that is the only subject I suck at. 

I love it to the limit that I want to go to hell and kill the creators of this great subject with my own hands. So, peasants. You know this bish loves you. And I am grateful AF. So please spare my whooping again. Cause I swear I'll be uploading as soon as possible. Maybe I even upload today, I seriously don't know what this shitty brain of mine is up to. SO yeah.

Thank you. 

I love. 

Regards AF From Me. So yeah.

(And all those who think something needs to change please throw your ideas in the comments. And yeah. *I know no one is probably thinking about any ideas anyway but still* You can refer to me as whatever you want.)

[Edit: I just completed my preparation and My fat stomach couldn't hold it, so I came up here to spill some tea. I am thinking about starting a war between two of the members *v* Can we have a guess who must that be?] 

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