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This is for that one person who knows my address. Who knows exactly who they are. *Smirk*

Yeah, I am talking to you. And If you are reading this... 

You are my type. (;

The three men were soundly asleep, it was twelve in the morning, everyone was awake, just except Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook. It was fair because they went to sleep at four in the morning. They ended up watching all the parts of the horror movie. Soma couldn't sleep at all. The image of those horrifying graphics flashed in her eyes every second.

She wanted to sleep so bad, but she had some important stuff to do today. So here she was waiting for Hoseok and Namjoon to return. Yoongi was only noticed at breakfast, after that he went somewhere. Soma was baking today. She had no idea what Hoseok liked in particular, well other than sprite. He loved the soft drink. Too bad it couldn't really serve as a snack.

She had asked Jin about it, but all he said was- "Hoseok is the sweetest of them all, he would eat whatever was made without any complaint, so I never really got a chance to figure out what his first choice was."

Soma sighed. The oven dinged. She looked at the appliance with a sigh. Just when she was about to move towards it. The scent of sandalwood hit her nose. Shit.

She hurriedly opened the oven. They were here and she hadn't even taken the cookies out! She opened the oven and pulled out the tray, a stinging sensation of heat lingered on her fingers as the tray falls from her hands. She suppresses her scream by covering her mouth. The burn was bad. her fingers were blistering and red. Tears oozed down her eyes as she sobbed. 

Suddenly heavy footsteps erupted from the door. She wiped her tears standing up. Hoseok worriedly looks at the girl as he notices the fallen tray. "Soma?! What the hell?! Did you hurt yourself?!" He exclaimed walking closer to her. She hides her hand behind her, causing Hoseok to snap his head at her movement. 

He closed his eyes in anger. "What are you hiding Soma?" He mumbled Soma's eyes water in pain as she looks down. "Show me."

He commanded. Upon receiving no response he walked closer harshly grabbing the bruised palm behind her back. Blood oozed from the blisters as a cry escaped  Soma's lips, she sobbed. Hoseok's face turns pale at the tears running down her golden cheeks. 

He gently brings the hand forwards only to gasp in surprise. Her fingers and palm were totally red. Skin blistering due to excessive heat. He gasped watching blood ooze out from the bruise. Staining his palm.

His eyes tear open in horror.

Let's be truthful. He had seen enough blood in his life to handle a small bruise. But the painful expression on Soma's face just made his heart clench. Not wasting any more time he rushed towards the sink cold water splashed on their hands as Soma suppressed her scream, Clenching her mouth. 

Looking at her crying face Hoseok shuddered. He gripped the back of her neck, pulling her face into his chest as she cried. Her skin stinging from the pain.

A few minutes later. Soma sat sniffing on the kitchen island. Hoseok stood between her legs as he wrapped a clean white bandage to her hands. His expressions radiating anger.

"How did this happen?" He sternly asks cutting a tape from the first aid box, wrapping up the bruise. He glanced at Soma's red face and focused back on wrapping. 

"I... Expect an answer to my questions, Soma." He said placing the scissors back in the box.

Soma sniffled. 'Forgot the gloves.' She mouthed. Her plan just went incredibly bad. She stared at her, now destroyed Butterscotch cookies with sad eyes. "I-I understand sign language, Soma," Hoseok spoke, closing the box. As he moves away to keep the box in one of the cabinets. 

When he turned around he saw soma shyly bringing her hands up to sign. 'I was baking cookies. And then I forgot to wear the gloves while taking the tray out.' Hoseok's expressions sterned. "For who? Him right?" He asks with a poisonous voice.

Soma smiles. Gesturing him to come closer. He scoffs, walking between her legs. 'You' She mumbled. Before pulling his tie causing him to stumble closer, his hands held the table for support. A bright red blush covered his face. He gasped at the close proximity of their faces. She smiled softly before pecking his nose. 

His eyes widen. 'It was for you.' She mouthed. Hoseok smiled the blush long gone as the feeling of euphoria washes over his soul. His hands wrap around her waist picking her up as she gasped between her giggles. Her arms automatically wrap around his neck for support as he spins her while smiling.

She smiled brightly burying her nose in his chestnut hair. Hoseok smiled. "Were they really for me?" He asks cutely before looking into her eyes. She nodded gently. 'It was for the apology.' She mouthed

Hoseok carefully settles her on the ground as she fiddles with the button of his coat. Her eyes glistened with tears. "Look at me, sunshine..." He smiled gently. Upon hearing the newly given nickname the kitten purrs as her ears twitch and tail sways in delight. 

Hoseok gently raised her chin to catch her eyes. 'I am sorry...' She mouthed softly. Her hands fisted on his coat in unease. 

Her nervousness flies away when she feels Hoseoks hear shaped lips stamping her temple gently. As he mumbled against her forehead. 

"Your too precious to be mad at my love." 

Soma's eyes teared, as she slammed herself to his chest, rubbing her cheek on his shirt. 

"Aw~ Look at this big baby~" He cooed, trying to pull away, to see her cute red face. She laughed between her sobs as she slaps his arm softly. before her arms tightly snaked around his torso. 

Hoseok smiled. A warm bubbly feeling erupts in his heart as his stomach flips. His right palm lands on her head as his left arm crept her lower back. He places a soft kiss on her head as she grins-

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" A loud voice tears apart the two bodies as a furious Yoongi looks at the couple. Hoseok smirks as he looked at his Hyung's annoyed expressions. He intentionally pulls Soma back to him as her back slams against his chest. His hands wrap around her waist as his chin lowers to be rested on her shoulder. 

"Good morning, Hyung..." He smirks. 

Yoongi huffed, as he glared at the frightened hybrid. His furious eyes then landed on the younger male. "Kinky Fucking Bastard." He mumbled before storming upstairs. Hoseok chuckled near Soma's ears as she shuddered. He places a butterfly kiss on her ear making her giggle. 

Soma smiled breaking through his arms as she turned around placing a kiss on his cheek before dashing upstairs with a grin. 

"Ugh... I need more of these." He mumbled as he watched the hybrid gracefully sprint up the stairs...

Okay, Yeah I am simping over Hoseok. 

So?! What's wrong with it. I love 7 Korean men.

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