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The young man in his twenties stood on the helipad at the top of the highest building in Seoul. He was surrounded by trained men, armed with guns, ready to attack. Beside him stood The biggest businessman of Asia, and the youngest and most successful Lawyer. They were here to attend one of their partners, the most 'loyal', they thought. The chopper was soon visible as it landed in front of them in no time, and a very jolly-looking man stepped out. He clapped his hands while smiling and rushing to Hoseok. 5 chained men stepped out behind him, with pale faces, and beaten up selves. "J-Hope~! Oh? Seokjin and Namjoon too?" He beamed while giving them brotherly hugs each. "Oh guys, it's been long since I met you both, while Hope and I are quite good friends. It's kind of Ironic since it should be you two and your brother, who was supposed to be in J-Hope's place, but well, It's all cool." He smiled. It was a sensitive topic. But 

Oh Sehun loved pinching it a lot. Because The Kim Brothers, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Taehyung were supposed to rule the underworld after Their father, it was a shock for the underworld when Mr. Kim gave this responsibility to Hoseok in his last breaths. The three kids had no grudge against this they were even happy with their father's choice. But Hoseok always felt like his golden fate was written after erasing that of his closest friends.

"Welcome, Sehun." Jin smiled back his eyes still red with anger. "The weapons Mr. Oh..." Namjoon trailed bringing it to Sehun's notice. Hoseak being too angry to speak just stood still clenching his jaw. "Geez, Namjoon. Why so formal? By the way Hoseok, do you remember the papers that were stolen last month, I am ashamed that many of my men were suspected of the theft. But I promise I treated them well." He gestured to the 5 men sitting on their knees near the edge of the helipad with a smirk. 

"Really?" Hoseok smirked walking closer. to the 5 beaten-up men who were too worn out to even look him in the eye. "Of course? I don't take shit against my best friends. Especially him." He gestured to the man up front who shivered in fear. "It's Jacob. He's beaten to a pulp, can you believe it is even him?" Sehun chuckled. Hoseok leaned down to face Jacob and gripped his hair. "You should've killed them." He mumbled through a clenched jaw. "Of-Ofcourse Hoseok I was just." And with one swift movement, he jerked the man off the helipad as he fell 100s of feet. "it's not that hard." 

"Hyung-" Namjoon's voice was silenced when Hoseok raised his hand up before signaling two of his bodyguards who mercilessly threw the other 4 off the structure as they screamed. Hoseok leaned to the edge watching them fall with a huge grin. Sehun's eyes froze as he stared at Hoseok, his face paled at the sight. He still managed to keep that smile up. "Now, If we get back to the deal?" Jin continues while smirking.

It was going to be a long night, for all four of them...

"What the hell bro?! You have been cursing me since the start!" Jungkook yell, "Stop being unprofessional, you dumbass!" Jimin mutters. "What did you just call me?!" 

"A Dumbass! If you would have reminded me that we had to bring one of these assholes back, we would not have had to run for 4 fucking hours to get hold of this shit-head!" Jimin screamed in anger as he drives the huge damn truck on this well-maintained road in the middle of the night. "I swear to god Jimin-" A sudden screech filled their years as Jungkook hit his head in front due to the sudden breaks. "Oh Fuck!" He curses. "Before you say any shit, get off and see if I hit someone, I saw a shadow there." Jimin hissed at him. 

"Who the heck gave you a driver's license! You suck!" With that Jungkook got off the truck and walked in front, his gun aimed directly at anything that might be a threat. He saw a body lying in front of the truck. He clicked his tongue, he gripped tightly on his gun ready for any attacks, but before that, he used his boots to shake the person, the way the body was lying, he was sure, whoever it was, it's dead, but his expectations turn to dust as the body twitches and starts moving Jungkook backs off as he sees the person using its arms for support. 

Soon a small part of the shiny golden skin escaped from behind the huge dirty clothing, the arm was thin, too thin for an adult, Jungkook tilts his head in confusion. Suddenly the person sits up, little groans and whimpers, still evident. The cap-like structure falls off the person's head making it gasp. As a beautiful girl turns around to be faced by the bunny boy, Jungkooks eyes grow bigger, at the sight of a cute little girl sitting in front of the truck, She had a lot of blood dripping down her head, but it was a miracle that she was still awake. Her beautiful skin was all covered by bruises. Her eyes mirrored his face, she looked so precious, her luscious black hair flew with the passing wind. Her pale chapped lips were shivering. 

Suddenly she started wheezing in panic, it felt like she couldn't breathe. Suddenly she started leaning back and in no time she was about to fall back when Jungkook quickly rushed on his knees as one of his hands supported her head and the other held the waist for support. The girl's chest heaved heavily as her breathing becomes abnormal. "Hyung! I think you hit something!" Jungkook shouts. Jimin pokes his head out. "What now?" He sighs when receives no response he gets off the driver's seat and walks closer, "What in the-!?" 

 He quickly hurries to the girl in Jungkooks arms, the same expression makes its way to Jimin's face as Hoseoks, Jin's, and Jungkook's when they saw her. Jimin stares at her while spacing out. "She is gorgeous..." Jungkook whispers, which brings Jimin back to earth. "Huh?" He asks startled. as he finds himself kneeling while staring at the now unconscious girl. "Stunning, Isn't she?" Jungkook asks, "No? She is INJURED for god's sake!" Jimin exclaims walking back into his 'Hyung' skin. "Y-Yeah, maybe Jin Hyung could treat her-" Jimin just looked at the younger one weirdly and stood up while stuffing his hands into the pockets of her cargo pants. "What? Why are you looking at me like that."

"We can't take her home koo~, She cannot come with us..." Jimin spoke. "But Hyung she's injured!" Jungkook spoke as he picked her up. "And don't act like you don't want to help her." With that he walked towards the truck, placing the girl gently on the seat between the passenger's and driver's seat "H-Hey! What are you trying to do?!" Jimin shouts as he also reaches the driver's seat. "Hey! The hell?! I am older." Jungkook looked at his Hyung totally done. "Do you want her to die?" Jimin sighed.

I just felt like uploading again.


"I know you are sleepy Karen, but vote before you pass out, and if you dare sleep without voting, the consequences won't be as sweet as me..."

"Oh, you think  I'm joking?"




"Sleep without voting and see if you ever wake up again."

I just used a random name. Please don't run at me!

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