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"You shut up. I am older." Taehyung roared at the bunny boy. Jungkook scoffed. "Exactly. Don't you watch movies? The older make compromises." He smirked. His hand forwarding for the pancake. "You little-"

"Soma, Can you be fast? This is annoying." Yoongi mumbled as he sipped on his coffee. Hoseok laughed. Soma nervously nodded as she flipped the pancake. She was happy today. Everyone was here and happy. Well, everyone excluding Namjoon and Jin.

Jin was still a few weeks away from returning and Namjoon, well. The last time she was him was when he went to the office the day before yesterday's morning. When Hoseok returned. Namjoon had directly gone for his office and had yet not returned from the room. 

"Soma..." An elderly voice spoke. Soma looked up to see Mrs. Anne. The older lady smiled. "Do you want me to help you, with the breakfast? And Mr. Kim's coffee?" She said making the hybrid remember about the coffee. Soma's eyes enlarge in realization. 

Namjoon's coffee. She quickly threw the pancake on a plate and slid it towards the two bickering humans. Who were now bickering on who deserved the fresh pancake... "Hopeless morons," Jimin mumbled under his breath. Soma finished the coffee. Hurriedly placing it on a tray.

Mrs. Anne laughed at the troubled hybrid. She slowly picked up the tray. She smiled one last time before making her way to the study. She knocked twice. A hum answered. "The coffee, Mr. Kim."

She informed. Namjoon hummed again, indicating for her to enter. Just as Anne opened the door. She held in a gasp. There were papers spread all around the room, Namjoon on his chair. A few papers covered his face. 

The older lady gulped as she carefully made her way to the table carefully placing the cup on the table. Namjoon nudged his head in a thank you. She nodded back before walking away. Just when she twisted open the door. 

"And Mrs. Anne. The coffee tastes good. I am sorry you had to make one for me at midnight. You may take a day off today." Anne smiled and bowed a thank you to him before walking out. Little did he know the coffee he praised so much was made by the lowlife he despised

The poor lady had lied to her boss just so he wouldn't throw it away, and the poor girl wouldn't end up hurting her feelings. This way both of them could be happy. Namjoon wouldn't throw it away, thinking that Anne made it. And The feline would be happy thinking that he liked her coffee.

It had been a few hours since they had breakfast. Namjoon was... Yeah. Still not out of his den.

"You're spacing out, Doll." Jimin smiled. He laid his head on her lap as she smiled. She had sent him to check on Namjoon. "He's still working..."

"That's called overworking my dude," Jungkook spoke finally ripping his eyes from the small electronic device in his hands. "Oh, and he asked for a coffee."

'Again?' Soma mouthed as her fingers played with the dirty blond locks. Jimin hummed. "It's not healthy tho." Taehyung shrugged as he walked into the room with a glass of water. "But he is working a lot. He does need fuel..." Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

After a small discussion, Soma was brewing some coffee when she remembered. Mrs. Anne was on a holiday. She placed the coffee on the tray, just then Yoongi slammed open the fridge making her flinch.

Looking at him Soma's brain flashed with an Idea.

"No," Yoongi said closing the cap of the bottle. 'Please' Soma begged. "Why tho? You know where his study is. Just throw it in his face. Not like he'll kill you." He shrugged.

"I will skin you alive..."

Soma jostled at the memory. But to be truthful, she knew he wouldn't even touch her. She had enough faith in his eyes. He just said that. He would never do anything like that. He was just angry and kinda aggressive

She looked at Yoongi's reassuring eyes and believed in them. Won't be difficult.

Her hands were trembling. Literally. Trembling as she walked closer to the door. She knew she was soon be met with his scent, but it never came. She could tell he had been in there. Faints smell of his told her that he had been in there but currently wasn't.

So she just walked in. She was correct. He wasn't there. But the room was a mess. She had seen Jin's office. And if was classy as hell. But Namjoon...

The room screamed how unorganized and sludgy of a worker the tall human was. She softly chuckled. Soma had originally thought he would be a germophobe or someone who likes order. But here she was, sighing with a smile. Carefully making her way to the table, she placed the coffee on the desk.

Her eyes fell on the painting placed facing the door right behind the desk. It was Namjoon. So, he was a lawyer? She raised an eyebrow, ten on ten impressed by his visuals. She leaned onto the desk forgetting everything else at that moment. She stared at the details. The soft shining brown eyes and the neatly ironed black coat. 

His thin sharp lips... What would it feel like to-

A loud sound emerged from behind her as Namjoon's strong scent hit her nose. She quickly turned around to face his steely expressions; 

knocking off the cup in the process...

Soma's heart stopped as she saw the beverage, staining the scattered papers one by one, ruining the neatly written text on them. "What the-"

Namjoon hurried as he picked the cup. Soma tried stopping the dark liquid from reaching any more sheets. The room grew uneasy as she felt fury radiating from the taller male. He picked up his ruined papers and a low growl scratched through his chest. 

"What the fuck were you doing here?!" His voice was dangerously calm. A soft whimper escaped Soma's slips as she looked at his dark eyes filled with wrath. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" He growled. 

Soma's knees fall weak as a loud slapping sound deafens her right ear. A stinging pain runs through her cheeks as she falls down. Her head hits the base of a shelf in the process. Tears broke into her eyes, as horrid memories of similar situations flashed in her head. 

"You bitch!"

"A fucking slut like you acting all innocent is not very usual you know?"

"A good sum they must be earning from you. Not like I am complaining. This body... it's worth it."

"Pathetic prostitute!"

Her head spins as she was brought back to reality by Namjoon gripping her hair; pulling her up on her feet. Her eyes burn as hot tears fell down her golden cheeks. Namjoon's rage blinded him to notice the pain in her eyes or even the blood dripping on the side of her head. 

"Such a shameless piece of trash! I told you to stay the fuck away from us, didn't I?!" He yelled. Soma cried as her weak fingers gripped her hair wanting to ease the pain on her scalp. "Do you think I don't see you!? Purposely throwing yourself at them! You act like a desperate goddamn whore!"

"Do you have any idea how much I had worked on those files?!" He yelled, gritting his teeth in anger. "You don't do you?" His voice turned calmer but colder, as he let go of her throwing her to the floor. "You illiterate animal! No matter how much you look or dress like humans you still stay a goddamn animal!"

"Reckless! Wild! Useless! You have no idea how much I hate you, you bitch."

"I am letting you go today. Don't let me lay my eyes on you. You have no idea what I might do to you!"


OOf! I am high on Angst my ladies.

Oh, btw. Anyone here who is technically NOT a lady. Like I am curious...

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