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A sweet familiar scent hits soma's nose as she flutters her eyes open hoping to get greeted by the bright sunlight, but it never came, her eyes open completely when she sees the curtains hiding the sun behind them. She sighed.

Soam turned around to find another comfortable position to sleep when a yelp escaped her lips as her eyes trailed on the beautiful bunny features of Jungkook. He looked so beautiful~  A smile made its way up to her lips.

She was thankful the curtains were up, it would be an indefensible sin to wake this angel up. Her eyes softly trailed over his features as if she had never noticed them before. This man was just a blessing. 

Suddenly Jungkook's rough fingers wrapped rounder her pulling her closer she softly gasped but soon broke into silent laughter. Her fingers gently scratched his hair. Jungkook hummed softly.

A few more minutes and the girl just laid in silence as she softly brushed his hair, as his head rested on her chest, his arms around her small waist. Soma sighed. She needed to wake up. and there was no way on earth this man-baby was waking up anywhere before an hour or so. 

She exited her room, softly closing the door behind her. She sighed softly as her fingers gently collected her hair wrapping them in a bun on her head, suddenly her nose twitches as her ears stand up in an alert. Another familiar wave of scents hits her nose as the fresh smell of coffee beans brightens her spirit.

She ran down the stairs slamming herself into Yoongi's broad chest as the older black-haired male smiled. "Woah, Woah, Woah, there sweetness..." His hands wrapped around the female as Soma smiled while rubbing her cheek on his chest. There was something about being in Yoongi's arms, she just couldn't put her finger on it. But she wouldn't deny that she treasured it.

"Yeah, Yoongi Hyung was a little sick so Jin Hyung sent him and Jungkook back, others will be here this evening..." Taehyung mumbled. Soma hummed while nodding. she slightly glanced at the staircase to look at a tired-looking Yoongi walking up the stairs with a water bottle in his hands.

She sighed turning back to the bowl in which she mixed the dough with her hands; meanwhile, Taehyung's eyes lock with Yoongi's as a deep voice rang in his head. 'The basement. You need to check on him.' He gulped as his eyes trailed back to Soma, who had her fingers all messy in the flour. "I'll be back in a second," Taehyung said standing up. Soma hummed with a smile.

"Good morning. My love~!" Jungkook yelled from behind the dark-haired female as she laughed softly, her head slightly shaking at the older male. It was a matter of seconds when Strong tattooed arms wrapped around her waist and she was pulled off her feet. She yelped as she tried to keep her dirty hands away from his clothes. 

A beautiful smile graced her lips as Jungkook laughed while spinning her around. After a little playtime, Soma was finally settled on the countertop, with the bunny guy hugging her waist. Jungkook was the one who enjoyed physical contact and affection the most among the boys.

And Soma could sense it, the way his eyes would sparkle when they would cuddle. Jungkook pulled away from her neck as his puffy eyes squinted trying the squeeze out all the sleep left in them. Soma smiled in adoration.

As a soft yawn escapes his lips. Soma laughed gently, her hands still away from him as she leans in, to peck his forehead. Jundkook smiles. "I wuv you, Soma." He mumbled between his yawn. She smiled softly. He was just... 

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