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Soma was drying her hair, as she looked at her reflection. An exciting grin was placed on her lips. She had decided to make up to at least the others...

So today she would be making the maknaes feel special. She wore the same black night suit, Jungkook loved the color. He literally whined at the mall when Soma denied buying the silk set. And Jimin, well he was a sucker for this thing. He loved it when she would wear it.

Taehyung was probably the only one who wasn't much affected by it. But well.

As usual, Jimin was the first one to stumble down the staircase, a not-so-awake Taehyung was dragging his feet down right behind him. Soma giggled as she looked at the two men. She quickly stood at the base of the staircase. Her netted robe flowed behind her. She quickly hung a towel on her arms as she bowed at the two men with a glistening smile.

'Good Morning, Your highness.' She smiled. Jimin rolled his eyes as he walked past her. Taehyung glanced at her nonchalantly before walking behind the other. Soma sighed, quickly rushing into the kitchen.

She excitedly glanced at the tired boys before turning around and fixing the beautifully prepared tray one last time. She took in a deep breath as she picked the tray up and faced the two males who were dozing off on the counter. She held back a giggle and placed a beautifully dressed strawberry milkshake in front of the blue-haired male, only to wipe off the nasty sleep from his orbs. 

His lips shiver in excitement. Oh, if we forgot to mention. The Kim Taehyung loved Strawberries and The Kim Taehyung cannot sleep without tasting at least one of them. She giggled staring at his sparkling eyes. She looked at Jimin who sulked staring at the excited tiger.

But the gloomy mood was only until his eyes fell on the sparking yellow liquid placed in a beautiful cup. There was no way in hell Park Jimin will let go of the lemon tea...

He worshiped it. literally.

Both of them were enjoying their things as Soma admiringly watched them enjoying their time. She fell soft thuds emerge from the staircase. She frowned. The next ones to wake up shall be Namjoon and Hoseok, and their waking was still a good 30 minutes away from now. Her confusion blasted the roof and flew away when Jungkook walked down the stairs.  

What do you expect?! The guy woke up with Yoongi?! Sometimes even later! But well. More time with the younger ones. She smiled rushing into the kitchen preparing his early breakfast.

She had heard from Jin, the muscle baby wouldn't confess. But he loved bananas. The mini-fridge in his room was always stacked with those. God knows how he managed to bring cartons inside the house without letting anyone know...

She decorated the long shiny glass filled with a delicious Banana milk shake. She smiled placing a few pieces of sliced banana on top. Jungkook rubbed his eyes, only to get surprised by the drink on the table. He looked at Soma and cluelessly pointed to himself his eyes questioning. 'That's for me.'

Soma laughed at his innocent face and nodded while giggling.

The breakfast went rather better than yesterday's dinner. The younger ones were at least not that feisty anymore, unlike Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon. They were literally sulking. Hoseok, who loved it when Soma would bring him his intentionally forgotten bag and coat; did not even wish her a decent bye before leaving for his so-called work.

Soma sighed. No matter how much she wanted to cling to Yoongi and Hoseok, she had promised herself, her today was for the three men, and then she would focus on the elders. They were mature enough to wait after all.

It was evening. Yoongi had received a call from Hoseok that he and Namjoon would be returning late. Maybe even tomorrow morning. Soma didn't like it. But at least the maknaes would be happy to spend some time with her.

She had created a small tent out of blankets and pillows on the floor. She decided to watch conjuring. Its poster felt quite interesting to her. She had seen 'I am legend.' What could be scarier than that? She shrugged. and settled everything in, closing the lights for the final touch she smiled and excitedly ran upstairs.

"Who is it?" Soma took in a deep breath before opening to door to his room. Jungkook sat on the bed, his laptop placed on his lap. He looked at her rather coldly. "What?" 

Before he could comprehend. His laptop was slammed shut, and he was dragged near the staircase. Soma sternly pointed at him and mouthed, 'Stay.' He gulped before nodding. Just like that two more sulking males were dragged. 

"What the hell Soma?!" Jimin spat. Soma sighed. 'Surprise.' She mouthed. Placing their palms on their eyes. Dragging them down. "What the fuck is she doing?!" Jungkook hushed to Taehyung. Taehyung shrugged. "I don't know. I think I should peep. Should I?" Taehyung asked whispering back. "Shut up you both. I just want this to get over."

Jimin whisper yelled.

Only the two males knew, how they made it alive to the living room, Surprisingly Taehyung didn't have much problem with walking with his eyes closed. But then, he was Kim Taehyung. So, not very surprising.

Soma again made them form a line. "Can I please open my goddamn eyes?!" Soma looked at Jimin sternly. "Ouch! What the fuck?!" He yelled when he felt a sharp pinch on his stomach. He got his queue to Shut up.

She looked at her preparation one last time before smiling. She stood in front of her blanket house and clapped her hands. Closing her eyes with a hesitant smile gracing her lips, waiting for their reaction.

"Uh... Do we open our eyes?" Jungkook said awkwardly. "Mhm," Soma hummed. Her eyes closed. A few gasped fill the atmosphere. She hesitantly opened her left eye to see the three men with their mouths ajar.

A soft chain of giggles escaped Soma's chest as she looked at their sparkling eyes. The three men watch her with admiration. She was so beautiful. Her shiny black hair was tied in a long braid, falling up to her thigh. A few stray strands framed her charming face.

Two pointy cat-like ears sitting on top of her head, twitching, time to time. Her tail swaying in delight. The two satin straps framed her collarbone like a dream. A glimpse of her twine-thin figure flashed from the small seep between her top and shorts. Long milky white legs, they were-

"M-Movie night?" Jimin said, pulling the two more men from their trance. Soma hummed while nodding. Jungkook smiled happily. "I'm in!" Before he could come closer. Soma raised her palm stopping him. She held her ears, gently. 'Sorry.' She mouthed a small apology.

Her eyes turned pale blue as they started dilating. The three boys cooed at the unintentional puppy eyes. They initiated a warm group hug. "I forgive you," Taehyung mumbled, his head buried in her left shoulder. Jimin mumbled a hum from the other one. Jungkook chuckled, as his chin softly placed itself between her ears.

"I do too. I forgive you bub..." He smiled.

'I love you.'

Hehe. Maknae line really be killing it.


Y'all must be wondering how ShAmElEsS of me, I keep begging for votes. If you really think that, I have a question for you. 

Do you think I care?

Exactly Karen.


[Edit: You guessed it. I forgot something. AGAIN. So yeah. THANK YOU, PEASANTS!!!!! I AM GRATEFUL AF! TO ALL THE FKE NERDS WHO ARE READING THIS INSTEAD OF STUDYING. I LOVE YOU! We reached 20K+ I don't know what to say. I just never knew, I will grab so much attention. I am so~ Thankfull. Seriously.]

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