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Namjoon sighed. "You are... right." Taehyung, who had been hearing everything for the last minutes spoke. "She is not a normal everyday hybrid" Everyone turned to the mentalist who was silent all along. "She is powerful. I felt her strength." Jungkook laughed. "You did? And how do you know that?" Taehyung smirks.

"I know everything, my son." Jungkook scoffs.

"So, all who are here." Namjoon coughs. "The plan earlier was to catch the exotic hybrid and cage it, forcing Sehun to our feet. But now... well the matter has changed from professional to personal and kinda emotional for us. So, as we decided earlier. We'll talk to her about the stuff, and then we vote on what to do." Namjoon spoke. Everyone agreed. As always Namjoon had handled the problems like a leader.

"For the time being. Jungkook and Jimin. I want you to reach every goddamn bidding center in Seoul tomorrow. Whether it be legal or illegal. Especially the classic ones. I need updates on the exotics. You don't need to visit the human ones. I just need to know about the exotic hybrids. We can't handle this situation until we know what we have. And Yoongi. Find this girl. From where had she escaped, where was she all the time. Who all have known of her escape."

"That's quite all for now."

A shivering girl lay on the floor of the bedroom, her naked body was chained down. She was not struggling, her tears pooled. She had smelt Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok. They were alive and knew she was a panther. And her stupid animal instinct had her now chained inside a room, she deserved it. Only if she could turn the time back. She would have never changed. Now they will either kill her or make her work like earlier. The memories of her work made her cry even harder.

Suddenly, she heard soft noises outside.

"Hear anything from inside?" A low voice spoke, and a stern unfamiliar one answers. "No sir. Not a word. Occasional growls were there, but they ended a few minutes ago." Jungkook nodded. "Leave." He spoke dispersing the guards. He took a sharp breath and softly knocked on the door. "S-Soma?" He hushes. "That's your name ain't it?" The hybrid tightly holds her mouth to stop the sobs, she was scared to death, was he here to kill her?

"Soma..." The hybrid shuddered. "I am coming in." Jungkook said. suddenly a key clicked and the door creaked. A loud scream scratched through Soma's lips as she abruptly stands up, her body chained brutally. "Woah-!" Jungkook exclaimed before closing the door again. The hybrid's screaming continues. She heard a sigh and his voice. "Hey, angel... I-It's me.. Jungkook... We went shopping the other day remember." Hearing Jungkook's voice, her eyes teared. She wanted to scream, 'Come In! Come in please.' She opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't hear her voice. She cried struggling with the chains on her body. Helplessly she ran towards the door wanting to be in his comfortable scent as fast as possible. She harshly bangs herself on the door. The boy gasped. "Hey!". Soma cried. "Stop!" Jungkokok yelled, raising his voice. 

Before she could bang again, the gate opens as she finds herself engulfed by a strong cologne. Jungkook wrapped his tattooed arms around her frame not caring that she is naked. To be truthful, he was more concerned by her face, which was covered in tears and sweat. "Who chained her?!" He growled. The hybrid sobs louder and clings to him. He huffed, softly picking her up and entering the room, locking the door behind him. He softly placed her on the bed, harshly ripping the chains off. "I'll deal with these assholes later!" He gritted his teeth. "A-Ah!" 

Soma whines as Jungkook backs away from her. He sighed again and cupped her cheek, "I'll bring you something to wear." He spoke, gently unwrapping her weak fingers from the sleeve of his hoodie. He looks in the closet and finds a jumper with a sweater. Jungkook then helps the poor girl in the clothes and sits beside her. "Soma..." He starts. The hybrid shudders as her tears shed again. She wrapped herself in his arm. Placing herself on his lap she cried. Jungkook took in a sharp breath, his heart ached at the sight. "Honey. You don't need to be scared." The hybrid pulls away from his chest as she looks at him with her teary large blue eyes and pouty lips. 'I am no monster.' She mouthed, trying to make Jugkook understand by reading her lips, which he did. "I know, hun. I know. Who said you are a monster! You are our Kitten, My kitten..." The hybrid sniffs. Jungkook softly petted her hair, as he shushed her. 'My-My punishment...' She mouthed dryly pulling away looking at him. Jungkook frowns. 

"What punishment?" The hybrid lowers her head 'For changing?' He softly smiled, pulling her back to his chest. "You can do whatever you like my love. I came here to take you to the kitchen, for food..." He shushed her gently, pressing her head to his chest. "Jin Hyung is not home. He would be gone for a few days..." She frowned at him with her mouth ajar. "Just a small dispute, don't worry. He will be back. Can't you stay with me for a while? Do you hate me so much?" Jungkook spoke as a perfect pout graced his lips and fake tears twinkled in her eyes. The hybrid gasped. Again tears pool in the hybrid's eyes. 'I am sorry..' She said wiping her tears. Jungkook panicked. "Woah! I was kidding! Look I am not crying." He exclaimed pointing to his eyes. The hybrid sniffs as Jungkoook wipes her tears. "Come, let's get you stuffed."

"Yeah, can you please tell me where are you booking the room for him?" "Yeah. Thank you. Okay." Namjoon hangs up the phone and sighed. "The old man has flown to California." Namjoon sighed pinching his temple. "What?!" Hoseok yelled. "It's simply not possible." Jimin shrugs. "He would never waste money over his anger-"

"Mr. Jung... Mr. Kim is on the line..." A middle-aged woman politely bowed before speaking with a landline in her hands. Hoseok nodded. "You can leave Ms. Anne," Namjoon speaks sternly as he dismisses the maid. "Leave us," Jimin spoke up, all the bulky guards in the room bowed before leaving. "Hello?" Hoseok picks the phone, up to his ear. "Don't act all smart, I know you all are there, put this shit on speaker," Jin grumbled. Hoseok sighed before a loud voice spoke. 

"So... I am going to be out in California for a week or maybe less... And no, it is not because I am furious. I just had an urgent business trip." Hoseok hummed. "Am I clear?!" Jin roared. "Yes, Hyung..." The boys grumbled. "Better, Now. Is she there...?" He asks. Namjoon scoffs. "No, Jungkook s getting her for the dinner," Yoongi spoke. "Good, glad to know that some of you are not trying to starve the poor thing." He spoke, 

Namjoon rolled his eyes, getting the message was for him. "I swear to the church if I see something not-so-good with my baby when I return. I will tear you limb by limb. And Taehyung!" Jin spoke up warning the men. "Y-Yes Hyung." "Treat her nicely. No Hypnotism for personal fun. You don't want your stuff being taken away do you?" Jin spoke. Taehyung sighed. "No Hyung, Don't worry." Jin hummed on the line. "Anything else-?" "Who's gonna take care of her?" Jimin spoke. "What do you mean?" Jin questioned. "I mean, you were the one who would take care of her, or keep an eye on her, but now..." Jin smirked on the other line. He had just got this planned. 

"I have solved this problem Jimin..."




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