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"What the fuck?! How could you agree?!" Jin roared. In the room, that is when he realized. He softly spoke. "Where is she?" Namjoon scoffed. "In the library. She won't hear you." Jin nodded and his concerned expressions turned to angry, at the very moment. "Look, when Sehun said he wanted to discuss an important deal, I swear I did not know he was about to make a deal on 'this'-"

"Even tho?! Why would you agree?!" Jin yelled. "And you! Yoongi?! When the fuck did you even reach Hoseok's office-" Jin pinched his temple in anguish, trying to control his anger. "It was a great deal Hyung." Jin shook his head in disbelief. "What great deal Jackass?! It would have not even taken us 6 months to grow the Arsenal back! What do you think I work my ass for all day long?! Father would have never wanted this. I WOULD NEVER WANT THIS!" Jin shouted. Yoongi sighed. 

"Just tell him Hyung," Jungkook smirked as he stretches his arms. Jimin laughed and joined. "Yeah." Yoongi glared at them. "Shut your garbage." He hissed. "No, let them speak. What's wrong?" Seokjin invites. Jimin smirked. "Do you all really think, The 'SUGA' would agree on hacking for someone he hates..." Jungkook snickered. "Shut up you both-"

"Yoongi!" Jin hissed at the younger, shutting him. "His competitive nerve popped up Hyung." Jimin grinned. "It's his weak spot, we all know it. Min SUGA. Loves challenges." Jungkook smirked. "What fun would it be to find a Hybrid no one else could for the last 6 months."

"Ain't it right Hyung?" Yoongi cursed before slamming his way out of the room. Jin sighed. He knew they were correct, Yoongi does have a kink for Challenges. He loved them.

"Who looted on the arsenal again?" Namjoon asked. A messed-up Rubix cube being shuffled in his fingers. "We don't know who did it, but some of Sehun's men were suspected. We could have interrogated them but, Mr. Weapons right here decided to kill them." Jungkook laughs. "Shut up you both." Namjoon clicked his tongue. The room falls quiet, the only noise was that of Namjoonn's cube flicking. In no time the cube was solved, with each face of a common color. He places it on the table and looks at it with a smirk. He slams his fist on the table. "That fucker! He pillaged the Arsenal! It was planned. The cost of an exotic hybrid goes above billions. And if it was a special order, it would be even more expensive. If he doesn't complete the deal, he shall have to face the loss!" He exclaimed. Jin scoffs. "So the weapons, he offers on recollecting, actually belong to us." Namjoon chuckled. "Precisely." "But why would he do that."

Hoseok looks at Jungkook disgusted and points a finger at him. "That is the reason you are just a 'prizefighter'. For SUGA of course. He did all this to take help from him." Jungkook nods, taking in the information.

"So now?" Jin spoke attracting attention. "What do we do?" Namjoon picks up the cube swiftly throwing it onto the long mirror in the corner of the room, shattering it into pieces. "Ask Yoongi to find that thing." He smirks, before storming out of the room. "Why would he break the glass tho?" Jin huffs.

Namjoon entered the library. He was stressed, his eyes wandered around for the one book. 'Murder on the orient express'. No matter how shitty the day was, Namjoon would always win the day with this book, it was just perfect. He took out the book from the shelves. When he opened the book he heard snores. Soft snores. He softly closed the book. The hell...?

Who the heck was in his library?! He looked beyond the shelf to see a figure laying on the couch, where he had been laying earlier. He softly walked over to the sleeping girl. 'In Search of Lost Time'. This book really was an all-time favorite. He loved it. And whoever chooses to read this, must have great taste in books. He looked at the novel pressed to her chest. He softly takes the book out. Closing it and placing it on the coffee table. He then looks at her. She wore Jungkook's hoodie, and... boxers...? He could probably not see it, because the hoodie would always end up to her knees. But now the same black hood was pulled up to her stomach, her waist was on the show, as she messily laid on the couch. Not being a pervert or something, but she was pretty.

She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a pale white complexion. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her delicate ears framed a button nose. He remembered how a set of dazzling, angel-white teeth would gleam, whenever she laughed with Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, and even Yoongi. He would be lying if he said, watching her beautiful features in the dim light of the table lamp wasn't a pleasure. His mind went back to a few days ago when he saw her for the first time ever. Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes gazed at him over her puffy, heart-shaped lips, his heart stopped working for a second. And the annoying feeling that struck him when he saw her wearing Jin's clothes. Oh, how relieved he was, to know she was not Jin's girlfriend. His eyes snapped. When she started stirring in her sleep. Namjoon stood up abruptly, rushing out of the place. Softly closing the door behind him...

The beautiful black-haired hybrid groans as her eyes softly flutter. She quickly stands up, her ears standing right up. She finds herself in the library. She sighed and plopped back on the couch. She noticed the novel on the table. She picks it up placing it back from where she got it. She smiled at how neat the books looked. Dragging her feet towards the door as she stretched her hands. She did not know why but the current scent felt comfortable. She never knew that Namjoon's scent will make her feel safe in such a way. She groaned, closing the library door behind her. The comforting aura of Namjoon being snatched. She rubbed her itchy nose. As soon as she takes her hand off of her face a new unfamiliar scent engulfs her. Her glass blue eyes turn even brighter and darker. Her neck cracks as a grunt escaped her throat. She fists her hands. Fear fills her veins. The smell of fresh vodka scared her. That is when it hit her. She couldn't smell the boys, none of them. Were they dead? Did the unknown intruder kill them? Her fear was soon changed to anger as her body started twisting, Her hands start changing to sharp paws, her canines elongated. Her body started growing shiny black fur. Her eyes glossed with wet tears. Her whole life she had been torn limb-by-limb. The only people who had shown her love were being torn away. She was not letting this happen. Not now when she finally thought she was at peace



But still...


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