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"Ow, Ow, Ow-" Hoseok flinched as Soma slammed her frame into his, her plum lips softly scenting his neck, his scent comforting her soul. "Honey, his arm has yet not healed, be careful please..." Jin mumbles a little sternly as Soma pulls away with guilty, teary eyes. 

Soma had reached home a week before Hoseok and had longed for him, she'd stay in his room, still believing that if not for her, he wouldn't have had to spend so much time in the hospital. And when she saw him walk into the living room with a plaster on his right hand and limpy steps, she tore into sobs and couldn't help but hug him.

"It's okay, I'm well." Hoseok smiled as he raised his left hand to pat her head. "Yea we can see that," Jin said giving a side hug to his younger brother. "Hyung." He greeted with a soft smile "What'd the doctor say?" 

"A broken wrist, torn muscle on the right leg, he ain't supposed to walk right now but he does not listen to us," Namjoon said in one go before stuffing the airpod back into his ear and opening the novel. 

"He's at it again," Yoongi mumbled. "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE I HAVE TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES, DON'T DRINK FROM THE CARTON-!" Yoongi grinned smugly, leaning onto the counter. "I've told you too, old man, I will drink from the carton." Jin cursed loudly at him, before stomping towards him as if to claim his one-way ticket to hell.

'Sorry.' Soma awkwardly mumbled, she quickly rushed near Hoseok holding his left arm. He just chuckled. "Thank you," he whispered softly as she helped him walk. The stairs were hard but somehow they managed. 

"I missed you, you know..." Soma grinned carefully unlocking the door to his room and letting him in, she lead him to his bed. It took her a few minutes to settle him there, a pillow under his knee and a few behind his back. "Soma about-" 

'Oh! I need more pillows, and are you thirsty? I'll just-' "No." He spoke as he held her arm before she could leave. "Sit," he commanded gesturing for her to sit on the edge of the bed. Soma sighed. "I need to apologize." 

Soma glared at him totally annoyed. 'No, you don't! I don't want this discussion anymore, how long will it take to convince all of you that it was not your fault okay?' Hoseok sighs. "Soma just-" 

'I'll go get you some water' she signed before walking outside, hoseok sighed.

"Soma come on- He can eat after us," Jimin whined as Soma helped the housekeepers settle the plates on the table. 'Either you all figure a way for him to eat with us or I am not eating.' The maknaes look over to Jin who settled on the far end of the table scrolling through the iPad.

"Hey, she makes the rules..." Jin rolled his shoulders. Soma had taken control of the household in a week, and one rule that pricked all the boys was- 'If everyone's home, dinners on the table, together, or else not.'

"But why tho~~" Taehyung whined, too hungry for the quarrel, 'a family that eats together...' She signs. 'stays together...' with a full-fledged grin, Namjoon laughed. beautiful dimples framed his life-taking smile. "Come on just get him already I am too tired for this shit, let's just have dinner." Yoongi groaned.

How the three kids managed to get Hoseok off the stairs without hurting him was another mystery that Soma didn't question. 

'No phones please.' Soma signed before leading Hoseok to his seat and settling beside him. Mrs. Anne smiled at Soma as she served the last dish and left the dining room. "Finally it's a family." She mumbled remembering how their mother used to run the household.

 "Uh- How can I-" Hoseok awkwardly began as his left hand struggled with the chopsticks, Soma smiled taking them from him. "There's soup for your sick ass," Jin said. 'Wait, I'll help you,' Soma grinned as she blew on the soup before bringing the spoon up to his mouth. 'It's still hot.' She warned. 

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