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"What?" Namjoon mumbled, still half dazed with sleep, "What happened?" 

"What happened?! We have been yelling for like an hour now!" Jungkook screamed at his face before walking away from his door. Namjoon scowled. "How dare y-"

"Soma's running high fever, Kelly is not in Korea." He heard Jin's voice as he walked through the hallway and down the stairs, "I'm contacting Mr. Kwon, stay with Soma, Tae is not home, Jimin and Yoongi are asleep."

Namjoon frowned before closing his door and quickly made his way up to Jin's room. His heart dropped to his stomach as he is met with a crying Soma wiggling uncomfortably on the bed. The room's atmosphere was way hotter than the hallway, expressing the heat she was emitting.

Jungkook mumbled things to her, probably to calm her down as she jerked away the water towel he had kept on her forehead. Jungkook hissed, wiping the sweat off his own forehead before placing his hand on hers.

He frowned before pulling away. "It's going to be all right, deep breaths, deep breaths." He mumbled placing his hand on her burning cheek.

Namjoon gulped walking closer as the tears falling from her eyes seemed more clear now. Jungkook picked up the water bowl from the side table before sparing a last glance at the suffering creature.

"I'm gonna go change the ice water, stay with her, don't do anything dumb. And for the love of fuck wear a shirt!" He whisper yelled the last part before walking out. Namjoon clicked his tongue before growling. "Manners."

"Fuck off." 

Jungkook spats before disappearing from sight. Jin raised him wrong. Namjoon shook his head, barely caring about the words that left Jungkook's mouth.

"Soma..." He croaked, as his feet took him closer to her scorching frame. The sleep in his eyes was long gone as he observed her painful expressions with a frown. 'Joon.' Soma choked a cry as she watched him inch closer.

He interlocked his fingers with hers as his eyes widen, if it wasn't for the physical touch he wouldn't have even known how serious this was.

He had read fevers were common in heat, but this was no normal fever. He could feel the sting on his skin. He couldn't even come close to imagining her feeling. His throat dried as he felt her grip tighten on his hand as if looking for comfort.

He opened his lips to say something before Soma retreated her hands to sign with shaking hands. 'It hurts, make it stop please.' She cried as tears stained her golden cheeks. How he hated when that happened.

Immediately his brain started running a marathon as he recollected all the information he had gained about hybrids. 

Ice towels wouldn't do shit. Her body wasn't entirely human, and all the first heat crap, really made him worry. A cry escaped Soma's lips as she squirmed uncomfortably on the bed that was understandably, very hot.

"Do you trust me?" He asked without thinking. His eyes bored deep into hers, her movement seized immediately after Namjoon's question. Her eyes immediately dilated as she nodded, Namjoon's lips lifted a little, barely noticeable.

He leaned closer to Soma's frame as her eyes widened. She placed her palms on his chest trying to maintain a comfortable distance. It was then that she realized he was chest naked. His heart pulsated harshly against her palm, like Jin's.

"Be brave for me then." He smiled gently placing a kiss on her temple. Soma frowned, still in tears. His arms smoothly slipped under her frame picking her up. She yelped, as her hands messily clung to his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his torso as he held her waist for support.

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now