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[Edit: Rewrote a little part, because, it was honestly too cringe and made me uncomfortable(I was too young when I wrote it, cut me some slack cmon...). It was shit, trust me, it's a lot better now, and grammatical mistakes are still there, they'd be edited altogether later, I'm so sorry for everyone who read this chapter before it was edited, it was really bad. Thank you~]

"They're, gone..." But the figure didn't budge. He patted her shoulders, she shot her head and gasped. Wow... No wonder Hoseok was generous enough. Her face was perfectly sculpted, but her cheeks were sucked up and she looked dull, her blue eyes, rosy cheeks, red button nose, and pale skin, had lost their color and grace. She looked like a beautiful painting that was probably kept in the attic for too long. And maybe... Just maybe he wanted to become that explorer who discovers this beautiful piece of art, renovate it, and keep it all to himself.

"I-It's her..." Jin whispers. Hoseok nods.

"Hey, don't be scared, I won't hurt you." She just looked here and there to find some help as she felt like she was in danger. "H-Here." Hoseok passes his overcoat, "It has a cap extension, you can hide... Umm, those..." He said awkwardly, as he gestured her to wear it. This was... unusual, VERY unusual. The last time Hoseok checked he was never this kind, he would never give two shits about anyone. But today... this hybrid was... well-

"It is..." Hoseok mumbles back. The pale and colorless cheeks were harshly stained with salty tears. The scared creature tries to shrink even more, in hopes this would make her invisible. New tears flush down her cheeks as small squeaking noises emerge from her throat. 

She was doomed. Her tears were blurring her vision she couldn't see anything. But she could smell something familiar. That is when she felt one of those scents extremely close to her, she shoots her eyes open as she finds Jin crouching beside her. 

She tries to crawl back but to her disappointment, there was no space to. Jin raises his hand to keep it on her head, she sobs louder and brings her hands together in front of her face. Rubbing them together, as if asking for forgiveness or mercy. She weeps as tears roll down her face. Her chest heaves up and down from the heavy breathing. His heart breaks at her sight, this cruel world did not deserve her. 

Jin brings his hand closer to her face as she inhales his scent. Her ears twitch. "I know you remember me... I promise I won't hurt you..." Jin whispers softly as her tears and sobs stop her ears twitching momentarily. Jin again raises his hand trying to reach her head but she hesitantly backs off. Jin sighed, as he tries again and this time, she didn't back off.

Jin smiles as his hand comes in contact with her hair. He softly pets her between her ears as soft purrs emerge from her chest. Her eyes close as Jin softly scratches her scalp, keeping his distance from her ears, they were highly sensitive and he knew that. 

After a good five minutes, Jin stands up, a hiss escapes the kitten's mouth as she feels uncomfortable with her pets being gone. Jin chuckles, Suddenly Hoseok's enthusiastic voice fills the air. 

"Hey, You remember me." The voice startles the hybrid as she quickly crawls behind Jin's feet and peeks through them. Jin smirks at Hoseok. As he just rolls his eyes. "Where's Yoongi?" He asks. Hoseok scoffed and said. "That brat said he might get 'diabetes' from all the sweetness... So he left" Jin chuckles. But frowns when the kitten tugs on his pants.

"Oh my-! Yoongi! May I ask you why the hell is she not wearing anything?!" He shouted. "She came in like that!" Yoongi shouts back. "Then for god's sake, you should have-" He pinched his temple and sighed. "Wait here sweetie, I'll get you something." Seokjin softly says, his voice as soft and motherly as ever. He walks towards his closet.

"Hey, remember me?" Hoseok chimed while smiling. She hesitantly nodded. Hoseok walked closer while she shuddered. "Umm... I don't think it's a good idea to be seated on the floor for the entire day, right?" He asked softly. He learned that it would help a better interaction if he softens his tone for once. 

She hesitantly nodded again, Hoseok smiled. "Here, I'll help you up..." Hee slides his arm behind her waist. And softly pulled her. She gripped onto his sleeve for support. As she stands. Her legs were still wobbly. He hums and then says. "Maybe, this-" With that, he lifts her off the ground into his arms. "is better." 

"Here," As Jin brings a pair of fresh clothes she could wear, he frowns, "I think it'd be better if you bathed, before changing..." He mumbled. Instead of the bed he walks towards the bathroom door, holding it open as he smiled at the hybrid.

"Hun, why don't you take a shower, first?" She nodded with a small hestant smile. Hoseok reached out his palm that she takes before standing up with a wince. "Everything you need is in there, someone will bring a few other things for you after you are done showering." 

Later the hybrid exits the room behind Hoseok, he talked on his phone as she took small steps behind him while gripping on his sleeve. Hoseok's face was dead serious, he was losing his temper, something happened. Hoseok looked over to Jin, he had his white shirt folded to his elbows as he sizzled something on the pan. 

"Hyung, can you please..." He says walking to his study. The hybrid whimpers when Hoseok walks away but calms down hearing Jin's soft voice. "Come here kitten, He's kinda busy..." He says as he gestures for her to come closer. Jin wipes his hands as he says, "Honey, I'll just wake the boys. Alright? Can you stay here for a sec?" He says softly. 

She lightly shakes her head in a no, Jin sighs and walks closer to her leaning to her smaller frame, Jin smiles, "Please? we'll have breakfast once I return..." He pets her head softly and hummed. The hybrid nodded. Jin smiled, the hybrid copies his actions and grinned, Jin gasped, she was beautiful~

He ruffled her hair and walks upstairs. She looked around in nervousness when she hears footsteps, a few meters away from her position, that is when her nostrils introduced an unfamiliar fragrance to her. The person was male, this made her scared. The scent was calming, like old books and wine, kinda opposite to Jin's, he smelled like fresh vanilla. 

The steps came closer, Soma froze, the person was just a few steps away, that's when she hears a deep voice. "Who are you?" The voice roared, domination dripped off his voice, the feline sank even smaller. Felling such a strong male dominance made her feel undersized and subordinate.

"Answer me."

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Now that I am calmed down, I would like to thank all my nerds, who are here, because y'all the book just reached 70 reads... And I feel great.


Luv you bishes, thanks.


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