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Soma sucked in a deep breath and knocked on Yoongi's door. There was no absolute response. That is when she heard a low yawning voice, and the soft smell of honey hit her nostrils.

"He ain't here." An adorable Jimin mumbled rubbing his sleep from his eyes. Soma cooed at the presence. But then she frowned at him. If he wasn't here. Then where was he? 

"Must be in the-" His voice was cut off by a yawn. Jimin's eyes closed as rubbed them again. He sure was sleepy. "-Music room. Upstairs to the right." He said. Soma smiled and mouthed a thank you. Jimin hummed.

"Ah- And. You shouldn't go there." He said. Soma looked at him weirdly. Jimin just shrugged. "Hey, I'm the messenger." He raised his eyebrows mischievously while walking down the stairs as if he is drunk. Soma shook her head at him, with a grin. She rushed upstairs. 

Yoongi's scent. Oh, he sure was angry. She followed his scent to a room. A loud voice of stringing guitar broke through the room. Soma took in a deep puff. She felt like a lamb, dumb enough to enter a lion's cave. Her ears flattened on her head as she twists the knob. Peeking in she finds a room, it smelt like...


The strong smell of coffee beans with a spark of wood-

"What do you want?" A stern angry voice grumbled. The room was lit by the huge window through which the sun's light broke in. It was filled with instruments. A huge piano sat in the corner. A number of violin cases piled up in the other corner. A mic stood roughly in the center of the room. Three bar stools were placed around it. Different guitars were decorated on a wall. Beautiful flutes placed in order on a desk in the corner. An antique couch to the wall on which there was a shelf.

The shiny golden letters on the back of the books shone, reflecting the light that was trespassing the window. Yoongi sat on a stool kept by the huge window. A guitar on his right lap as he tuned it to his liking.

Soma softly walked closer to him. "I said, what do you want?!" He asked. His head snapped in her direction. Soma flinched at his voice. Her tail stopped moving and her ears flattened on her head. Her nose twitched.

Yoongi pinched his temple in anguish. "Why are you here?" He asks gently. 'Came to see you.' Soma carefully signed. He scoffed. "Why? I thought u were busy flirting. With that ass." He asked in annoyance. Before turning his attention back to the guitar.

Soma sighed as she walked closer to him she kneeled down in front of him on the floor.  As she tried to catch hold of his eyes. Yoongi didn't even spare her a glance at her desperate self, as his fingers strung the stings.

Soma placed her palm on his fingers, gripping them. Yoongi's heart palpitated as his stomach twisted. His shoulders vibrated as he released a deep breath. 

"Do you love Hoseok?" He asks. His onyx eyes locked with hers. Yoongi was skittish. He knew her answer would be a 'yes'. But he still wanted her to say it for once. It would be easier for him to break free from her if she says it.

Soma looked at his eyes with tenderness and nodded. Yoongi's heart sank as he started removing his hands from her grip. But she only gripped tighter. 

'You too'

She mouthed. Yoongi looked at her wide eyes. 'I love you too, Yoongi Oppa.' She smiled. Yoongi gulped at her gestures. "What?" He knew what she said. Loud and clear. But he just wanted her to say that again.

'I love you' She smiled. Yoongi's cheek steamed bright red. "Okay." He mumbled shyly. Looking down at his guitar. Soma smiled teasingly as she hummed at him with a  frown, pretending as if she didn't know what he mumbled. "Shut up."

He rolled his eyes. Soma laughed softly. Making him smile slightly. 'Oppa...' She softly mouthed. Yoongi hummed looking at her, loving the new name. 'I wanted to say sorry.' She signed nervously. Yoongi smiled. 

"If I get a kiss then, I'll think about-"

Before he could complete his sentence Soma took away the guitar and sat on his lap stamping a long kiss on his gummy cheek as her palm cupped the other one. Yoongi's face turned beet red. "I-I forgive you." 

Soma giggled at his flustered face.

The delighted hybrid sat on the floor with her hands supporting her chin as she stares at Yoongi's slender fingers dancing on the slim string of the guitar. Beautiful music flowed through the guitar. A small smile is placed on his lips as he looks at the girl softly swaying to the melody. 

'Your smile is beautiful.' She signed. Yoongi softly chuckled. 'Your laugh is beautiful too.' Yoongi flustered as he cheerfully took in all the sweet compliments. 

Soma's eyes lingered on his face. His silky hair came between his eyes. Silky black hair. He was perfect. 

Like Jungkook...

Like Jin...

Like Hoseok...

Like Jimin...

Like Taehyung...

 Like Namjoon...

These men were beautiful, inside and out. Yoongi didn't smile too often, but that was not something that pulled him back. it just made his smile even more special. His gummy smile would make her heart go Boom Boom.

And Jungkook, don't even get her started on Jungkook. His bunny smile was life-taking. He was just so innocent and cute. His dark brown hair was perfect. He was shyer and innocent-looking. He too somewhat like Yoongi wasn't confident about his smile. She had noticed him covering his face whenever he would laugh... But still, he was one ravishing man.

And Kim Seokjin? Speaking of beauty. God must have kissed his hands after he made that guy. Jin was everything, a girl needs in a husband. Seokjin was just perfect in any role of life. That guy would be a great boyfriend, a wonderful best friend, a perfect husband, a lovely brother, and the sweetest father. 

Jimin was just the charmer. One could worship him all day long without getting tired. He was ethereal. Aside from his habit of flipping hair and biting his lips. Whenever he broke into a smile his eyes would disappear. He was the perfect mixture of cute and hot.

Hoseok was not different. He looked like total boyfriend material. One could ask nothing but Hoseok in their partner. From his gleaming smile to his bright nature. He was all someone needs to get over depression. A look at his sunshine face, and your soul smiles...

Taehyung's bright blue hair caught attention almost immediately. The radiating boxy smile of his could be the reason for many deaths out there. No matter how innocent his features were. Soma always had a feeling he had a great sinful side hidden from the human eye.

And finally, Namjoon...

He sure was stunning. Apart from the other six boys. He was the definition of hot. His fierce dragon eyes could make a girl fall for him in a matter of seconds. His silver hair just added to his cold outside layer. But his soft brown eyes told a different story as if he was something no one could expect him to be. 

It was fair to say, any girl living with these 7 men could fall for at least one of them within a week. And Soma was no exception

Other than a single thing.

She did grow feelings but they were not just for any one for them, 

She liked them all...

Okay, ladies. 

What are we thinking?

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