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"H-Hyung I might- need a few extra hands- here-" Yoongi yelled from inside his room, Jin frowned on the other side. 

The heat explains the thirsty look from earlier-

The sudden change in Yoongi's behavior pissed off Soma, she growled softly, her hands dominantly wrap around his neck pulling him closer, her lips shamelessly savoring his as if she would die the moment she pulls away. 

Fuck, the heat explains this!

Yoongi pulls away his hands. Control yourself Yoongs, this ain't her. Soma's feet hit the floor, a louder more aggressive growl scratches through her throat, his fingers glide over his naked chest, scratching it. "Fuck." He groans in pain. 

"Okay I don't give a shit I'm coming in!" Jin yelled already aggravated by the growls and groans. The sight in front of him made his blood run cold, Soma's hands entangled around a half-naked Yoongi... making out.

His fists clench, wanting to beat the shit out of someone. His eyes filled with rage glide over their state-

"Hyung she's in heat! Help!" Yoongi yelled pulling away from her, Soma growls uncomfortably, trying to stick to his body. Jin's eyes snap back to life at his words. 

"Joon!" He yelled quickly rushing between them and peeling Soma's wrists off of Yoongi who fell back heaving. "She's damn strong what the fuck!" Jin groaned as he tries to hold her back. He peeks behind to find sharp scratches on Yoongi's chest and collar. 

"Yoongi! You are bleeding!" He exclaimed. "That explains the stinging-" He grinned smugly, too amused to feel the pain. "What happened?!" A heaving Namjoon ran in followed by Jimin and Jungkook stumbling on the doorway, 

"Heat, happened! Jungkook, Chim, hold her down please." Jin groaned in response to Soma's heavy aggressive growl as he harshly pinned her on the wall. "I am so sorry, my love." He mumbled. "You don't want this, trust me." He sighed. "Joon, call Kelly, I'll check on Yoongi-"

"Okay Okay chill-" Jungkook ran towards them replacing Jin's hand on her wrists. Soma growled ferociously. Their scents were driving her crazy with every passing second.

"Kelly?" "Be fast Mr. Kim I have a meeting." "Soma's in heat." That was probably all it took for Kelly to wrap the situation around her head. "Can you explain her behavior to me right now?" She asked awkwardly, knowing a phone call wouldn't be the best way to discuss this, but this was the most she could do at that point. 

"I- I don't know she's, she tried to- well- as it seems- before we came she was with Yoongi, and uh- she's really aggressive right now, Jungkook is holding her down-" 

"How long?" She spoke with a suddenness. "Huh?" Namjoon frowned. "How long has she behaved like that?" "Well- She was fine for a while now? Maybe 5-6 minutes?" Kelly hummed. "She should feel a sudden fatigue in a while now, and that is considered normal, so if she faints or something, don't panic, I'm coming to the mansion, give me an hour. She'll be fine don't worry, hm?" 

As if on cue, Jungkook's grunts were silenced and replaced by his confused and concerned voice. "Uh- guys-" Namjoon looked over to find Soma's body softly slowing down he disconnects the call placing the phone in his pocket, Jungkook loosened his grip as he felt her stop pushing him. Her eyes fluttered tiredly. 

her body finally gave up as she falls n Jungkook's chest, limp, but breathing

"I- Did I- Hurt her-" Jungkook's voice shook with guilt as Everyone looked in their direction. "No." Namjoon clicked his tongue, "lay her down, Kelly's coming." He sighed walking up to the Younger male helping him pick her up. 

The Hybrid | Bts Ot7 fanfic (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now