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"But why Hyung! Why can't we just-" "We can't." Jin sternly said cutting off Jungkook's protest as he walked down the stairs in a hurry. "He is right Hyung! Don't tell me u will forget him after what he has done with Soma!" Taehyung argued further, Jin just sighed ignoring Tae.

"And what about the attack! How dare he enter our mansion-" 

"Who attacked our mansion, Jimin?" Jin asked stopping midway. Jimin scoffed. "Of course, Sehun-" "prove it," Jin said cutting in between. as he slowly turned around, facing the younger. "What do you mean-"

"Prove it. That he was the one who had planned it." Jin said looking at the younger with stern fae as their faces fell down. "Come on smartypants! Prove it." He finally sighed as his fingers come up to rub his temple. "We may be mob leaders or shits, but we do follow certain regulations."

"And about what he did to our mansion, I won't spare him." He said looking at Jimin, "And as for Soma... Bastard shall pay for every tear that has left her eye." He muttered before walking further.

"Hello..." Jin said ignoring Sehuns enthusiastic arms ready to engulf him in a hug with a stern face. Sehun's smile uncomfortably shrunk as he laughed. "Of course, Kim Seokjin..." He grinned taking his hand in for a shake. "Always very formal..." 

Jin hummed as he brought his hand back in his pockets as he walked towards the table, "Hyung." Hoseok respectfully nudged his head moving out of his way as Seokjin settled on his chair. 

"So, what can I do for you...?" Jin asked gesturing for the dark-haired male to sit down. Sehun grinned, "Oh you have already done enough..." He smiled. "I am here to take what,s mine..." He smiled.

The mint haired supposed bodyguard extended an Ipad towards Jin as he suspiciously took it. Jin's eyes fell rock hard as he saw a video of him and Soma hugging. He was bought back to reality by an annoying voice, "Good work Suga, you really are the best." 

"Mark had to fight off your security system to reach that camera." He sid turning behind, towards a pissed of onyx eyes male. Jungkook placed a hand on his hyungs' shoulder as if calming his hot nerves.

"Now, for the hybrid. I wanna take her with me today itself, you know how packed our schedule can get-" 

"I am sorry, Mr. Oh..." Namjoon said walking closer as he opened the buttons of his coat before settling on the chair beside Sehun. "We have nothing to give you..." He extended his hand for the Ipad as Jin sighs softly before giving it over to the silver-haired male. 

"This ain't real, you and I both know it." He said, passing it over to Sehun with a bored face, all the eyes turn to Sehun as he smirked before leaning over to catch Namjoon's dragon eyes. "You have my hybrid, you and I both know it.

"And we made a deal, did we, not Hoseok?" He said looking over to the chestnut-haired male standing behind Jin. Hoseok smiled softly. "Did we?" Jungkook and Jimin slightly chuckled at Sehuns face. 

"Yes! We did! Your arsenal-" "Control your voice, Mr. Oh. This is our region." Taehyung reminded, balancing his platinum pen on his index finger as he leaned on the shelves. "And about our arsenal..." Jin softly smiled before leaning back on his chair.

"We won't be needing your help." Jin continued as he opened a drawer as if searching for something-

"What do you mean?" Sehun said, his voice full of confusion, "Wait... you didn't get the news yet?" Namjoon said, showing face sympathy as he sighed-

"M-Mr. Oh, it's for you..." The mint-haired male mumbled passing over a phone to his boss, Sehun huffed. "I'm busy!" He mumbled through gritted teeth. "You might wanna take that..." Hoseok smiled with his tilted head. 

Sehun took the phone with shaky fingers. 'Sir, o-our base... It's wiped out...' Sehun's heart dropped to his stomach. "Which one..." he managed to whisper. 'The one where we kept the new weapons, y-you know, the ones we-'

"Someone forgot, who we were," Jin said opening a black file in his hands, Sehun's eyes raise towards The hazel-haired male. "We taught him who we were, and what his place is..." He smirked as his once soft hazel eyes glimmered with pride...

"The treaty between the Kims and Ohs ends today, Oh Sehun, we are no longer answerable to you," Namjoon said passing out the documents to Sehun, who had his dark eyes widened in surprise. 


"Get out before we escort you-" Jin said closing up the file-

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS-!" Sehun yells as he stands up with a jerk, Before he could do anything, Namjoon grips his collar. "HOLD YOUR TONGUE ASSHOLE! ONE MORE SHIT FROM THAT MOUTH AND WE TEAR DOWN EVERY DAMN MUSCLE IN THIS BODY!"

"The only reason you are leaving alive is out of our respect for Mr. Oh, but this will be the last time..." Hoseok said sternly. "Leave him, Kook," Yoongi mumbled as Jungkook grits his teeth at the Mint-haired male who looked back at him with rage. 

"Everything is fine, love..." Jimin chuckled as he munched on the cookies, Soma had baked, 'No, something is definitely wrong, You all seem a little off.' Jin who had been annoyed from all the discussion for the past 15 minutes sighed.

"We had a small altercation with an old friend, nothing more." Soma gasped, 'Did you fight?!' Yoongi stood beside her with a cup of coffee as he casually spoke, "Nah, things didn't get physical, we just yelled at each other." 

Soma sighed, her head resting on Yoongi's shoulder as she signed while looking at the maknaes, busy eating. 'So it's over now, right?' Taehyung smiled and nodded.

"It has barely started now sweetheart... Barely started..."

Guess who said that- XD

It was short, but was it worth it?

If yes, BITCH! VOTE!

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