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She turns around to be faced by a taller male. He was even taller than Jin. His dragon eyes were spitting fire, he was fair, he wore a black formal shirt, properly ironed, checked trousers, and a waistcoat, the same checked blazer placed in his arms, a fine pair of glasses stuck on his nose bridge, a noticeable frown settled on his forehead. Soma shuddered, she stepped back. "Are you Jin's girlfriend or something?" Namjoon asked with a hint of annoyance, how could something so endearing not be his but Jin's?!

The hybrid could not process anything. "Judging from those clothes, I suppose you are-"

"Hyung it's the hybrid from yesterday! She's awake!" A cheerful voice exclaimed. The hybrid's ears perked up as she shot her attention to the sound. A very attractive and half-naked boy- Err... man was rushing down the stairs with sparkles in his eyes. He wore grey sweatpants and his toned abdomen was perfectly on show, "Wow! You are beautiful! I saved you yesterday! Do you remember me?! Woah! Are those ears detachable!" As soon as the hyped-up Jungkook touched Soma's ears, she screamed and suddenly started shrinking, the clothes bundling up on the floor. Jungkook gasped, and so did the others.

"Jeon, What the fuck!?" Jimin shouted at the younger who scratched his head. "Uh, Did I kill it?"

"I... Don't think so..." Namjoon checked the fallen clothes when a black cat jumped on his lap. A beautiful purr rang throughout the room. "She just changed... I guess?" Namjoon said lifting the small animal as it looked over to Jungkook with its big blue eyes. "She's adorable~" Jungkook cooed. The kitten raised her paw towards Jungkook and meowed, trying to reach him, in no time she leaped from Namjoon's arms to Jungkook's. The bunny boy laughs happily as he pets her head. "She likes me y'all."

"What was the scream all about?! Did something happen?! What did you heartless monsters do to the poor girl?!" Jin shouts rushing down the stairs, but his anger vanishes when he saw a cute black cat in Jungkooks arms, it was meowing at Jimin who was making weird faces to keep it entertained. "Oh, sweet baby Jesus~!" Jin exclaimed. As he cooed at the sweet animal.

"What the hell! What did you all do to my kitten!" Hoseok screamed as he walked in with a gun. His breath was heavy, it seemed he also ran to the living room when he heard the scream. "Hoseok, look she just changed," Jin said petting the kitten's head.

"Hello?! Can I please know why the fuck, do we have a damn hybrid in our household?!" Namjoon shouted. The kitten presses its tail between her legs, Jimin hissed. "Hyung, you're scaring her-" Namjoon looks at him dead in the eye. The boys sat on the couch with the kitten drinking milk from a bowl on the kitchen counter.

"Hyung, we couldn't just leave it there... It was injured..." Jungkook whispers softly. Namjoon scoffed. "Injured?! Really Jungkook? You guys just see a pretty ass hybrid on the street, you feel like 'Wow, it's too pretty to resist! why don't we take it home! Jin hyung would be happy! Everyone would have company, Oh it's gonna be so fun!' Do you know how dangerous it can be for her, to be with us?!" Namjoon spat harshly. "Let's vote. There's seven of us, the majority win's." Jin says being the responsible adult he is. "Okay, that's great!" Jungkook exclaims. 

"Let's keep it!"

"Yeah, add me in!" Jimin says. "I wanna keep it too!"

"I... I think Joon's right. We cannot risk her life for our fun..." The eldest, Jin speaks understanding the situation as a mature big kid would. Namjoon nods. "Nice, So y'all know, I don't want it to stay either, I hate cats," Namjoon grumbled. A low gasp escapes his lips when the now full kitten rubs its head to his feet. She tries raising her paws to reach him, hoping he would pick her up. For a split second his eyes softened. "What's your choice now?" Jimin smirks. Numjoon turns his face back to serious as he glares at the younger. "The same!" He spat, jerking the black creature off of his feet. She just softly meaws in displease. She tugs on his pants again, making Namjoon groan. "Can we please continue! This little thing is annoying me right now!"

"I say we keep her..." Namjoon looks at him with a 'are you serious face!' To which Hoseok scoffs. "We all spent 6 hours at the Gym for what? Can't we take care of a small kitten?!" He grunts picking her up from Namjoon's feet who rolls his eyes. "Well, I don't like the Gym, The word itself is tiering," Yoongi grumbled as he gulped the water from a clear Jar. The guys were surprised they didn't see him coming down. "and I already have three kids to cope up with. I really don't want another. Just give her away to someone or a center or something-""Hey! Who you callin' kids?!" Jungkook shouts. "Shut up! Just forget that I was here..." Yoongi said walking up. "Taehyung is not here... That means-" Jimin spoke "It's 3 to 3?!" Jungkook exclaims. "So? Now what?" Jin says. "We throw it- I mean give it away." Namjoon smiles kindly at Jin. "Haha. Nice try Genius." Hoseok macked. "Yeah! She stays with us till Taehyung returns!" Jimin said snatching the kitten from Hoseok as he scratched her fur, she purred loudly. "Uh, Jimin If I were you I would have-" Jimin gasped as the kitten started to feel heavier, "I-I think it's changing..." Namjoon says. Jimin hurriedly places the kitten on the couch as her furs start dissolving whilst her size increased to show pale skin. The men who were once calmly settled on the couch were standing on their feet in alarm.

Suddenly the black cat changed to a black-haired female, a beautiful female...

A NAKED beautiful female.

"What in the holy-"

"Oh good, lord!"

"Someone cover her for fucks sake?!"

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