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Soma stood in front of the mirror in the room. She looked at her reflection. Her ears twitched her black tail swayed behind her. She wore a silk beige nightwear Jungkook had picked out for her. The whole day she couldn't help but wonder what was Namjoon even was angry about...

She had never lied to Taheyung. Maybe the blue-haired man had just spoken what he saw. And all that Namjoon told her was a way to tell her to stay away from the boys...

"Stay put in your fucking place." He did state a fact though. She was technically an animal only. Always inferior to humans, the superior species. Should she-

"Hey, Soma! It's me. Jungkook." Soma sighed as she looked at the door. Jungkook softly knocked. She took the silk robe from the bed wearing it. She tied it in front as she one last time looked in the mirror wiping her eyes clean. She then walked to the door softly pulling the door open. Greeting the older male with a smile. It was hard for her to curl her lips, they felt extremely heavy, as if they knew they did not deserve the smile. But it was not Jungkook's fault that she was sad. He deserved all the smiles in the world...

Jungkook smiled back. He was always so happy, she could smell his joy every time he smiled. The amount of positive energy emitted by him was always a lot; lifting the environment, no matter how heavy it was. "Can I come in?" He asked while shyly smiling. Soma softly nodded before opening the door wider for him to enter. She would often wonder if Jungkook was a secret rabbit hybrid, as his smile would always resemble a cute little bunny.

"I got you something." He smiled looking at the girl excitedly Soma frowned with a smile still gracing her full lips. She sat on her bed patting the place beside her to sit. She tried a lot to mirror his smiles, but she couldn't help, all the smiles she gave away today, never reached her eye. 

"This is my last phone, I bought a new one last week." He said referring to a new-looking android in his hand. Soma frowned looking at the small rectangular box, she had always been curious about it, after she had seen almost every human holding one.

She looked at it, wide-eyed. She then looked at him as she pointed at herself. Jungkook nodded while smiling. "Yeah, it is for you..." He spoke settling beside her, as he handed it to her. "I am sorry it is not new... I couldn't buy a new one, Jin Hyung is not here... If I'd use his card without him knowing, it'll probably add up to all the stress he already has... So... I thought you could use mine till he comes back. You need one after all..." He smiled, a beet red color spreading over his cheeks.

Soma awkwardly smiled holding the phone, having absolutely no idea what she had to do with the box-like structure which was probably made of black glass. Upon noticing Soma's struggle and hesitation Jungkook sighed. "I am sorry, I probably should have bought you a new one. Even its color is black-" Before he could stand up Soma softly held his hand.

Jungkook looks at her eyes to find them sparking magically as she gestures him to sit. He awkwardly removed his hand from hers as he sat back. 'It's not that-' Soma started signing. But then realized... He did not know language gestures...

"Don't worry, just mouth what you want to say, I have been studying lip reading with Jimin Hyung..." He smiled feeling proud. Soma raised an eyebrow, amused. 'That's great.' She mouthed. Jungkook nodded with a grin as he placed his left leg on his right one with sass.

Soma giggled. 'I... Like this... but the thing is... I... don't really know what this is... and how you use it...' She said, ashamed. Jungkook looked at her with a frown. He said. "Don't worry. I can teach you! I have nothing to do today, anyway."

He shrugged with a smile. Soma smiled at him looking at his features with adoration... 

She must have done some good deeds in her past life to have met with such an angel. Even his voice was beautiful. Dark brown hair gracefully fell on his forehead. His big doe eyes just looked so pure and innocent, if she was allowed she could stare at his face all night long, and not even blink. When she fell unconscious in his arms that night, she was scared alright. But she just knew, she was going to be safe. His button nose would scrunch just like hers. And her lips... Could she probably-

 "If I see you filling up their ears with any kind of shitty poison. I will skin you alive!"

She was listening to what Jungkook was talking about. But all she could hear was Namjoon's words. They just wouldn't come out of her head

Taehyung sat in the gaming room with Jimin, gaming controllers in their hands. "Did you see? Soma was acting weird today?" Taehyung spoke as he slaughtered fictional beings on the screen with a few flicks on the controller. Jimin hummed. "Yeah, I thought you were there with her when... You know. The nightmare." Jimin answered back, fighting the younger with equal force. 

"Nightmare?" Hoseok asked from the pool table as he positioned the stick to the eyeball while Yoongi studied his moves carefully. "Yeah. Did you not know?" Jimin asked. His words ended with a frown as his health decreased. 

"I didn't hear about it, No," Hoseok remarked, as he strikes the eyeball just to get disappointed as it misses his target by a millimeter. Yoongi scoffs. As he started positioning his stick to the now cornered eyeball. "You need to be attentive. Hope." Yoongi smirked acing two balls at once. Making Hoseok wince.

"We talked about it at the table, when Namjoon and Soma were in the kitchen..." Jimin continued. Taehyung sighed. He wanted to ask about the way Soma had been ignoring him since he saw her with Yoongi and Jungkook. But these bastards cared less.

"By the way... How did she end in here?" Taehyung asked. Hoseok smirked as he looked at Yoongi missing his target with a sigh. "A long story..." He remarked now positioning near the eyeball. 

"Well, I really don't have a flight that I need to catch tonight. So, I think you can start now." He said Killing Jimin for once and all. Jimin groaned making the Blue haired male grin. "Best of three." Jimin spat.

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[Yeah so, Thank you. This book just made up to 10K+ Views and 500+ Votes. And I couldn't be less grateful. It even has a good ranking in almost all the tags. If you are reading this, and if you liked at least one chapter of this book, I couldn't be any less thankful for your support. I am sorry if this chapter didn't live up to your standards but yeah, I tried. I am grateful. AF.]

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