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[Edit: Yeah, Your girl's editing a chapter again! But people this book touched #24 on trending(on #bts). OMFG! You guys. I am going bananas! I literally- There are more than a million books on it! And guess who did this?! All the lovely nerds in here. I love you! And all the support I have received, I am truly grateful for it. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!]

Namjoon's eyes flutter open as he feels soft tingles in his hair. He looks up to see big blue eyes and a beautiful grin. Soma smiled down at him as her fingers played with his silver hair.

"We are up early?" He said with a yawn escaping his lips and his rough morning voice scratches, his eyes barely open. Soma chuckled. 'You are early. I need to go and make breakfast.' She smiled. Namjoon groans as his nose scrunched. His head shuffles in discomfort on Soma's lap. "Five minutes... Please..." 

He mumbled, his voice raspy from sleep. 'I need to leave...' She smiled at his scrunched-up face. 'And you sir, have office in less than two hours. So you can sleep... But I need to cook breakfast. Jin Oppa must be in the kitchen, I need to help him, he already works enough-'

"F-First you tell me. What's this- this Jin Oppa?" He said, annoyance lacing his voice as he sits up straight. 'He's older remember?' She smiled. Namjoon scoffs. "You're twenty right? Well, I am 27 too! So according to that I too am your Oppa!"

Soma giggled at his rambling as she stood up, one of her hands ruffling his hair. He groaned as his silver hair fell on his forehead. 'Go to your room and sleep some more, I'll wake you up later, Namjoon Oppa.'

She smiled at his sparkling eyes as he nodded like a puppy, his scent getting stronger and stronger. She swore if he had a tail it would have been waging like anything at the moment. She giggled before walking away. 

"Som wai- I-I mean S-Soma, wait!" He exclaimed before jogging closer to her as he stood beside her. His neck turned red at his thoughts. His fingers come up to fumble with his ear as he looked away.

"I-I- Could I get a... You know..." He said looking down. Soma smirked as his feet moved in nervousness. She softly holds his jaw pecking his nose his eyes tore open looking at her face merely centimeters away. His cheeks flared. She smiled before nuzzling her nose before she walks away.

"Mother of-!"

Jin flinched when Soma hops on the counter right beside where he was working. A huge grin spreads on his face as he looks at her smiling face-

"Doll, Good Morning- Oh..." Jimin's face turns sick when he looks at Jin standing near the counter. He groans as his hand wipes his face in distress. "Good morning, Jimin..." Jin smirked.

"What is this Soma? I thought the morning was our alone time!" He spats looking at Jin. The Hazel-haired male smirks. "Only until I was away... And now that I have returned. You cannot stop me from being with her."

Jin smirked spreading the batter on the pan with the spatula as he maintained a pretty unhealthy eye- contact with Jimin. Jimin felt a burning sensation under his skin when Jin's hand raises up to be placed on Soma's thigh. A smirk played on his lips. 

'I swear to god Jin-' He mouthed in anger as his fists bawl. 'You can't do shit dwarf.' Jin mouthed back, as they both took advantage of Soma sitting the other way from both of them as she hugged Jin's neck while he patted his back softly. His venomous eyes looked at Jimin as if he won a world cup.

"Doll, I was thinking about going somewhere, wanna join?" Jimin said. His eye contact did not break from Jin. Soma turns around with an excited face. She nods her head vigorously as Jin looks at Jimin with the same intensity as the blond smirked. 

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