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Soma's eyes fluttered open she found herself in the same place she had remembered. Her head stung, and as a groan escaped her lips, she felt a fluffy blanket that previously wasn't on her, now covering her frame.

As her senses returned she could smell all the men in the same room. Her vision returned and her body tensed. The couch in the center of the room was now turned to face her and Jin sat there, one leg crossed on the other and hands clasped on his lap.

The memory of the faint gunshot still rang in her ear. She looked at the other guys, Yoongi leaning on the wall to her right with Jimin right beside him, looking directly at her, hands in his jeans, his eyes blinked with a hint of guilt and worry. To her left, arms crossed leaning on the window was Namjoon, the man she kissed not too long ago. Jungkook sitting on the floor near the couch, on the same level as her, shivered as their eyes met.

Her grip on the blanket tightened as she finally eyes Tae and Hoseok standing behind Jin-

"Drink some water." Jin gestured to the sparkling still water in a glass settled a foot away from her feet. She vigorously shook her head, the ears on her head sat down on her scalp vanishing into her midnight hair. "Soma-"

Her body trembled at his voice as she gathered herself, trying to shrink. Jin's heart stung, she was scared of him. Frustration crept into his nerves, this wasn't right. "Okay, let's talk first." in a flash, he sat down on the floor in front of her. I small whimper escaped her lips as the distance between them reduced. Her knuckles turned white as she clutched on the blanket for life.

"Give us 10 minutes, sweetness. After that, we promise we'll leave... and you don't have to see us ever again," Yoongi mumbled loud enough for her to hear, in the sweetest voice he could muster. 

"If that's what you want, yes, we promise." Namjoon nodded.

Jin looked at Namjoon before he gave him a soft head nudge. Jin's hand traveled to his back. Soma's heart accelerated and almost stopped when he brought it back, a shiny black piece of metal was placed on the carpeted floor between them. A gun.

Tears oozed out of her eyes. 

The weight of that small metal scrap crushed her hopes. Crushed were the wishes of her heart, hoping what she saw was a crazy image of her mind, and her Jin had not done something like that, her poor eyes, still in hope for a sign of denial looked at him, Jin's hazel eyes stared into hers, with an emotion she couldn't define. 

It was his way of telling her what she thought she saw, was real, he... was a murderer...

"I shot him." The words tore through the tension like a bullet and Soma nearly lost her breath. "He came to get you, to hurt you." He looked back down at his gun, contemplating what he was supposed to say. 

"Not only him, more than 25 men, came to get you that night," Hoseok spoke, Soma's eyes dilated further. "Hoseok-" Jin started slightly turning his head to his back. "We killed them all." Taehyung continued, with a shrug.

Soma gulped the lump in her neck as she choked on her tears. It was getting worse and worse. Jin closed his eyes, at least the cat was out of the box now.

"None of us are ideal people, sweetness," Yoongi spoke matter of factly. "We hunt, we harm... we kill." Soma buried her head into her knee. 

Where she grew up was a place where lives were taken. It took her years to get over the fact that the man supposed to play the role of a father in her life, killed people with the same hand he used to feed her as a child. Her brothers were killers too. Being born in a family of mafias she had seen how it ended. 

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