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"Yoongi, what's up with the hybrid?" Hoseok asked placing a black coffee on Yoongi's desk. The room was dark but still lit. The whole wall in front of Yoongi was filled with Screens. Yoongi hummed. "I was loading her information," He spoke, sipping onto the coffee. The first image that was being uploaded on the screen was that of the panther, (The hybrid's panther form) When the picture was displayed. Hoseok hummed. "That's... one really exotic hybrid, Now I see why Sehun was going cats and dogs over this thing." Yoongi looked up at the screen with a frown. "Yeah..." The door of the room softly got opened by another man. "Hey,- Woah! Would you look at that..."

Jungkook gasped staring at the monster on the screen. The picture was of a fully grown black panther. But something that struck him was its eyes. They were, blue. The glass blue spark of those eyes was a little too familiar for his great memory. "Hyung... C-Can you zoom in the eyes please...?" He spoke with a stammering voice. Yoongi nodded with a bored frown. Zooming into the animals' eyes. Soon the familiar eyes hit him.

Jungkooks eyes grow bigger, at the sight of a cute little girl sitting in front of the truck, She had a lot of blood dripping down her head, but it was a miracle that she was still awake. Her beautiful skin was all covered by bruises. Her eyes mirrored his face, she looked so precious, her luscious black hair flew with the passing wind. Her pale chapped lips were shivering.-

"Wh-What the ?!" Jungkkok shouts. How could he forget those eyes he had seen them a few days earlier. The pearl blue eyes of Soma were not something he would forget so easily. Jungkook's yell was followed by a heartwrenching scream. The loud sound startled the bunny man. Jungkook stormed out of the room. "What the hell?!" Yoongi yelled.

While Yoongi was busy looking at the door, from where Jungkook left, Hoseok gasped as he looked at the human figure, now visible on the screen. "H-Hyung... I-Isn't that the hybrid..." Yoongi looked back at the screen only to let the coffee slide from his fingers. "I-Its h-her?" "But how?! She was a kitten-" He was cut off by loud noises. Loud painful screams erupt, as it shakes the two boys. Followed by a ferocious growl.

"What the fuck?!" They yell in unison and rush downstairs.

Soma's body ached, she felt her bones crack, a heartwrenching scream escaped her lips as she falls onto her knees, her fingers turned black with shiny fur erupting from her arms. Her long pale legs soon changed into animalistic limbs. The last scream scratched through her throat when a finally ferocious black panther held the ground. Soma now had zero control over herself, but she believed this form. Even tho she was untameable. She would die for the life of her masters. She snarled at the unfamiliar scent and charged towards the kitchen. As her saw filled the Kitchen, a loud glass crashed followed by a curse.

"Ow-What the-?!" Taehyung cursed as he looked over the black grown-ass Panther. Out of instincts, the panther snarled at its supposed prey. Showing its teeth and domination. Taehyung freezes. The animal hops on the counter stalking back and forth, to find the best spot to attack. It continuously snarls at the handsome man. Taehyung carefully reaches out for his pants' back pocket, soon he felt the familiar cold metal. He was lucky he still had his click pen. Taehyung snaps his fingers as the animal growls.

Snap, snap.

And the animal's eyes followed the sound of his snapping fingers, when the snarls and grunts of the Panther calmed down, he replaces the snapping fingers with the clicking of a beautifully platinum engraved pen. The animal was getting carried away by the soft unique sound. "Here, here," Taehyung whispers cautiously as he clicks the pen near his face. And the moment he catches the blue glass eyes with his chocolate ones, he snaps his fingers one last time before he commands. "Sleep." Soma perks up. The room suddenly fell silent for her, as she felt her muscles loosening. And in no time the heavy animal falls unconsciously on the counter, with its paw hanging down, falls unconscious on the countertop. Taehyung huffs as he wipes the sweat on his forehead.

He then walks towards the animal. It was beautiful. A few seconds pass and loud steps followed his way, many men dressed in black suits enter with huge guns pointed at the animal. Taehyung opens his mouth to speak when a panicked Jungkook Jumps from the stairs. "H-Hyung!" Taehyung pitches his temples and sighed before dismissing the guards. Assuring them the animal was not waking up any sooner.

"Hyung! Don't tell me you killed her!?" Jungkook yelled at Taehyung. "You don't expect me to play with a goddamn predator who was a few bites away from tearing me apart, inside my own fucking house," Taehyung yelled.

"We actually do," Yoongi spoke with a heavy breath. "Sh-She is ours," Yoongi said catching his breath. Taehyung frowns. "Seriously?" Jungkoook hummed as he observed the Panther. His eyes pooled with tears. "Y-You killed her..." Taehyung scoffed. "I didn't, she'll wake up tomorrow." Jungkooks wet eyes sparkle as he softly petted the panther's head. "I... don't understand... why do we have an animal? That too a panther? Does Jin Hyung know about this? Oh, Y'all are so dead when he knows that you have adopted an animal-" Taehyung laughed. "That is NOT an animal." Yoongi spats. "It's a hybrid..." Hoseok said as it gently pats the black fur of the beautiful predator. "Call the others, there are things we need to discuss," Yoongi said, pinching his temple. 

The room was silent. "So we finally have something on Sehun." Namajoon slurped onto his coffee as the others were silent. "Excuse me! Can I know what is happening?!" Taehyung slammed his fist on the table. Yoongi clicked his tongue. "Shut up." Taehyung scoffed. "But wasn't she a kitten... We all saw her in her kitten form right? That panther can be just another wild animal from the forest..." Jin silently spoke, hoping his words were true. "Yeah? Just 'Another' panther who made it inside three barrier protection?!" Jungkook spoke, totally annoyed. He did have a point. This mansion was perfectly secure. A mere panther would not be able to make it inside. "Yeah, and the details. She IS a panther hybrid." Yoongi spoke. Jin clutched his fist.

"So... Currently, we have a mysterious hybrid, which supposedly is Sehun's. And he does not know we have her. And... Yoongi, when did Sehun say, we needed to find her?"

"The end of the month," Yoongi spoke. Namjoon hummed "This is something. If Sehun took the risk of burglarizing our main arsenal, just to force our hacker to find this Hybrid... Then this thing must cost a fortune." Namjoon exclaimed. "Jungkook and Jimin. I have got work for you-"

"We are not selling her off," Jin muttered. "What?" Namjoon spoke looking at the older. "You are NOT going to sell her." Namjoon sighed. "Hyung we have to"

"I don't care. Do what you want. I don't know why you hate her, but she is not going to be sold or separated from me!" Namjoon scoffed. "I was not selling her off Hyung, but you cannot keep her. She belongs to Sehun." Namjoon spats. "I'll buy her," Jin spoke confidently. Namjoon laughed. "That'll be dumb, we won't let you spend money on something that is going to be nothing but a burden," Namjoon spoke through gritted teeth. "Sufficiently." Jin smiled. He stands up and Sarcastically grinned at the members.  "Then my dear friends, her supposed owner shall die." With that being said a scary Jin stormed out of the room

"Ever seen Jin Hyung this angry..." Jungkook whispered. "No, I-" Yoongi mumbled in between. "I have." The two boys shot their heads in Yoongi's direction. "When the last time he was this angry...-"

"He had killed his uncle." 

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