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When they reached down in the dining room...

 Yoongi's eyes slightly widened. Jimin's mouth fell ajar, Hoseok coughed out all the water he was drinking. Jungkook stood up abruptly, even Namjoon's expressions were sterned. Jin softly places the hybrid on a seat beside Jungkook. She smiled at him, Jungkook settled uncomfortably, he looked back and forth between Jin and Soma furiously, while they shared sweet smiles with each other.

A few minutes later. Jin smirks and addresses everyone. "So... If we are done with the glares, can we start eating?" Namjoon scoffs as the maids start placing the food on the table. The hybrid scrunches her nose at the steak. Jin frowns. "What is it-"

"Don't worry, there is tuna for you," Yoongi spoke while chewing onto his food. No matter how much the male tries to not make it obvious, everyone knows, he cares for the girl as much as Jin. The hybrid grinned at Yoongi as a maid places the Tuna on her plate. Jin smiled at Yoongi, to which he rolled his eyes. After dinner. Every one was doing there own stuff, the maids had been dismissed already, Jin was talking on the phone in the study. Namjoon somewhere in the mansion. To be honest, he scared Soma, so she was least concerned with him, and he too preferred it that way. Jimin and Hoseok were gone for their 'work' which was yet to be figured by the kitten. Jungkook watched a movie on the TV in the living, while Yoongi... 

The hybrid found Yoongi in the kitchen. He was making coffee. She hummed no wonder he smelled like coffee and wood. His scent was a little authentic, and it calmed the girl to the core. Just like Jin's scent made her sleepy and comfortable. While Junkook makes her feel free. Yoongi looked at her with a bored expression, he looked back at his coffee maker and sighed. "Don't think about what Namjoon said earlier, he did not mean it." She looked at him and nodded while looking down. "Uh... Coffee?" She looked at him while he scratched his neck awkwardly, his cheeks squishy and red. The hybrid makes a stinking face at him, which slightly offended the male. 

"Don't tell me you don't like it..." Yoongi scoffed. Suddenly the hybrid started laughing, Yoongi looked at her annoyed. He walked closer to her and started pushing her outside the kitchen. She laughed even louder. before going out she smiled and kissed his cheek. something she had grown her liking to, after Jin woke her up a few hours ago. After realising what she had done she quickly ran away from there. Yoongi stood their flabbergasted. His cheeks burning bright red. Wow... He whispers.



"This is not working Hyung!" Jimin says. "Killing him would have been easy!" Hoseok hissed at the beaten-up man. "That makes sense," Jimin speaks while clicking his pen. "If only Tae was here..." Jimin groaned. "Even if he was here I wouldn't have spoken a thing." The man says through gritted teeth. Hoseok scoffs. "Can we kill him? He is annoying me!" Jimin speaks. "Believe me I want to do the same. But Namjoon won't be very happy now would he?" Hoseok speaks. "Maybe not," Jimin says. "But feel like I still have some business left here." He speaks throwing a hard punch to the persons face making him groan.

"You guy's can sleep," Namjoon speaks entering. The room grew tense, Namjoon didn't do the dirty work very often. "Hyung we can -" Namjoon looked at him dead in the eye. Jimin sighed. "Okay ladies, I'm off to bed," Jimin spoke as he exits the room, probably off to bed. "Namjoon, what happened?" Hoseok crossed his arms, looking at the younger. He knew Namjoon well. Something was off. Namjoon just sighed. "Not now Hyung... I-I just need some space." Namjoon huffed. Hoseok laughed. "Wish you luck!" Hoseok sang. Namjoon scoffs. "Seriously Hyung?" Hoseok smirked as he harshly gripped the man by his hair who sat on the chair tied. "Not you, IQ 148. I was talking to our Mr. Tough right here..." Hoseok smirked before jerking his head off after giving Namjoon a shoulder squeeze. He then left.

Namjoon sighed.

To be honest. He was disturbed. By everyone. All the guys. The hybrid was being around everyone but him. He hated the fact. She practically sat on Jin's lap. That was when his jealousy sprouted. It grew when Jungkook was holding her waist as he walked her in. Which was the reason for his small outburst. And his anger almost blew when Jin was carrying her down the stairs. He hated this feeling. Some part of him knew he deserved it for being a jerk. But he couldn't help being jealous. "So, you gonna do something? Please be fast. I need to sleep." The man spoke, He scoffed. He was proud that Jimin and Hoseok couldn't make him speak a word. He scoffed looking at Namjoon's unbothered back. "I guess you are just like-" Suddenly Namjoon turned around.

The man was silenced by something that was not quite noticeable. for a few seconds at least. As the man came to his right mind after a few seconds, he screamed at top of his lungs as he noticed a pen penetrated in his left palm the bloody half part of the pen was visible through the back of his hand.

The man cried, he felt the urge to hold his wounded hand, but couldn't. Thanks to the chains. He screamed louder. Tears escaped his eyes. Namjoon smirked as he leaned near his face, his right hand twisting the ball point pen inside his flesh mercilessly. "You know why they couldn't make you speak?" He says dangerously calmly.

The man screamed, not in the right ming to understand what Namjoon had to say. "Because they needed information from you, hence they had their limits." With one hard force the pen went deeper. The man screamed as he started shaking the chair. Wanting to get out of the hold of the chains. Namjoon gripped his hair harshly, trying to stabilize him. "I don't have no limits." He spoke to his face leaning further to his ear. "I have no fucking limits." He muttered through gritted teeth.

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