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In the last 20 years of her existence, she can proudly say her life has never been this beautiful. With these humans... 

It just feels magical and impossible. After all, magic is not really there, is it? This all might be a dream, a mere mystic illusion; she may be sleeping. And when she wakes up she shall be back in her reality. She might be forced again. But for this very moment, she wanted to stay here even if it meant as a slave-

"Soma?!" She flinches to find Hoseok shaking her vigorously. She softly holds his arm, Hoseok looked at her worriedly. "Are you good honey... You... you were crying..." Hoseok mumbled carefully. Soma laughs softly, wiping her tears. Hoseok hurriedly pulled her in a hug engulfing her frame. Her eyes again pooled with worm tears as the feeling of comfort washes over her. "Hey... Why are you crying... Don't cry, or at least tell me what's wrong..." He hushes softly caressing her hair. She just felt so happy. She softly nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck as she smiled. She was overwhelmed... 

Every night she slept, whether it be on a luxurious bed or bags of trash. She swears, she dreamed of a miracle, but even that miracle was nothing in front of these men...

"I just completed my mission, which means I am on a break. But what about you? You are on a holiday or what?" Taehyung asked Hoseok who was stretched on the couch just like himself. "Why do you care?" He hummed, his eyes fixed on the girl who sat on the floor with her eyes fixed at the tv in amazement. "What do you think about her..." Hoseok whispered to the younger. Taehyung sighed as he lay on the couch his elbow on the cushion with his palm supporting his head. "Beautiful?" He mumbled back. Hoseok hummed. "Do you think Namjoon's thinking about using her to destroy Sehun? I... don't feel it's a good idea to use her, she already looks so innocent..." Taehyung sighed, "I am scared of the day Namjoon interrogates her, he can become a monster sometimes..." He hushed back...

Yoongi was in his room doing some work, Jungkook and Jimin had already left. Namjoon was in his office, and Taehyung was with Hoseok and Soma. She watched some Kpop music videos on the TV.

"Should we watch a movie?" Taehyung yawned looking at his Hyung as his eyes drooped... "Yeah... This is pretty boring." Hoseok spoke as they had been sitting ideally for a few minutes now. Hoseok picked up the giggly hybrid from the floor placing her on the couch as she was awestruck by the handsome men on the screen. 

"No more boy groups for you Soma," Hoseok grumbled removing the colorful music video from the screen. Soma whined. "We are watching a movie, what do you think?" Taehyung said playing 'I am legend.' Soma grins showing a thumbs up. Taehyung looked at Soma almost cuddled up to Hoseok. "What? Are you both dating or something?" He muttered, totally annoyed. "Shut up, It's been a while since I saw Will Smith." He hummed, Taehyung rolled his eyes as he settles beside Soma. Soma watches in fascination. They were almost halfway in. Hoseok had left, for some 'work' as he referred it... 

Anyway, Sam died, (Samantha, the dog, *If you have seen I am legend*) and... Soma was crying... a lot, on Taehyungs shoulder. Tahyung was lightly petting the feline's head as she sobbed. It was amazing on his part for Soma to become this close to him in no time. But for the hybrid, the older male just gave her the feeling of safety, somewhat like Namjoon... 

"It's fine Soma... That is just a movie..." Soma sits straight looking offended. 'What do you mean?! She was the sweetest- Forget it, you won't even get me.' She huffed. "I can hear you." Taehyung smiled leaning his hand on the back of the couch with his palm supporting his smiling face. Soma sighed. 'So, you know sign language too?' She signed. "I honestly have no idea what you are doing with your hands." He laughed. Soma scoffs playfully. "But I can attend you from here..." He spoke poking her forehead. Soma raised an eyebrow. 'Then, you hear this right?' She spoke in her mind, not using gestures this time. Probably mocking the man with a scoff- 


Her eyes widen as she gasped. 'S-Stop.' She thinks again. "Still can hear you." He laughed loudly at her wide eyes. 'You read minds?!' She jumped up. "I do..." It had been seven years since he had learned mentalism. But never had he felt this proud. 'What is your name?' She tests him in her mind. "What was that...? Oh, my name? It's Taehyung, Kim Taehyung at your service." He smiled switching the TV off. Will Smith could wait, but the expressions Soma made were just amazing. 'What is my name?' She speaks. "Soma... At least that is what I was told." He shrugs amused. 'You can seriously hear me?!' He nods, with his eyes sparkling. Soma jumps in excitement. 'That's great!' She excitedly signed. Taehyung laughs."You... don't have to use expressions with me, just think, and I'll know." He smiled. 'So... like, if I am far away... and I need help... If I say, Tahyung save me. You will come?!' She excitedly grins settling beside him. He smiles and raised his eyebrows... "I.... wish this worked like that, but most probably no..." He nervously laughs. Soma slowly nodded.

"So, you usually cook, nowadays?" Taehyung asked, leaning on the kitchen counter as Soma wore Jin's pink apron which ended a few inches above the ground when hung on her body. She nodded while softly smiling. "So what's for dinner?" He asks, Soma smiled turning around to get the utensils from the cabinets 'What do you-'

"I can't hear you without eye contact, remember?" He spoke, Soma scrunches her nose and turns back around, her ears vanishing in her enchantingly black hair. 'I said what would you like to eat?' She says making intense eye contact with him. Taehyung smirked, leaning in, his nose a few centimeters away from Soma's "How about..."


I LOVE YOU ALL!!! I woke up this morning I was scrolling through my phone and there was a notification saying someone like my last chapter, so I just shrugged...

But when I opened my Laptop, my Wattpad account had 70 fucking notifications?! And I was like... bro! Stop kidding?! I opened my story and The story had reached 1.5K+ Views and 99 'friking votes?!!!!

I love you germs!!!!! I mean sanitizers- I mean angels...



Now. Vote. Or else. I'LL HAUNT YOU.

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