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In the gang, different work was appointed to different people. Like; 

Yoongi was mainly responsible for hacking stuff, he was also responsible for planning huge missions, Yoongi was someone known for his cunningness, he was a 'clever cat' but hey, DO NOT call him that under any circumstances; 

Namjoon was a professional lawyer who helped in maintaining the white collar of the members, he was the brain of the group. No deal or mission could be accomplished without his consent, if Namjoon gave a red flag, no one was supposed to go against him; 

Jin, worked as the face of the gang, he owned the Kim Enterprises, hence, he was the bank account of the group, he provided financial support to the group, consequently, his taste for materialistic things was very rich; 

Jungkook was a fighter, this guy had his hobbies as working out and playing battlefield games, he was a violent killer, it was almost as if something enters him when he starts fighting. Just know that if Jungkook was handling something no one had the need to interfere; 

Jimin... well, he was quite someone, his charms were inhuman, a look at his face and anyone would be fascinated, he was s seducer in a way, They say, his anger is silent, and it indeed was. Falling into the angelic charms of his beauty would be the death of the person, It was like he would tell you that he's about to kill you and you couldn't pluck a strand off his scalp. 'Jimin effects' as they say; 

Hoseok, another trained fighter you see. His adverse knowledge of arms made him the dark shadow of Jin. If Jin was the face Hoseok was the limb of the gang, he was the underworld leader ruling with the name of his gang. He's-- Well, you wouldn't wanna mess around with him. he was mainly responsible for the dirty work, assisted by his brother-like-friends Jungkook and Jimin. 3J's is something anyone would be scared of, these boys were known for their ruthless torturing; 

Now for the weird yet most amazing of them all. Taehyung Kim. Call him whatever you want... A psychic, a sadist, or maybe someone who enjoys others pain, he was the spy and the interrogator for the group, nothing was hidden from his eagle eyes, he could see the invisible, the cruelty he had hidden inside him often came out in the missions he used to perform. He was mysterious and was maybe good to stay that way.

Together, the seven boys were known as BTS. Or the bulletproof boy scouts. Just a fun name the maknaes decided to give the group. If you were to be on bad terms with any of them, you were on some 'NOT SO GOOD' terms with each one of them.

"You aren't coming with us that means?" Jimin asked as he crossed his arms. "Yeah, any problem with that? Cant the 'Big Boys' handle a single thing themselves?" Hoseok smirked as he sat on his desk signing some documents. Namjoon who was settled at the couch in the corner of the study, laughed while turning the pages of his novel "Big Bois?" He joked, soon joined by J-Hope. The two young boys clicked their tongues on the elders as Jungkook spoke. "Can we leave?" Hoseok hummed while coughing. The small laugh was still evident. Before the two boys left they smirked facing the Hyungs before screaming. "OLD HAGGS!!" With that, they sprinted off as Hoseok knocks the glass of water from the sudden shock spilling it over the documents. He hisses in anger before screaming. "You sick bastards!"

The mansion was chaos as always. Everyone going by their day, Namjoon was on a week off, Hoseok was doing some paperwork as he was headed to weapon deal the same evening, The 2J's Jimin and Jungkook were heading to sabotage a warehouse, Taehyung was out on a mission in London and Yoongi was sleeping. Other than these six members, Jin was working- No, thinking at the office...

"Sir? Boss? Mr. Kim? Sir?!" Jay shouted at her boss spacing out 3389th time the day. "Y-Yeah! What happened?" He asked while coughing and fixing his tie. "Mr. Jung is on the line..." Jin nodded as his secretary placed the phone on his palm. "Hello?" "Oh, finally. I thought you died." Hoseok jokes. "What were you talking about, this is my professional line," Jin spoke while hissing. "Okay, Mr. Proffesional, I just wanted to remind you about the deal this evening. Don't forget it like last time, it's important." Jin hummed. "Okay, that's it, bye-"

"Wait! Wait, I mean..." Hoseok huffed. "What now? Did you suck something up again?" Jin clicked his tongue "No~! I-I just, I met that hybrid girl..." Jin said. Hoseok frowned "The Luis Vuitton Jacket one?" Jin hummed while cracking his knuckles. "I Just wanted to confirm she had blue eyes, right?" Hoseok laughed. "Well I thought this was a professional line, now wasn't it?" Hoseok mocked. Jin closed his eyes in annoyance before harshly cutting the call.

"What the fuck Jin?!" Jin whispered to himself, no matter what he did; the pale face of the girl flashed in front of him.


"Bro, I swear to god, I saw him running." Jungkook whispers. "I know bro, I know." Jimin answers. Two brunettes stood in the middle of the forest right in front of a burning warehouse, Jungkook can get a little carried away sometimes. They were both dressed in black, Black helmets bulletproof vests cargo black pants. They looked like specially trained black cat commandos suddenly the earpiece Jimin wore, rang. "All the security cameras are burnt to ashes. Who the fuck told you to burn it down?! for god's sake, I'm basically blind now! How the hell am I supposed to keep an eye on your ugly asses?!" Yoongi screamed through it as Jimin glared at Jungkook. "It was Jungkook hyung..." Yoongi sighed, "Okay it's not a big deal, the mission is over anyways, bring the man back." Jimin frowned. "Man? Kook, do you remember Hobi Hyung talking about a man?" Jimin asked Jungkook who was cleaning his pistol from a small piece of white cloth sitting on a rock, he blew on it and nodded. "Yeah, don't you remember Hoseok Hyung told us to bring back a- Oh Fuck..."

"What happened Jimin?" Yoongi asked hearing noise from Jungkook. Jimin shuddered as he glared at Jungkook in anger and mouthed him. 'You Dumb Shit.' "Ah, Um Hyung, we might have... Killed everyone?" Jimin stammered as he bit on his lip. "Oh, YOU DUMB FUCKING BASTARDS!" Yoongi roared. "This is the reason I do not work with kids!" He was so annoyed. "You killed every single one?" Yoongi asks trying to put things in their places.

"Jungkook said he saw a man escaping," Jimin said, he could feel Yoongi smirk. "Now, Now. I like this kind of stuff, as I am in charge of you dumbasses today, what I say goes." Jimin looked at Jungkook while the muscle bunny had his curious eyes already lingering on Jimin. 'We are fucked.' He mouthed. 'How?' Jungkook questioned. 'Bitch I don't know?!' He whispers shouted. "So my snout dogs, get on work," Yoongi said.

"No Hyung you cant! We don't even know where he went?!" Jimin screamed there was no way they were finding him. The sun was also setting. "Well, No Shit Sherlock, You are going." The microphone stopped buzzing. "You damn bunny boy I swear to god imma rip your head off!" Jimin charged on the younger comrade. 

A little info on the gang I see... We're getting on track y'all!

And hit the star if you think it was worth it. <3

(IDK why it's important but yeah... Let's just go with it...?)

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